labour is the honour


I want to feel the beauty of the world through "hidden into the dust", but I don't know why, but I didn't get my tears (my tears are very low), is it because I live more miserably than them... So I fucked today He took up his pants and went to the vegetable field to pull weeds.

The temperature in the early morning was not too high. It looked like 27 degrees. I picked up the sickle from upstairs and went to the vegetable field. Although I saw my elders working in the vegetable field when I was a child, at most they helped to fertilize or put seeds and weeds next to them, but I never did digging, after all, I was too small.

It had not rained for two months, the ground had cracked and the grass had dried up. Therefore, weeding is also very easy, and it can be directly stacked and burned, and it can be used as a natural fertilizer for vegetables.

The vegetable field is relatively wide, and a person has been busy in the field for three hours. At 10:30, the high temperature is 32 degrees. After finishing his work, he packed up and went home. As for what kind of vegetables to plant, I have already prepared it, but I don't know if God will give me a meal


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tina1219平平淡淡的生活才最真实 生活中的小惊喜只是人生旅途中的意外收获而已 所以不必太得意
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