"Strangers Met in Namtso" (5) Everest Base Camp (III)

Maybe that's what their relationship is like. It seems not bad to end at Mount Everest. However, she asked herself: To end, there must be a beginning. Did they start?
Mount Everest

The next day, she woke up very early. Her head still hurts a lot, but maybe because she's used to it, she doesn't seem to be working so hard anymore. It was only then that she remembered that he and she had never been as close as that moment - they were almost sleeping face to face. It was still dark in the tent, she smelled his breath, heard his breathing, and knew that he was by her side.

The others didn't seem to wake up yet. When she moved, he also woke up.

They talked softly in their sleeping bags.


"Morning. Does your head still hurt?"

"It still hurts a bit, but it seems to be getting better, how about you? Did you sleep well last night?"

"It's alright."

"I'm getting up."

"I'd better get up first."

Said, in the dark, he first left her sleeping bag and returned to his bed. Then after a while, she also got up. Looking at his watch, it turned out that it was past six o'clock in the morning.

After she got dressed, she stepped outside the tent, it was terribly cold.


Mount Everest seen from the camp

Finally saw the face of Mount Everest in the morning light.

She was very excited.

The other group members also got up one after another to enjoy the beautiful Mount Everest with her.

He came over and stood beside her looking at Mount Everest. She asked him softly, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, just a little headache. How about you?"

"My head seems to be bursting, and it seems that other people have headaches too. But it seems more comfortable to walk around. I'm a little doubtful whether the headache is due to the mountain reaction or the lack of ventilation in the tent."

"There is also a chance."

The two of them stopped talking, quietly staring at Mount Everest in a daze, as if they were afraid of destroying this rare tranquility.

It was windy, and he was standing so close that she could smell the toner mixed with the tobacco he sprayed on her face.

She couldn't help but think of last night again.

Finally, Mr. Driver came out to remind everyone to hurry up, they still have a long way to go.

Back in the tent, we ate the breakfast prepared by the boss.

Why, the eggs there are particularly fragrant? Milk will be very sweet?

Is the food really delicious, or because the living environment there is more difficult, even if they eat the same thing, they still find it particularly delicious?

After breakfast, they set off on their return journey. The driver helped the two boys find vacancies for other carriages, so the whole group of four did not need to walk and left together in the carriage.

Back in the parking lot, and after a short rest, they went off-road again.

She knew that maybe after today, she would never have another chance. So she decided to stay in the back seat, sitting next to him, clutching his arms during the bumpy ride.

For her, that might be enough.

Their original itinerary that day was to go to Shigatse for a night's rest, and then return to Lhasa the next day. However, he asked the driver, Shigatse is actually nothing to see, they just went back to Lhasa and disbanded one day earlier, is that okay?

The driver thought for a while and said, yes.

So, they hurried for a day's journey and finally returned to Lhasa at 8 o'clock in the evening.

She and him returned to the familiar hostel again, and he and she were still in the bed next to each other.

They were exhausted that day, and after grooming, they both went back to their beds to rest early.

Maybe, she thought, that's how their relationship was. It seems not bad to end at Mount Everest.

However, she asked herself: To end, there must be a beginning.

Did they start?

(To be continued)


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