I miss Chinese food when I travel

Department Store Food Street
Long-lost beef noodle soup

Since I started traveling, I have been eating western food almost every day. I haven’t eaten Chinese food for almost two weeks. Fortunately, Chinese food is sold in the food streets of major department stores, so I was visiting the department store and I immediately Went to order Chinese food.

Because I can't cook in my current place, I haven't eaten noodle soup for a long time. There are all kinds of Chinese food in the food street, but there are not many choices of noodle soup. In the end, I chose a Korean restaurant and ordered a big bowl of noodle soup. to soothe my belly.

I ordered beef noodle soup. I don't know if it's Korean-style. It tasted far from the noodle soup I ate in Taiwan. But because I really miss soup noodles so much, it's still a small happiness~~

There are various types of storefronts in the entire food street, so there are many seats. In comparison, there are not many people, so a seat can be seated for a long time, which is very difficult to find a seat in the food street of a Taiwan department store. , and the seats are very clean and tidy. Many people still sit on the seats and chat after they are full, and even if they do not consume, it is completely no problem to sit down.

I think the most important thing in foreign food streets is probably more seats. XD


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