Mortal ravings-22.8.4-Basic plate of hatred education and domestic public opinion

I believe that some little warriors and little pinks will wake up one day~

Holy matters:

The night before yesterday, the people of the country were completely boiling. Pelosi's visit to Taiwan stimulated people's nerves. The Internet and the circle of friends are all shouting and killing, and there are many girls who know each other around them. They usually seem to be gentle and elegant, but they are also filled with righteous indignation on this so-called "big right and wrong" issue, and they all say "chasing thieves", which is unexpected. To my surprise, at that time it was really difficult to combine his speech with his image, and I felt a bit disconnected. At the same time, various words and jokes that slander and insult Ms. Pelosi are flying all over the Internet platform. At that moment, I couldn't help but feel a little dazed and sighed that the Zhao family's decades of hatred education really didn't go to waste. That night, I also stopped everything I was doing, and I was not in the mood to do anything else, such as studying, reading, and entertainment, all of which were stopped because I was really panicked, not because I was angry with Pelosi. , but the attitude of helpless everyone.

If I push back ten years ago, no, push back three or five years ago, I would still join the protesting team, stand on the side of "Mother Motherland" filled with righteous indignation, scolding the US imperialists for not dying, and at the same time cursing the Taiwan independence elements. hell. However, in the past few years, I have gradually learned some different information, and I have gradually reflected on some of my past concepts and misunderstandings. Gradually, as the hostility faded away, it also changed from the Rousseau-style "love of human beings", which considered itself noble as narrow, to "love of concrete people". Because I know that the universal values of human beings are the same, regardless of groups and races. When seeing innocent human beings suffering, as creatures of the same kind, we should sympathize with them. The former is like Shinzo Abe and the latter is like Pelosi. They are people first and their identities second. And the unprovoked curse, even wishing to destroy the opponent's body in a terrorist attack, besides proving his cruelty, what else can it do?

Decades of hatred education by the rulers have engraved a wrong ideological steel in the hearts of the people: to personify the country, and the government = the country, if the government makes mistakes, then it means that everyone in this country is wrong, and everything is wrong. kill. With this kind of thinking, it is inevitable to fall into the fallacy vortex of black and white binary opposition. Take the war of aggression against China back then. Of course, the warmongers of Japanese militarism caused huge harm to China. This is not a thing of the past. Facts are facts. But the ordinary people of Japan were not victims? The people were dragged directly into the abyss by a small number of right-wing militarists. So we keep asking Japan to apologize today, so who and which group in Japan should apologize to us? Also, who should apologize to the common people in Japan? After all, it was a small number of people who started the war, and most of them have already received the punishment they deserved. The common people of both countries are innocent and let one group of victims apologize to another group of victims? It doesn't seem to make sense. In short, the actual situation is very complicated, and it is not so simple to apologize.

Let’s go back to the Taiwan Strait conflict. Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, the domestic war wolf little pinks were furious, clamoring to take back Taiwan by force every minute and raze it to the ground. Just ask, aren't the people of Taiwan human? Should they be used as stepping stones for our so-called great dream of reunification? They are also vivid people, and they are also their own parents, grandparents, grandparents, sons and daughters - our Chinese compatriots. In addition, the cost of war is huge, and one missile costs millions, which is the hard-earned money of taxpayers, so wasted like this? The economy was crippled, the battlefields in the two places were in ruins, and it was not the people on both sides who were unlucky in the end. Besides, the historical origins of the two sides of the strait are originally problems left over from history caused by different ruling parties fighting for territory. Live their own little life well, and make a fortune in silence is better than anything else.

Let’s think about it again, well, even if we win and the other side is taken back, apart from giving people a brief anesthesia in the hallucination of national pride, will things get better? Can the problems of female humiliation, eight-child mothers, real estate storms, and village banks be solved? Not necessarily, I don't know of anything worse than an increasingly cramped authoritarian environment.

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