V. Preface, Final Chapter ─ The Creator of All That Is and the Planetary Consciousness Gaia (2-3)

Flying World Aquarius Century Saint Germain College: 2020/5/7 [Tiaoouhua Prophecy: Seven Sages and Aura], 2020/8/27 [Adama: The Fountain of Immortality - Seven Keys], 2020/ 9/27【Kutumi: Cellular Vibration and Environment】
Created by Gordon Johnson , on Pixabay

All articles are reproduced from: Flying World Aquarius Century Saint Germain College

2020/5/7【Tiaoaohua prophecy: Seven sages and aura】

[Tiaoouhua Prediction: Seven Sages and Aura]

Author: Michel Desmarquet

Text editor: Li Feixiang

(The day after Michel arrived in Hai Aohua….)

Thao handed me a colorful robe, which I love. After a warm and fragrant bath, he changed into his robes. A completely unexpected sense of comfort and well-being pervaded my body.

I told Thao about this feeling, she was waiting for me with a glass of milk and some manna (bread).

“The color of the robe is specially chosen based on your aura, so you feel comfortable. If people on earth can see the aura, they can also choose the color that suits them and enhance their well-being. They will Better to use color than aspirin."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"I'll give you an example. Do you remember someone saying: 'Oh, this dress doesn't suit him at all, that guy has no taste?'"

"Yeah, I do hear that often."

"In this case, these people are just not as good at choosing the right colors as others, or not good at matching colors. As you say in French, they say 'no match' or 'color mismatch'. But these are from other people's perspective and not the wearer themselves, however, the wearer will feel uncomfortable and not know why. If you tell them it is due to They will think you are weird because of the color of their clothes.

If you explain that because the color of the clothes they wear doesn't match their physical aura, they will certainly not believe you.

On your planet, people only believe what they see and touch... However, the aura can actually be seen..."

"Does the aura really have color?"

"Of course! The aura is constantly vibrating and the colors are changing. Above your head is a veritable beam of color that contains almost every color you know.

There is also a golden halo around your head, but this halo is only truly visible in those who are highly evolved in the spiritual realm, and those who sacrifice themselves to help others.

The halo resembles a golden cloud, much like the kind of halo used by painters on Earth to represent 'Saints' and Jesus.

The halo appeared in their paintings because some artists in that era could actually see it. "

"Yes, I've heard people say that, but I love hearing it from you."

"There are all the colors in the aura: some shine more intensely, others dim. For example, people with bad health or people with bad intentions..."

"I really want to see the aura. I know someone can see..."

"A long time ago, there were many people on Earth who could see and interpret the aura, but now there are very few who can.

Calm down, Michel, you'll see them, not just one, but the auras of many people, including your own. But now, please follow me, we have a lot to show you, and time is limited. "...

2020/8/27【Adama: The Fountain of Immortality—Seven Keys】

【Adama: The Fountain of Immortality - Seven Keys】

By: Aurelia Lewis Jones

Translated by: Li Feixiang

The First Key - Wholehearted Intention

The second key -- perseverance

The third key - truly transforming on a spiritual level

The Fourth Key - Activating DNA - The Power of Consciousness Shift and Love

The Fifth Key – Positive Thoughts, Words, Feelings

The Sixth Key – Be aware of the Fountain of Eternity and fuse with it, become it

The Seventh Key – Practice Your Newly-Knowed Truths Now


Adama, please tell us about the fountain of immortality. Are you saying it is created by our thoughts and intentions?


Of course! But that is only part of it, and if you truly desire this perfection and state of consciousness , first, you must desire it wholeheartedly. This is your first key .

Day and night, every day of your life, you must also begin and renew your intentions to reach the level of perfection, devoting all your spiritual abilities until your goals are achieved!

Persistence is your second key .

Trying "on and off" will never bring you much results.

Be absolutely constant in your intentions, unwavering, and use absolute intentions to achieve what it takes to be in that state.

The fountain of immortality you seek is always within you. It is there, waiting for your awakening and your awareness of it.

The key to discovering it was never a secret.

In fact, they've been known all along, but you ignore them.

For thousands of years, you have been more interested in replacing your true spiritual transformation with a quick fix through an external source.

This is your third key.

I ask you now: Is this information from the outside useful to all of you? My friend.

Has your society succeeded in eradicating aging, disease and death? Or build more nursing homes, hospitals and medical clinics?

To date, few have been willing to use the key to spiritual transformation to bring themselves complete DNA transformation and immortality. However, over the past few thousand years, there have been some exceptions.

Your DNA is another key to immortality and infinite vitality. This is the fourth key .

It develops at the rate at which your consciousness evolves and your Love Quotient (LQ, Love Quotient) increases.

Your body is the mirror of consciousness. As it develops, the body will begin to reflect the new consciousness you have gained.

The fountain of eternal life has always existed deep within you, however, you must develop your own awareness to activate it.

Your thoughts, words and feelings are the subject of the fifth key .

What is the quality of being in your inner dialogue all the time?

Does it reflect what you want to achieve?

After you do a few minutes of affirmation each day, how do you think about the rest of the day?

How are you now in control of your thoughts and feelings at all times?

What language do you use to treat yourself and others?

How do you view yourself and your body?

Once you develop consciousness to a state of immortality, you will find it easy to happen.

You'll find that "aging" only makes you smarter, more mature, and stronger as you get older.

Yes, we grow with age. As masters, we do this with grace, nobility and dignity. It is also your destiny to achieve such mastery.

Do the best you can to keep your body strong, agile and strong. You will find that the more you do, the more you can always do.

Don't let age or what other people say limit you. You are infinite beings, just forgotten.

The fountain of eternal life you seek is a state of being, not a state of action.

To activate this magical fountain, first, you must first become associated with it, and then become it. This is your sixth key, and the most important one.

The fountain of eternal life of true pure light is a tool of the fifth dimension!

In order to start it on the ego's clock, you must increase the light in all the cells of the physical body, as well as the light in all of your other and subtle bodies.

You have to purify your emotional body and get rid of negative human emotions; you have to pay attention to your mind and start thinking like a master.

If you're not sure what the guru would think in any given situation, meditate and ask this question: What would the guru do? What would the guru think? What action will the master take?

Like our Thales brothers and sisters, how about feeling like a master of divine expression?

Your heart knows all the answers, it always knows. You just have to ask it and learn to adapt to that wisdom again.

Start thinking of your bodies as "magic forms" and think of them as the most powerful machines ever created that can do everything you want them to do with no pain and no limitations!

Whenever you reach this level of consciousness, they can even travel anywhere in this universe at almost the speed of light.

By now, it is your responsibility to change your perspective on all your "bodies" (emotional, mental, spiritual, causal, subtle...) and learn how to utilize the full potential that these vehicles hold.

Start practicing your new truth , and the results you are seeking will follow that otherwise would not be possible. This is the seventh key .

On this level, the Fountain of Eternal Life is real. It is in your own mind and within.

You'll be amazed and delighted when you discover how easy it is to maintain a youthful look!

2020/9/27【Kutumi: Cellular Vibration and Environment】

【Kutumi: Cellular Vibration and Environment】

Communication: Tagiana N. Mikusina

Translated by: Li Feixiang

This article is an excerpt from the first book in the "Words of Wisdom" series, which contains from 2005 to 2016, by the Ascended Masters through their messengers   Tagiana N. Posted by Tatyana N. Mickushina.

I am Kuthumi.

I hope today's conversation was helpful to you and gave you another way to see the events around you that you are accustomed to observing.

I will do my best to provide you with an insight that is as close as possible to the Ascended Master's view of what is around you and the current state of the world.

In many of our messages we talk a lot about " vibration " and "the need to raise it", and I think you guys are interested.

This abstract word has a fairly concrete representation in your physical world.

If you devote yourself to curious research, you will find that the phenomena that cause vibrations have long been deciphered by the data of your world's science. If the results of scientific research are widely known, it will inevitably lead to an explosion of your consciousness. So you're more interested, aren't you?

I affirm that there are many scientists in the world who have data on the vibrational changes caused by human cells under the influence of the human lifestyle, and these vibrations affect human health, especially organs and systems.

Everything is measurable and everything has a scientific explanation. I myself have been involved in many scientific discoveries with biologists and biophysicists and disseminated to your world.

Your cellular vibrations are largely determined by the food you eat, your living environment, whether you have any addictions, or even whether you tend to listen to music that contains dissonant vibrations.

Living in a big city can cause a dramatic drop in cellular vibration. So no matter how you try to get to the next stage of evolution in a big city, it's almost never going to work.

Infrastructure in cities produces low-frequency rumbles that extend for hundreds of kilometers around large cities and tens of kilometers around small towns.

Your spiritual achievements in the big cities will only make us smile. When a person lives in any big city, only a very ignorant, totally ignorant of the mechanics of the spiritual process, dares to claim that he has a high spiritual level.

Living in the city, your cells can't raise vibrations, even if you live a proper lifestyle -- no smoking, no alcohol and drugs, no meat, no rock music.

In your world, everything is interconnected, you are in a unified system, and everything revolves around you. Therefore, your cells cannot vibrate above the maximum vibration value allowed in the city. This vibration level can be measured.

When you move to a clean and quiet place, your cellular vibrations increase and you have the opportunity for spiritual growth and progress—I'm talking about true spiritual progress.

You might think that all efforts related to your spiritual growth while living in the big city are in vain.

Nothing is in vain! You can't achieve the vibration of a Tibetan hermit right away, your organs and systems can't handle it.

However, to progress gradually on the spiritual path, you will notice that it is impossible for you to continue living in a big city, and you will become more and more like a fish thrown to the shore.

Everything can be changed, but one must know what the goal is and how to achieve it.

In general, your society is not ready to accept these simple facts that I am telling you.

Therefore, we can only wait until you are mature and ready for the next stage of evolutionary development.

It is necessary for you to change your way of life, it is necessary for you to change your habits, it is necessary for you to change the attitude of your consumers towards nature!

The low-vibration person creates the conditions for millions of parasites in his/her inner life.

The Earth's population is almost completely infested with parasites, which is what causes disease, lack of strength and desire to live.

Do you know what your status is? It's your attitude toward nature; your attitude toward all life; your attitude toward all things that exist on earth with you.

Use the rules wisely!

Your "parasitic" attitude towards the earth and nature can cause the parasites in your body to prevail.

Just as you can remove parasites from your body through a purification program, the planet will eventually be forced to undergo a purification program.

Those individuals who are not ready to be separated from their parasitic state will be cleaned from the surface of the earth after successive disasters. This is your own responsibility.

The next stage of evolution is premised on wise cooperation with the Earth and everything that exists on it.

However, you also need to address the karma accumulated through greed and barbaric attitudes. Includes diseases, disasters, and man-made disasters.

The burden of karmic return can be taken away by more and more individuals who ascend to another new level of consciousness who will be able to achieve the oneness of all life.

You are currently at a turning point. For two hundred years, human development has been balanced on this point. Each time our intervention helps to delay adverse events.

Today, I bring the key to this special purpose, to make it as easy as possible for you to overcome the crisis that exists in your consciousness, otherwise you will hear more and more often in the news a continuous cataclysm going around.

Entire surface cities and continents were scrubbed. You'll get used to it, you'll feel natural, and it's going to be that way all the time.

Human memory is so weak that many people can't even remember what happened yesterday, let alone longer.

In order not to make you sad, I am happy to tell you that events on Earth may be moving in a favorable direction. However, this possibility can only be realized with the help of humans!

I am Kuthumi.


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