Although it's mentally ill

The picture book "The Dog of Spring" is about a puppy living under a tree. During the day, I had a good time playing with my little friend, but at night I was crying by myself. The tree beside me asked him what was going on, and the puppy said, "Our bodies are very honest, but our hearts are very good at lying and can't even tell the pain. ." Afterwards he said the reason why he cried was because he didn't want to be tied under a big tree, he wanted to play freely, he needed to be...
This article is my impression after reading the picture book "It's Okay for Mental Illness". If you like this picture book, you are very welcome to buy it and see it, and experience the story yourself!


The picture book "The Dog of Spring" is about a puppy living under a tree. During the day, I had a good time playing with my little friend, but at night I was crying by myself. The tree beside me asked him what was going on, and the puppy said, "Our bodies are very honest, but our hearts are very good at lying and can't even tell the pain. Afterwards, he said the reason why he cried was because he didn't want to be tied under the big tree, he wanted to play freely, and he needed someone to help him untie it; but the big tree reminded him: "It's not that you can't break free by yourself, It's just forgetting that you have sharp teeth."

Feelings - Pretend to be strong

Personally, I think this story can be divided into two parts. Let’s start with the first part, “Our bodies are very honest, but our hearts are very liars.” This part directly reminds me of pretending to be strong. It seems that a certain part of people will pretend to be strong and force a smile to comfort themselves by telling themselves that it is not that serious, but they are actually very sad. The picture book directly points this out. Although we are very good at deceiving ourselves, our bodies are very honest and we cannot control ourselves to cry.

In this regard, I don't think it's really necessary to make myself look strong, like a castle, only the front is very imposing and strong, but in fact it falls down when touched. Pretending to be strong can really save you from having to face these things, but if it’s not good to be in this state for a long time, and you don’t know when you won’t be able to pretend, it may lead to more serious problems; choosing to accept yourself is a good choice , that is, I accept the pain and sadness of me now, and let myself cry so that my emotions can be properly relieved. Then, I will find out the reason and find a way to improve it. You don't need to pretend to be strong in the face of others, but if you don't want them to be influenced by you, or you don't want them to know, you can choose not to talk to them and explain the reasons directly, but don't hide your situation.

Feelings - you are not powerless

The second part "It's not that you can't break free by yourself, but you just forgot that you have sharp teeth." I think this part is to affirm that you actually have a way. You may be bound by something, and he wants to tell you that you have a way to break free and that you should try to change, not just wait.

in conclusion

Although I divided this story into two parts, there is a connection between them. "Our bodies are very honest, but our hearts are very good at lying and can't even talk about pain." "It's not that you can't get rid of yourself, it's just that you forget that you have sharp teeth." Start with "You don't need to pretend to be yourself." Very strong, should learn to coexist with negative emotions, cry if you want to cry!” to “Maybe I have a way to deal with this thing that makes me feel bad, I should try to find a solution”. Let the emotions adjust and live with them at first, and then try to resolve or change them . I think that's the point of this picture book! What do you think?

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If you like this picture book, you are also very welcome to buy it and see it, and experience the story yourself!


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