Matters Mutual Heating Program in Matt City | Daily Earning 1 Like Coin Program (3)

This project is about to enter its third week. I would also like to thank the authors who gave me the thumbs up. The past few weeks have been difficult for Taiwan. Please remember to take care of your health and prevent the epidemic. Please continue to support my project. Treat it as your sign-in contact book, I will thank you for it, and give you a thumbs up along the way, so that the meaning of heating can be truly realized. God bless Taiwan!!!

The following are the authors who supported my project this week. New readers should not forget to follow them when they see them. Everyone shares encouragement with each other. Although it is only 5 likes, a little bit of entry is an encouragement.

Show pictures first, 12 likes for city friends

The following is the author's link, regardless of ranking

@Loyal to writing@Aku@Su Fate@小西@Reading Pen Farming @ 天马行空@ 大Lu snake's online earning life@王大王@杨@ It's easy not to @Ali@vvictor

Of course, there are other articles, and there are other authors who have liked them, and I am also grateful to you, but I will give feedback to other articles one by one. true meaning.

My friends in Taiwan did not have a very smooth life this week, especially my friends from the north. I would like to remind you that you can go to my article.

Taiwan bailout 4.0 in 2021, don't let your rights fall asleep, I still can't get it

See if you are eligible to receive government subsidies, you can apply on 6/7, and those who didn't receive it should not be discouraged, maybe you are a lucky group and can be self-sufficient without subsidies.

Thank you again for coming in a little bit, no matter the project is good or bad, but at least it has attracted your attention, and please continue to support me!!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!