Seeing Happiness - IPL Therapy

"Seeing Happiness", you can "Meeting Happiness", cherish having to see happiness

#"Seeing happiness"

Writing this piece of "Seeing Happiness" was a long process and took 4 times of work

First, use 2 kinds of oranges and mix them into a vibrant and warm orange to write "Seeing Happiness"

Use black ink again, write "Seeing Happiness" again

Overlapping happiness, contentment, life more practical

Then use orange to fill the periphery

Sick people lack orange energy in their hearts,

Orange light, activate the energy of optimism, joy and happiness

Then tear off the corners,

Everyone's life is missing something, it seems "missing" but "no shortage"

Where is the happiness?

Does happiness have to be complete?

in the journey of life

get along with family

in the community

How happy are you? Still troubled?

Do you see a lot of unpleasant things?

Or more fun?

Do you see the pitfalls of your heart pits and scars? Still generally good,

As long as something feels uncomfortable,

I've been concerned about it, in a state of imbalance

In our eyes, we always want to see perfection

Once something disagrees with oneself, there are several unwillingness in my heart.

Many people have a good life, but they love to be on the horns and live very unhappy.

Heart disease, the body will be out of balance

At the end of the year, I felt inspired to create this piece of "Seeing Happiness"

"Seeing Happiness", you can "Meeting Happiness"

Cherish what you have and see happiness

#color light health log

#color light word therapy


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