2021 Review from Xinyi District, Taipei

No value but no contempt for all constructed sections. Have love for people, can look forward to their own operation. Reverence for life.

From March 2020, I am renting a house in Xinyi District, Taipei City. In May 2021, we will encounter alert level 3 and work remotely until now.

Last year, it was the first time I went to the temple to ask for a lottery. Don't have a drink date, please bye bye.

Since May, I can write a diary every day, and after the downgrade, I can walk 10,000 steps every day. Working from home, the most important skill is discipline. Living in such a dense place, the scenery and sounds of walking alone are very full.

I mentioned quitting twice, and it was very painful at first, but very powerful after that. Both jobs are still accompanied in some form. The content I have practiced and expanded in different places seems to still have some conversion value. This year, when I am approaching 30, I have done three full-time jobs, and I have three tail teeth to eat. I am really lucky.

The first day of last year was to watch "Porcelain" by streaming, and the last day was to watch "Introduction" in the theater. The two doses of the vaccine were successfully completed, but it seemed like 14 menstrual cramps a year (two more times is the concept of year-end boring?). Besides Chinese, I can barely learn and appreciate English. Practice speaking slowly with Podacst, and replace human communication with daze.

Muscles can be exercised little by little, and organs can only be continuously and silently checked. Carefully accept/decline situations that require forceful speaking. It will be the same this year.

Before I knew it, many of my friends went abroad, and I also did something vulgar like "passing 101 fireworks to strangers". (Forgive me for not being able to shout the countdown, I have only practiced fighting)

Qixing Mountain, Taipei Four Beasts, Wuling Farm. The main palace of the city is turned left and there is a book, and the third is a coffee. However, in Xinyi District, there are many more love stores that are still falling down no matter how they are supported.

A few days ago, after a few months, I visited my beloved bar that had moved. The location was twice as far as before, and it took more than half an hour to walk. Go out at ten o'clock in the evening and come back at two in the middle of the night. Still have to walk.

The beautiful boss asked "Have you been here?" and handed over the wine list, and I said "yes". In fact, it was my first time here after the move, but only the special season of the fruit has changed, and nothing else has changed. Turning around is no problem, just walk a little longer.

Go to the bar less, but organize the suite into a place that can still entertain family and friends. Rather than drinking, it's better to say goodbye, climb the fifth floor and come to my house to sit, take a walk, or do nothing. No need to make an appointment, it's good to know that each other is still alive. Understand the elders.

Become a micro-elder, can drive mountain roads, drink tea without caffeine, wake up in the morning, cry only in the last ten minutes of watching "The Hidden Girl", and realize where the core muscle weakness will cause pain when gastroenteritis. Seriously exhort friends of the same age to "smoke less".

It was the first time that the national map turned over the people's livelihood newspaper, and the Nth time watching baseball on the spot. Death Stranding hits chapter five, Dune catches up to book two, and the book that you read twice is "Death and Survival" and "The Power of the Powerless" three times. The most enjoyable reading is "Northwest Rain".

After accumulating a little idea of the official business system and having a rough understanding of marketing, I can't help but add design attention when using various software. There's a "no change doesn't scare me" mood about all possible jobs.

Disenchantment with something. Feeling mysterious and curious again about something that I spent a lot of time studying.

All constructed sections are not valued but not contemptuous. Have love for people, can look forward to their own operation. Reverence for life.


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