Old cats and new cats in the workplace

Accelerate team centripetal force, improve teamwork, and optimize organizational efficiency

Because I live alone all the time, I only have a quiet and empty home when I get home from get off work. In order to make the family more angry, I decided to adopt a cat six years ago. She has been with me for six years and has been a king at home for six years. This year, a stray kitten was seized in a nearby park. After taking it to the hospital for examination, it is estimated that it should be between seven months and one year old. Since there is a fate, I will take it home to take care of it. At this point, I welcome a new cat to my family and start my life with two cats.

Cats are extremely delicate creatures. When bringing a new cat home, in addition to the new cat's adaptation, you must also consider the mood of the cat who has lived here for six years. Although the kitten is considered healthy without any disease, but I was afraid that the infectious disease may subside, after 14 days of isolation, the kitten can finally leave the temporary toilet and start an adventure in this house. The cats who have lived here for a long time will also see this new cat and start learning to get along with her.

Opening the door, the new cat took the first step tremblingly and on thin ice, slowly exploring the place outside the toilet. The other cat kept a safe distance and quietly observed her. Afterwards, the kittens explored each place in the house one by one, and when they were frightened, they hid in the original toilet. During the process, the other cat kept watching her from a distance. Slowly the new cat became more and more courageous and began to try to actively interact with another cat. It is a pity that Luo Hua is intentional, but flowing water is ruthless. Even after feeling violated, he threatens the kitten.

After a few days of getting along, the two sides can coexist peacefully. Instead, the new cat began to observe the behavior pattern of the other cat. The place to hide when someone came, jumped over the closet, and even lay on the armrest of the sofa. He seems to be an imitator, but seeing the new cat can gradually get used to it, and the two can get along peacefully, which really reassures me a lot. There is a new member in this family, and because of the new member, there is a little more lively atmosphere.

The same is true in the workplace. The organization welcomes a new member. For members who have been in the organization for a long time, like the "old cat" mentioned above, they silently observe the new members' every move, and are also worried about the threats brought by the new members. Some intimidation or warning may be given to new members. For the "old cat", in this long-familiar environment, many things that are taken for granted cannot be viewed from the perspective of new members, which often causes a cognitive gap between the two parties and affects work efficiency and quality.

For new members, facing unfamiliar environments and people is an invisible pressure, always thinking about how the other party sees me? Be like them first so it won't be dangerous! Or want to quickly integrate into the environment, be more proactive, and occasionally step on the line accidentally and push yourself into an embarrassing situation.

From the company's point of view, it is a good thing that new members are pouring in, bringing a new atmosphere and activating the team. But how to let the "new cat" enter the environment quickly, how to let the "old cat" activate himself because of the new members, and form a good team relationship with the new members.

First of all, human resources education and training is the most important part in the beginning. The human resources department needs to have a complete and systematic introduction process, so that new members can understand the company's hardware equipment, related work rules, organizational structure, and the basics of the company's internal systems. operate.

It is also very important to organize the education and training of team members at ordinary times. The team should not have a crowding effect. At ordinary times, the supervisor should pay special attention to this part. When a new member joins his team, he needs to have a mentor role to take care of the new person. This mentor role also allows the supervisor to observe whether the person is suitable to be a team leader. For the organization, someone takes care of the new member and lets him get started as soon as possible, which is of positive significance for the development of the team. At the same time, this mechanism is used to observe who has the trait of being in charge, which is the target of future cultivation.

This mentor role is an important medium between a team and newcomers, allowing newcomers to quickly understand the department's work, culture, and team members. Only when newcomers adapt well can the team's combat effectiveness be improved. You can have a brief 10-15 minutes every day to understand the newcomer's status and work progress, and give immediate feedback. Moreover, new members can often see whether there is room for improvement in the organization from an unframed perspective, so that new members can express their thoughts without fear, which is a good thing for team activation. Although the pragmatic aspects of new members are not enough, putting forward new ideas can also promote team thinking. Combined with pragmatic aspects, it may be possible to push the organization forward.

Mis-appointment has always been the biggest cost of an enterprise. When an organization welcomes new members, the organization has to observe and has the responsibility to help new members integrate into the environment. In this process of close observation and assistance, both parties can better understand. If it is a talent required by the team, assisting him in rapid development will be a bonus for the organization. It's a good thing for both parties to immediately hit the brakes if you find a problem you couldn't find in an interview.


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