Walk around beautiful Lake of the Woods

Lake of the Woods
Illustration of various fish

On the way of the road trip, a group of people suggested to go to Lake of the Woods. It is said that this is a visitor center. Anyway, everyone was tired from riding in the car, so they agreed to go and have a look, but I didn’t expect a small lake. It's so beautiful, no wonder so many people come here to take pictures.

There are also pictures introducing various fish in the visitor center. It is also very suitable for those who like aquatic animals to take a look. I checked Wikipedia and found that Lake of the Woods is the lake with the longest shoreline in Canada. No wonder I can't see the end of the lake at all.

There are also many small boats/speedboats parked on the shore of the lake. I feel that it is also a day of life to enjoy a speedboat in such a beautiful lake. Under the high sun, the lake water is too beautiful, and I feel that I can’t take enough pictures~~

When we arrived at this visitor center, we also officially entered the city of Kenora, which is also the destination of our group's trip. Otherwise, not to mention that Ontario's financial resources are still very rich, it feels that the roads are very flat, and the lake water is very blue. , After saying goodbye to the beautiful Lake of the Woods, we continue our journey~~


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