In the dead of night 🐸 frog frog 👩 frog mother, chatting about the stock market.


🐸: Mom, have you made a fortune in 2020?

👩: I have a few suites and a lot of savings.

🐸: Wow~ I make a lot of money, it’s great, and value investing is good.

👩: Well... the stocks are covered and cannot be sold.

🐸:  …

👩: Did the frog frog make a fortune in 2020?

🐸: I have TSMC (TSM) that buys US stocks!

👩: So awesome 👏👏👏👏👏 TSMC’s share price doubled last year! So you made a fortune, congratulations!

🐸: Hmm... But I only have 10 shares, can I make a fortune with 10 shares?

👩:  …

There are 4 kinds of people in the stock market, they make big money, make pocket money, lose big money, and lose small money. I wish everyone a happy new year and make big money😀

There are 3 kinds of people in the stock market, which make people vomit blood:

  • Unlucky people: choose 1 out of 2, choose the wrong side, if you are not optimistic about the development of technology in the past 5-10 years, you will lose several Tesla cars.
  • People who are busy recording: After reading a bunch of data analysis stock selection, the performance still underperformed the market. (Then what are you doing...)
  • Disobedient people: Buffett told you to buy low and sell high, but you buy at high prices and panic sell at low prices.

Conclusion: Investing is risky, so be cautious.

I wish you all the best.


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