Abstracts and Thoughts--Three Tips to Improve Writing Ability--Make the sentences smooth and beautiful



1. Read the works of famous masters and see how others use them--in fact, the only way to make the sentences beautiful and smooth is to read more.

2. Expand the word library and make the writing more beautiful---Cultivating writing ability, a very important part is to expand your word library.

3. Sketch method, put your things back in place---use the sketch method, first ask yourself, how did I see this thing? For example: When I want to describe a character, I usually describe it from head to toe...  


I also often hear that children don't like writing and can't write articles. Note that you are unwilling to write, let's not say whether you are good at writing. It's like having "writing phobia", especially in elementary school children. At the same time, since there is no writing class for elementary school children, whether they should strengthen their writing practice in school depends on the teacher's freedom. Some classes will ask to write essays on the contact book, some just write short essays, and some just leave the year to eat grass.


In the middle school, this problem will be alleviated a lot. Because of the composition test, the school Chinese teacher will ask, most of the children will start to write, they will not find excuses not to write. However, the next step is "the question of whether it is well written or not". Some people can write, but... it's horrible!


I think the most important thing is the first point mentioned above - "Actually, the only way to make your sentences beautiful and smooth is to read more". Reading is very important, and we must cultivate the habit of reading from an early age.


Another point to mention is that, according to observation, the current composition is not about winning with beautiful words, but "the priority of the topic". If you can find a good theme, then this composition is half the battle. I once heard an example from a teacher. One year, the topic of the composition test for the general examination was an invention that affected life. Many candidates wrote about 3C, airplanes, televisions and so on. The teacher mentioned that the really experiential composition that year was the candidate who wrote "toilet paper". The intention of the sharing teacher is to say: Don't write about topics that ordinary people can write about, but write about different directions. Of course, this needs to be supported by very deep life experience. If there is not a lot of life experience, then "extensive reading" will expand life experience.


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