Reprint the reasons for immigration of mainland residents


1. Children may not grow up: poisoned milk powder, fake vaccines, abuse in kindergartens, big men molesting girls, children being trafficked, poisonous food, poisonous air, poisonous cars. Without school district housing, you cannot go to a good school. After spending so much effort, when you raise your child and graduate from college, you will become a slave to the above. School education and social needs are disconnected, schools expand enrollment, and it is difficult for graduates to find jobs. Sex education is almost non-existent, and it is all about self-exploration. Traffic advertisements on radio and television stations are everywhere, and condom advertisements are banned.

Left-behind children who are migrant workers in cities are unable to receive family education, and school education in remote areas is even more lacking. When these children grow up, they will lack parental care, good education, and lack of skills to adapt to society, which will become a factor of social instability. .

2 adults:

Discrimination in employment, medical care, and children's education caused by the household registration system.

The well-educated white-collar workers in the city are the most miserable generation of adults. The time, energy, and money invested in education for more than ten years are equivalent to five or six thousand wages after joining. And young people from the countryside who have just entered the city, go to restaurants to work for three or four thousand wages.

Work is very busy and overtime is very tiring, 996 dare not protest, dare not change jobs, because they are bound by housing prices and dare not defend their rights, ten years later, working overtime physically is not as good as fresh graduates. The ability to fight for creativity is not as good as the new young people. The last is to be laid off.

Compared with the daily consumption level, the overall income level is low. You need three months' salary for a mobile phone bought by others with half a month's salary. You need a job. Why buy the same car, it's expensive to buy here, cheaper abroad? Why is a particularly bad house, after being converted into US dollars, it is a spacious and comfortable mansion bought abroad. Why is the ratio of electricity price to income in China very high all over the world?

Even with money, things like the p2p financial storm will continue to happen.

The generation of urban white-collar workers born in the 1980s is the only one-child. They have to buy a house and a car, cannot afford to raise children, and have to pay for the care of four elderly people.

The overall social economy is sluggish, it is difficult to find a job, and it is also difficult to promote the space. Wages don't go up, prices go up.

3 The elderly: The society is gradually aging, and the number of elderly people is increasing. Pensions will not be paid out. The contradiction between doctors and patients is serious, doctors receive red envelopes, medical resources are scarce in big cities, but there are few in small cities, and ordinary people get free medical treatment for poor senior cadres when they get sick.

People's Daily:

In 1985, the government came to pension;

In 1995, the government helped the elderly;

In 2005, the pension cannot be relied on by the government;

In 12 years, it is better to postpone retirement and take care of yourself.

13 years, with housing for the elderly.

15 years, no matter how old you are, you have to support the government.

In 2017, the pension paid in shortfall was 4.7 trillion yuan. .

4 thoughts are poisonous:

Political censorship, film and television, media, education, culture, and news are all in the hands of a certain party.

The news is not free, the information is not free, the website cannot be accessed, and the website that can be accessed can only see the information that he wants you to see.

History books and political books are compiled indiscriminately regardless of the facts, and they are taught by slaves that they must obey the unity. Students are not creative and dare not express their ideas and dare not question authority.

To confuse the concepts of government, political party, country, citizens, and people, and to confuse the concept of loving the party is patriotism. Put the party above everything: the law, the government, the people. Can not criticize the above, can not express different opinions. People are afraid to read or publish content that is different from mainstream thinking for fear of being caught or eliminated by the government. Destroy the different voices, the influential voices, and the detrimental voices above. Criticizing the government means that people who do not know the truth are foreign anti-China forces.

Incite public sentiment: hate Japan, smash compatriots' cars. Boycott South Korea and France, and supermarket employees were laid off. Exporting hundreds of billions of trade revenue to the United States incites people to hate the United States. Why don't you have a good relationship with the world's No. 1 and the big eagle that makes us so much money? Historically, as long as they have a good relationship with the Eagles, they have gradually become prosperous. As good as the dictatorship is, neither of them will end well. Instead, it has such close relations with Iran, North Korea and the Taliban. The conclusion is that I am the dog above, and the above let me bite whoever I bite, and whoever it asks me to lick.

Demolition of religious sites, establishment of party branches in religious institutions to interfere in religious affairs.

If there is a major accident, cover it up first, squeeze toothpaste if you can't cover it, and then don't hold yourself accountable for sensationalism. When the next major accident happens, everyone forgets about it. If it attracts international attention, it is said that it is an internal affair, and foreign countries have no right to interfere.

5. Temporary vested interest groups: You were a good employee before, and you will be abandoned when you run out. If you are not loyal, you will be eliminated. Such as Meng Hongwei, Dianxiang.

6 Property: None of the RV money is yours. The property rights system has a limited number of years, and the number of cars must be limited. There are restrictions on changing money into US dollars. Individuals are prohibited from investing in overseas real estate stock funds, etc. (the government is investing in African infrastructure).

7 Monitoring: camera monitoring, network chat content monitoring, telephone monitoring. Facial recognition, voice recognition, gait recognition.

When the child abduction and robbery case was solved, it was said that the cameras were not enough and needed to be installed. When ordinary people petition, they immediately block people on the train through cameras and social networks.

As long as there is an accident where there is a camera, the camera must be broken. The kindergarten's camera is broken, can even the Supreme Court's camera be broken?

8 Fear: The people are afraid of being arrested, and the government is afraid of being overthrown by the people. Government employees at the grassroots level are afraid of the top, and the top is also afraid of the grassroots. All live in fear.

9 Stockholm-style doublethink: long-term brainwashing education, defending and accepting the "above".

For example, if it is said today that the pension will not be issued after 10 years, the other party will say that it is impossible. Such a big country will not let this happen. After 10 years, it really can't be paid out, and this person said, "The country is in trouble and it can't be paid out, and it doesn't owe me alone. Isn't everyone like this? Since the state can't pay out pensions, I will pay for it. Contribute to the country, reduce the burden on the country, and refuse to receive pensions." Then he cut off his bank card on the spot to show his determination. Really self-reconciling.

10 There are too many to list: family planning forced labor induction (when and how many births must be controlled), the great famine cannibalism, the Cultural Revolution, the rebellion against relatives, the land reform, the confiscation of land by landlords against private ownership, the Tiananmen movement,

11 Legacy: culture of whistleblowing, culture of corruption, looking for relationships to go through the back door, instigating right and wrong, bullying the weak and fearing the hard, not abiding by the system, not speaking up, being able to forbear, cynicism, vanity, comparing, loving face, not daring to defend one's rights.

Project 12: The Three Gorges will collapse, the high-speed railway will have an accident, and there will be no money to aid Africa, but Africans will fall into a debt trap

13 Confession Video: You are forced to voluntarily admit that you are guilty (Supreme Court Wang Linqing). Victims may eventually become criminals. In a society ruled by man, if you say that you are guilty, you are guilty, and if you say that you disappear, you will disappear. It is very normal to be prostituted and committed various crimes.

Region 14: Assimilate Xinjiang and Tibet, establish re-education camps to eliminate ethnic minorities.

Hong Kong, the rule of law in Hong Kong has been eroded, and the Sino-British Joint Declaration is not recognized.

Taiwan, trying to take back Taiwan by force, so that the people of Taiwan can live like the people of the mainland.

15 Publicization of Private, Privatization of Public

Private enterprises are forcibly controlled and raided from above. The property of public enterprises is privatized by the powerful.

16 Rule of Law

Lei Yang's prostitution case, evidence "receipts for whoring funds".

Nie Shubin was wrongly convicted, and Wang Shujin pleaded guilty.

There are two kinds of facts: facts and facts that you refuse to believe.

Immigrate as early as possible.


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