Essential oils for boosting immunity

During the epidemic prevention period, it is very important to protect yourself, such as not going out as much as possible, wearing a full mask, and diligently washing your hands in the correct way. It is also very helpful to improve our own immune system~ To improve the body's immunity, the use of essential oils is also a very good choice

Elemi – A little bit more spicy in the frankincense-like scent. It has a very good soothing effect on respiratory problems. It can relieve the symptoms of phlegm and excessive mucus in the nose. It can also stimulate the immune system, which can strengthen the body to improve immune function and improve physical strength. Helps the body fight off viruses in the early stages of illness.

Lilac Bud – The spicy smell of lilac bud has a hint of coolness. It is a fragrance that fills the soul with strength. Cloves have the effect of purifying the air. Using diffusers to spread the smell in the environment can make the body more resistant to bacteria, help prevent respiratory infections and make people feel warm; pay attention!! Not suitable for sensitive skin, Low doses are required.

Geranium – The sweet, floral scent of geranium can prevent nasal and throat infections. It contains a variety of chemicals that act like antibiotics. The antibacterial properties in geranium oil help protect the body from infection. It can also help us relieve depression, anxiety and anger during a pandemic.

Thyme – The health benefits of thyme have been known for thousands of years and have been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times. Supports immune, respiratory, digestive, nervous and other body systems. Treating colds, coughs and sore throats is the most basic function of thyme that has been around for a long time. It is a very good anti-infective agent for the lungs; pay attention!! Not suitable for sensitive skin, need to use low doses.

Tea tree – In addition to its refreshing and refreshing smell, tea tree oil can play a very powerful and magical role in anti-acne and oil removal, antibacterial, and anti-toxic. In addition, tea tree can improve the body's ability to fight, boost our immune system function, help people fight bacteria and reduce the chance of infection.

Camphor – Antibacterial and antiviral effects of camphor , help pre-infectious diseases. It has the effect of purifying, can purify the air and improve the environmental protection of the home; pay attention!! Pregnant women, lactating women, epilepsy patients and patients with convulsions should avoid using it.

Myrrh – A dark red essential oil of myrrh that smells slightly smoky and bitter. It has the effect of smoothing the respiratory tract, and is helpful for bronchitis, cough, nasal and throat mucositis, chronic bronchitis, cold, sore throat and other chest infections. It can improve immunity and ease the symptoms of early colds. It is a good lung fungicide; pay attention!! Pregnant women and lactating women should avoid using it.

Eucalyptus, Australia – cool and fresh strong smell, with antiviral and bacterial effects, known as the most natural respiratory purifier, we nickname it "respiratory scavenger" with excellent antiviral and bactericidal ability, very suitable for Relieve respiratory symptoms, especially when you have a cold, it can relieve rhinitis and fight against influenza; the good bactericidal effect of eucalyptus essential oil can be used as a natural air purifier to purify the air.

Ravintsaray – Ravintsaray means “good leaf” in Madagascar and is known as the first in disease resistance. Has the ability to fight viruses and stimulate the immune system, strengthening the overall immunity. Diffusing Ravensara leaves at home can clean indoor air, reduce harmful germs, and protect us from germs.

Lemon – Lemon essential oil is an excellent tonic for the circulatory system, including promoting blood circulation, improving digestive system function, boosting our immunity, and preventing the symptoms of various infections. The fresh and refreshing lemon scent is also the best natural air freshener to purify the space; pay attention!! It is photosensitive, and sensitive skin needs to use low doses.

Recently, in addition to diffusing the above essential oils in turn, I have also made them into roll-on bottles, and smeared them on the chest or soles from time to time to enhance their defenses. Also put a few drops in 75% disinfectant alcohol and carry it with you.

!!!!! Don't omit basic actions just because you use essential oils - wash your hands frequently, exercise more, get nutrition, go out carefully, follow isolation and quarantine rules, and more!

In addition, the more important part of boosting immunity is: boosting your own energy. Maintain a state of joy, calm emotions, and do not put pressure on the body. You can do some gentle yoga before going to bed every day to have a dialogue with your body and mind.


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