The Shura Field of the Woman of WIW (Woman in White)

When there is a serious imbalance of yin and yang in a certain environment, and there are only a bunch of women or only a bunch of men, that is, you let my lightning, I explode your thunder, and the place for war... Sure enough, human disguise can't win against the original nature, I'm not in love with being a tyrannosaur, but I never regret building such an image....

Author Little Sun's Star and Heart

This article is a personal mood blog. It only describes things and human nature, and does not discuss workplaces and occupations. Please pay 120,000 points of respect to all kinds of workplaces and medical staff. at Jianghu&source=lmns&tbm=vid&bih=553&biw=375&client=safari&prmd=nimv&hl=ja&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjB7O_Fmuj2AhVIAaYKHfTFAWQQ_AUoBHoECAAQBw#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:f6b31c ,vid:ZH3LZ6Of5fw,st:0

Laugh at the rivers and lakes

(I can’t even add songs recently ☹️Let me study it)

Early in the morning, it was a warm morning with beautiful birds and flowers, but the house was not peaceful.

In the morning, the nursing department has been looking for some new crown vaccination appointment book, find me here, my affairs department has nothing to do with your department's things, crazy! Fuck my department! I flatly refused and said I didn't see it.

I saw a bunch of people in the nursing department looking around like headless flies.

Two of my newbies are also idiots there to help find them. After a bunch of women found it, they laughed and didn't know what was going on.

I was a little unhappy, "What are you doing?" I gave them a wink, (Go back to the counter and sit me down!)

The two newcomers were so excited that they were laughing weirdly.

"Sugiyama-san Sugiyama-san! Let me tell you, A put the appointment book next to the trash can. Everyone in their department agreed not to tell her, let her find it by herself, hahaha..."

Newbies are usually cute kittens in front of me, when did they learn so terrifyingly, it's really human nature to be evil!

To put it bluntly, everyone is just wearing a mask, but just want me to teach them all my skills? I'm not a person who can't hide, of course, there is no problem with teaching. I wish they could learn 120%, but their character performance made me suddenly a little disappointed in them.

Sure enough, man's disguise cannot defeat his original nature.

"Go back and sit down!" I pushed the two watchers back to the affairs department as fun.

In fact, the two of them are usually very good in front of me. They are not bad people. I just watched them go around behind their backs, twisting A's hair, playing with B's hair, and beating C's shoulders, trying their best to be friendly. thing. But they never dared to play with my hair or touch my body.

(Of course I cut my hair, and now I don't have long hair to play with them.)

There is a popular game in the nursing department, which is to go to work early in the morning and deliberately kick someone's indoor shoes far away, so that the other party can't find them and can't wear them. The two newcomers also learned to play every morning, but they didn't dare to kick my shoes. Every day, my shoes were placed respectfully at the shoe changing area.

Maybe it was because I was the boss, they didn't dare to make trouble with me, or maybe it was because the nursing department spread rumors about me, and they were so frightened that they didn't dare to come.

In fact, I asked myself, as long as I don’t step on my thunder, I am a well-known and good lady. I usually take care of the elderly (old sister in affairs), teach seriously (newcomers), work diligently, and do everything by myself. Basically, I think that if there are people who complain about a boss like me, then probably the whole world will not be able to find a job.

But there are people who love to step on my thunder.... When a Tyrannosaurus rex a few times, it becomes natural to get used to it. But I never regret building such an image.

In other words, although A has lost power now and is no longer mainstream, you women are too scary! As a woman, I can't help but shudder.

The departments are different, it's none of my business anyway, then A is not a good deal, and I won't take the initiative to intervene in their war.

I saw that A was looking around all alone, and everyone pointed at her, because she was the last appointment yesterday. Really, everyone didn't speak, pretended not to know, no one helped her find it, and everyone was watching her jokes. woman! Sometimes it's scarier than you can imagine.

I sat at the counter, tilted my head, and stared coldly at the drama I didn't know what it was.

"Don't cause trouble if you don't have anything, don't be afraid of trouble if you have something."

This is a sentence I just learned today, which is super in line with my mood. (Thanks for visiting friends, Xiao Binbin's secret base)

I looked at A looking for it for a while, couldn't help it, and stood up. "What are you doing? Don't you have to do any work?"

I thought, just walk over to her and point to the trash can. As a result, before I acted, she found herself in the next second.

Maybe I'm not a good guy for not standing up and pointing to the trash can.

The situation in the world is beyond my generation, and as soon as I enter the rivers and lakes, the years will remind me that I will be drunk in my life while chatting and laughing.

I don't get drunk because it's not my fault, it's the fault of being a woman and the environment.

In the evening, the old man and the old man mentioned this to Yangping, and I said, "I tell you, women are so scary! Today I am in the workplace... (talking non-stop)".

Yangping, "Mom, aren't you a woman too?"

…………. I was silent for a while. I really want to say that I am a man in the workplace, but I don't lie in front of children.

"Yes! You now know why your mother and I have survived until now!"

Chang Yangping was silent with the old man...

From the first day of life, everyone has to face the floods and beasts of this world. Even if there is only the last ray of light left, I will try my best to light it up. I don’t say whether I am the sun or the moon. I just hope that when Yang Ping grows up, someone will light up for him.

I just hope so.


The photo is taken from the Internet, the light in my heart is like this

If you are interested in the Beiqi Clinic series, you can check the hashtag # Beiqi Clinic, each article can be read independently, skipped, and understood. ~Promoting ad time 🤣


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