The job has to find a field of interest, must it?

I have always believed that one of the meanings of life is to do the job you like, as long as you don't slander others. After graduation, the first job, photocopying in the office all day, sorting documents, I thought that this kind of work kept repeating until Old, my mood sank, and I am so unhappy. I have read a book

do a job you like

I have always believed that one of the meanings of life is to do the job you like, as long as you don't slander others. After graduation, the first job, photocopying in the office all day, sorting documents, I thought that this kind of work kept repeating until Old, my mood is sinking, I am so unhappy. I read a book, the article mentioned that when you do something you like, you will enter a state called flow, which is called flow in Chinese. When you enter this state, you will I feel completely focused, just like Sewan stopped, and my stomach will not be hungry. I often do this when I host a show or shoot a drama, and everyone must have a similar experience. So I have always been grateful to be a host and take my interest as a Work is a very beautiful and fortunate thing.

clock forgot time

No need to do interesting work

But recently, my brother posted a clip of an interview with a foreign celebrity among the family. The interviewee said that even if you are doing a job that you don't like, as long as you are recognized and needed at work, you will also feel happy and happy. So keep doing it. At that time, I responded, why I heard a lot of people get paid well but they are not happy, many people are because they are not doing what they really love. Plus Steve Jobs also said that life is You have to keep looking for what you really like to do, and then you will feel that life has a meaning. In the end, in order to not want to fight, I will say sorry first, it may be true

You can be happy doing a job you don't have any interest in, but is it really happy?

A sense of achievement does not equal happiness

Just a few days later, I was reading a book about growing up that mentioned my brother's point of view, and this time I was a little surprised, so coincidentally, that it was backed up by science. I After thinking about it, it should be called a sense of accomplishment and a sense of mission, but everyone regards the sense of accomplishment as happiness. I think this is a bit deceiving myself. People who do scientific tests can and may think they are very happy, so they come to this conclusion. , but I believe and believe that this is not the real happiness that comes from your heart, and the sense of accomplishment does not equal happiness.

I'm still more loyal to my own ideas, what do you think about this?
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