Suffix X to read the special issue of Bar ─ "Give ㄋ a one-way ticket" invitation

What does death mean to you?
Taken from autumn and winter in Hakone, Japan


Death, is there temperature?

It means that life seems to be wandering in the mud of death from the beginning.

Is death as heavy as Mount Tai?

It doesn't seem to be necessary, so the pressure is too great. It is too troublesome to hold Taishan to be buried with you if you don't bring it in life or take it away in death.

Death, let him go?

You look at that cloud, it's so light and fluttering, floating over and swimming over, it's really pleasant.

Does death hurt?

Pain, pain to death.

Death, will my loved one be sad?

Love is as incomprehensible as death. If someone loves you, cherish it well, don't let love kill everything at the last moment.

What about you, what is your death?

Is it love? Those you love well, those are the worries that you can't let go of.

Is it hate? Choking with hatred, are you not afraid of choking?

Still reluctant? Thousands of threads are sticking together, why would you have thought about opening those knots carefully and carefully before you were alive?

We have to be good, don't get hurt or die, even if it's a little bit, I'm afraid that the world will hurt you in the slightest.

We all have to die well, at least as a rose and love you for a lifetime.

This time, let's hold on to this one-way ticket and set sail!

- 📙 Essay Topics-

What does death mean to you? Come and share your own death, don't be afraid or hide, we are all equal in the face of death, at least this time it's true. Write a suicide note? Or write about the death of some people, whether it's important people or insignificant people, after all, death is real.

As long as any text related to death, any unforgettable, piercing death we will accept.

- 📙How to Participate-

Suggested directions for content:

  1. My own analysis of death.
  2. Share how the death around you, the death of someone important or not, has affected you.
  3. Discussion on related topics, such as euthanasia, death penalty, etc.


The style is not limited to prose, sacrificial writing, suicide note, as long as it is related to death. The word count must be at least 500 words .

Post on Matters and please tag it: "Give ㄋ a one-way ticket" and associate this post . If you meet the invitation conditions and issue 300 likecoins for support.

- 📔Special invitation-

A suicide note with more than 500 words will be given 500 likecoins to support it.

-🕐Submission deadline-

Frost Sunday, October 23

-Example Selection-

@Unable to, <If you die, there will be no more. >

How did you feel when you faced death for the first time? What can we do in the face of the death of a loved one? The heavy snow in the sky, together with tears, condolences to those who have passed away.

I didn't insist any longer, but I was still unconvinced. One day, you will know.

@qiqi, "The consciousness of not being able to go home"

At the moment of death, will you regret it? Regret not seeing that movie? Do you regret not going to that water park? Or will you regret not reaching the "Happy Kingdom" in your heart?

So every day, I will make the awareness that I can't go home. If I leave like this, will I have any regrets?

@Doomsday Poison, <My suicide note-30-year-old suicide note>

The suicide note was closed, and the swirling tears almost escaped. I just hope that the little girl can still count the stars in the dark, even if she can't see anything.

The floor is cold, the wind is cold, the room is empty, the body has no temperature, only the tears are hot, the candles are extinguished one by one, the stars are gone one by one, the whole world is dark She closed Close her eyes, smile, it's okay, it's okay, she's not afraid of the dark for a long time. Finally, she can finally isolate herself from the world and let herself fall into a black hole.

- 🔎Related event notices-

Reading Bar will hold a "Life and Death Sharing Session" in the Discord community, and the sharing content includes related topics such as palliative care, nursing care, and euthanasia.

"Peace" is a problem that everyone may encounter. Most elders think that "Peace" is equivalent to "waiting to die". community) to implement a complete set of processes, how to implement it and who can implement it will be the content of the discussion at the sharing session.

For details, you can join the Reading Bar Discord and keep an eye on the community dynamics. Reading Bar welcomes more people who love learning to join, let's read together!

Taken at Puli Christian Hospital

- 🎊 Special thanks-

Thank you Matters for a comfortable and warm environment! And cute Dobby!

Thank you for the invitation to "Suffix" , and also thank the verifiers for their sponsorship. The total amount of this event is 10,000 likecoins , and the number is limited! Editor-in-chief @Jeger!

Finally, thank you to everyone in the Read Bar community for creating an incredible community together! Reading Bar is a social experiment of co-construction and co-learning. It is also a co-learning community that can drink. Regular reading clubs and irregular knowledge sharing sessions are held. You are welcome to join.

Community Portal: Read Bar


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