[Community Activities|A Letter to Myself Ten Years Ago] To Myself Ten Years Ago

熊太先森|NFT 社群研究
I am convinced that time is not as linear as most people say. Just as you are not what ordinary people say, you should not see and hear those "wonderful" beings.

To my self ten years ago:

I am convinced that time is not as linear as most people say.
Just as you are not what ordinary people say, you should not see and hear those "wonderful" beings.

Therefore, I desire that everything I do now can lead to a better future for you and your loved ones.

As you know, without the past self, there is no present self, so please continue to remember what happened in the past, and even look for the past that did not happen in your own timeline. Because next, if you still believe in those "wonderful" things, you will definitely be on the path I'm on now:

Whether it's writing, or "interpreting fragments of past lives".

Then you will find that despite countless people denying your opinion, the world is indeed changing little by little because of your own efforts. Maybe these changes are not as ideal, maybe things in the world are still unsatisfactory, and maybe losing will lead to unbearable pain, but the world is still slowly changing into another shape under this "belief".

At the same time, the people who love you are not all in reality.

Just like the full moon and Yingzhi in "Full Moon in the Galaxy", they can't see full of loneliness, but I must tell you that they are indeed living in your life, and you can chat with them to complain, but the form is a little different. A lot of people will tell you it's a mental illness, and that's not right, but as long as you're so sure that someone who believes in you will come to you someday, or already be there, waiting for you to find out.

Look farther, me ten years ago.

If time were not linear, I don't think you would have lived the life I did.
But that's okay.
Because you are you and I am me. So please live your life.
Then, maybe one day, I will be with you in your work or in the world.

You in ten years on October 10, 2021

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熊太先森|NFT 社群研究主修出版及印刷設計系,十年寫作經驗,曾入選 Mirror Spotlight,同時為 Penana 特約小說作者,將以人性、社群角度研究區塊鏈、Web3.0、NFT 等時事。合作、邀稿請電郵至 kumasanki@iboomcreative.com。
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