That day we built the city of a thousand stars 01

Chapter 1: Diary of me and my clone brother/twin brother (1)

Written: Aug 16, 2021, 2:33am

The opening words of the book: The eternal stars and the never-ending life civilization merge into the word "eternity".

Volume 1: Mobius

Preface: Life is endless, creating a splendid civilization.

Chapter 1: Me and my clone brother

——The Diary of the Twin Brother (1)

At this moment is May 5, 2007 in the new ephemeris calendar, 23 hours and 12 minutes in the middle of the night, and I am writing a diary.

This is the first time I have started writing a diary since I stepped into the new era seven years ago, because today, during the day, my brother's clone is finally completed!

Not only that, the clone of my brother has also passed the scientific and technological testing of the "Ministry of Life Safety ①" and the application for the individual qualification of life consciousness by the "Department of Social Ethics ②".

This means that from tomorrow, my twin brother He Li, who has lost his original body③ and can only live in a virtual life consciousness cabin④, can be reborn!

This is such great news that I can't sleep at night with joy!

Dear future people, when you read this diary, maybe I have left and disappeared into this universe, but today, I want to record the bits and pieces that happened after that.

My name is He Xiao, and I am just 72 years old this year. Yes, the new star calendar has only started seven years, but I am already seventy-two years old, although according to the average life expectancy of interstellar humans today (about three hundred or so), I am already a young man at the age of seventy-two.

But no matter how young I am, the new age is younger than me. It is only seven years old, like a newborn baby.

Obviously, I'm someone who has lived through two eras. In the seventy-two years of my life I have spent, ninety percent of the time was completed in the old era, so I am also unfamiliar with the new era.

Here, I want to talk a little bit about things in the old and new eras, so that you can understand my current hesitation.

About ten years ago, that is, in the last three years of the end of the old era (from the year of Qiuyuan 42312), all the known advanced civilizations in the entire constellation galaxy, because of interstellar wars and interstellar disasters, were affected. devastating blow.

This natural and man-made disaster, we call it the "Zero Big Bang", is no less than the first apocalypse and the first and second interstellar apocalypse in the primitive era...

To be precise, this is the fourth apocalypse experienced by the higher life in stellar galaxies.

This apocalyptic catastrophe has led to the annihilation of countless civilizations, the demise of countless lives, and the extinction of countless stars... The horror of this tragedy does not need to be described now. Presumably in the future, there will be numerous literary works and historical materials to tell you all this.

In short, there are only a few survivors of this disaster, and I am one of them.

The survivors, firstly established a new joint management organization - Mobius, which is led by the top talents surviving from the old era, and gradually perfected and balanced this organization, so that the surviving life can continue to develop better, I I'm also honored to be a part of Mobius.

Mobius named the era that opened after the catastrophe "New Ephemeris". Then, the highest command issued an order, and all the survivors began to build a new home - the city of a thousand stars.

During this process, we temporarily canceled the concept of "country", and all higher beings, no matter what kind of civilization they belonged to in the old era, what race they belonged to, and no matter what gender they were, all gathered to build a new home.

At the beginning of the new star calendar, all the higher beings lived together peacefully temporarily. This is not an ideal country. This time does exist - in order to survive, the interstellar human beings finally temporarily abandoned all prejudices and lived together!

Of course, I'm not saying that there are no criminal incidents. There are naturally many problems in the new era, but at least the vast majority of human beings have a basic consciousness, that is - life is the most precious thing in this universe and cannot be Trample easily!

After that, we began to develop all aspects of civilization, and today, we have successfully passed the seventh year.

And I, as one of the survivors, apart from working hard for the whole era when I was working in the public sector, I also devoted my spare time to one thing—clone my twin brother based on my body.

This is a very special personal job. Because, there are two types of survivors who survived from the old times, one is the natural survivors like me who are fortunate to preserve relatively well-preserved biological bodies; the other is like my brother He Li, at the last critical moment. , the unnatural survivors who put their life consciousness into the virtual life consciousness cabin.

These unnatural survivors, through the means of biotechnology, are fortunate to retain the consciousness of life, but they no longer have biological bodies and can only be parasitic in the consciousness cabin, and all life activities and thinking activities have become extremely slow.

In order to allow these survivors to return to human society, we have launched the "Life One Cloning Project".

For some reasons, the cloning technology in the old era was not very developed, so in the new era, in the process of cloning life, we still have a lot of things to do, which cannot be accomplished overnight.

The two biggest problems, one is the problem of "consciousness transfer", and the other is the problem of "social ethics".

Different from the individual replication of clones in the old era, "Life No. 1 clone" only clones the intact biological body, but does not clone the independent consciousness of the model body. This requires biological scientists to strictly control and absolutely grasp the cloned consciousness and cloned organisms. the boundaries of the body.

Because, if you are not careful, cloned life may cause social and ethical turmoil.

Therefore, at the beginning of the cloning project, Mobius set up a corresponding "social ethics department" to register and manage the work of the clones.

Every unnatural survivor who wants to have a cloned biological body must apply for registration, and then wait for the "Ministry of Life Safety" to issue a qualification number, and then submit the number to the Institute of Life Cloning. Survivors develop cloned biological bodies.

However, because I am a bioscientist myself and a member of Moubis, and the applicant is my immediate family member, my brother's application for cloning was quickly approved.

However, it took me seven years to complete my brother's clone due to the extremely precious raw materials of the demihuman 6 androids 7 .

God knows how much I miss my brother! He is my only surviving relative!

In the past seven years, although he has lived in the virtual life consciousness cabin, his mind and thinking are like a baby robot, and he can't communicate well at all.

Every day and night, I look forward to my brother being born earlier, so anxious that I don't even have the mind to fall in love.

My brother is so important to me!

And, there's a particularly important reason...

- End of this section

Definition of terms in this chapter. . .

①Department of Life Safety: At the beginning of the new era, one of the basic departments established by the highest command of mankind, Mobius, is mainly responsible for the safety of survivors and the future life continuation of civilization.

②Department of Social Ethics: One of the basic departments also established by Mobius, mainly responsible for the statistics and registration of the social relations of the survivors, as well as the registration and management of clones.

③ The original body: that is, the biological body possessed when the higher life consciousness was first born, including the bionic body, mechanical body, etc., which were transformed based on the original body.

④Virtual life consciousness cabin: It refers to the unique life science and technology components that can receive the thinking consciousness of the life consciousness body and enable the life body to exist without relying on the biological body in the short term.

⑤Public work: refers to collective work that has nothing to do with private individuals and is given to the symbiotic development of human civilization, generally assigned or invited by the collective, and corresponds to private work.

⑥Subhuman: It refers to the species of higher consciousness life with black hair, black eyes and yellow skin among the earliest Homo sapiens from the primitive earth.

⑦Bionic man raw materials: refers to the special life raw materials that can be developed by bioscientists to develop bionic and cloned human beings.

Finally, the nonsense from the author Hanhan Luban: here is a super invincible, bizarre and chatty salted fish deer, a 33-line small transparent amateur original author who likes music, starry sky, life, and text.

So, starting from today, I have the courage to serialize this bizarre science fiction novel on major platforms with two big bags and a pair of panda eyes that I knocked out because I stayed up late hitting the keyboard.

Dear audience, please enter the pit with caution, there are countless strange brain holes, there is no strict hard sci-fi setting, do not test it! Do not testify! Do not testify! Say the important thing three times!

This book is a collection of unit stories, each chapter is a story, the genre of the story and the name of the story are uncertain, mainly writing fantasy science fiction novels about the future world in fantasy.

Above, please advise! Welcome to leave a message or come to chat with me! A deer that fishes halfway, waiting for you at any time!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

鹿半普通打工人鹿,爱好十分广泛,只要喜欢上,就可能深度沉迷,着迷的时候,甚至废寝忘食……但经常三分钟热度,唯有其一:写作一项,十多年来笔耕不缀,吾深爱之;又有其二,音乐一趣,痴迷不已,每每沉浸不能自拔。 喜交友,喜闲谈,谈什么都可以,百无禁忌,喜欢跟不同年龄段的男女老少谈天说地,从别人身上增长见识…… 喜欢看新闻,喜欢同人辩论,喜欢反思人性与社会…… 人类可真有趣,我只是一只观察人间的鹿。^_^
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