[Building Your Deep Work Ritual: Three Steps to Improving Your Work and Rest Quality]

Have you ever had the experience of seeing a worrisome email on a supposedly relaxing Saturday morning, only to have it stuck in your head all weekend?

Have you ever had the experience of seeing a worrisome email on a supposedly relaxing Saturday morning, only to have it stuck in your head all weekend?

The end result is that we're not enjoying ourselves when it's time to relax, but we're not actually being productive during this time either.

The book "Deep Workforce" mentions three reasons why we need to establish a "shutdown ritual" to clearly separate work and rest time:

1. Properly stop thinking helps to replenish the energy of deep work (the brain and attention are like muscles, and they will also be tired).
2. Pausing to think helps to understand: This is the "unconscious mind" I mentioned last time that automatically helps us solve complex problems.
3. There is an upper limit on the efficiency of daily deep work, and the effort invested beyond the time limit is not proportional to the results. (Studies have shown that it is difficult to be highly focused for more than 4 hours a day).

【Build Your Deep Work Ritual】

After the above evidence proves that we need to clearly separate work and rest time, the next step is to implement it.

There are three simple steps, you can adjust according to your own situation:

1. Confirm whether today's task is over:

Assuming that I leave work at 7 pm every day, I may start to confirm that today's work is completed half an hour before I leave work:

Confirm whether there is any important message in the email that has not been returned, confirm the completion of communication between colleagues, and confirm the progress of personal work.

2. Transfer unfinished work and new tasks in mind:

After confirming that the important things are done and there are relatively unimportant things that can be saved for tomorrow, the most important thing is to record them.

Use tools like Notion, Word, Google sheets, and more to put everything on your to-do list for tomorrow. That way the tasks for the coming week are clear and clear, making sure we don't miss anything important.

3. After confirming all the information, after making a simple plan for tomorrow, shout "shutdown is complete"! Please abide by your promise, do not touch work-related things after shutting down, and do what you need to do after get off work.

【in conclusion】

The point of the shutdown ritual is that when you have a specific plan for a goal, it not only helps achieve it, but also frees up cognitive resources to do other things.

After shouting "shutdown is complete", it is also a psychological declaration to convince yourself that today's tasks have been completed, and that you have ensured that all tasks are within your control, and you don't have to worry about forgetting anything and spending money after work. Mind to worry.

It may take an extra 10-15 minutes a day to develop a shutdown ritual up front, but you'll soon see the benefits: you can focus on what you want to do the next night and on the weekend, which is great for recharging your energy for tomorrow's work. Is very important, he can bring greater rewards!

Do you also have a shutdown ritual that you are used to? Welcome to leave a message and share below!


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