Stop by the Natural Museum and shake off the dirt

The taste of purple grapes is sour, but his heart is sweet

Göreme is a remote town in the middle of Turkey. Like thousands of tourists, I have traveled thousands of miles. I had no expectations. However, she left an unforgettable memory Memories are like footprints stepped on while the cement is still wet.

The hotel I stayed in was built on a mountain, white-capped like a cave, and two or three kilometers away was the Göreme Open Air Museum. From the 6th to the 11th century AD, Christians migrated here in large numbers to escape the persecution of Muslims, and built residences, monasteries and dozens of cave churches in the hills formed by the volcanic rock.

The ceilings and frescoes of the grotto churches were all painted on the lime when the lime was wet. The paint was peeled off due to disrepair and disrepair during the visit, and it looked incomplete. The strong wind rustled through the caves, and I vaguely seemed to hear the earnest prayers, which contained sadness. Before my eyes, I saw the situation of the former believers. They hid in the underground and in the caves, with no windows and no doors. The wind and sand blew the smell of blood. They were in predicament, and the water and resources were very scarce.

Christianity often says that suffering is the decoration of blessings, and only when people reach the end is the beginning of life, and only then can they be in harmony with God. The courage and piety of those cloud-like witnesses have never been annihilated, they will endure forever!

The special combination of man-made and natural elements includes various elements such as geology, culture, history, religion, and humanities. The scenery displayed here has become a world-class cultural heritage of Turkey, and also represents the rare essence of Byzantine art. It just reminds us to do more meaningful things while we are strong and strong, even if he is no longer gorgeous, the incomplete memory can still shine .

The geographical environment of Gulomi Valley is peculiar. After more than ten centuries of weathering and natural erosion, there are many small peaks with strange shapes rising from the ground, some of which are conical, some are cylindrical and mushroom-shaped. Some are covered with conical stones, like a hat, to form a large bamboo- and chimney-shaped "rock area" that surrounds ancient villages and a series of mountains. Reminds me of mavericks, who don't care what others think, who don't go with the flow and don't stick to themselves. After many years of wind, rain and snow, it can still stand proudly, and open up a new world of wonder with the mentality of clear people.

Sitting in the open-air tea house, enjoying the famous local apple tea, the ears are quiet, the village is quiet, the orchard is quiet, except for the occasional "da-da" of the motorcycle passing by and the sporadic sound of cicadas in the distance, everything is so simple , time stood still.

The white smoke curled up on the teacup, and my thoughts began to float. How are my friends far away now? Is there a chance to come here with me?

The ancient Rome in summer is a treasure for tourists. I became a child's drawing. The upper half of the paper is blue and the lower half is green . Sitting on the hillside, eating and picking tomatoes, green eggplants and apples, overlooking the whole town, the sun is dazzling and warm, the breeze is refreshing, everything is so comfortable and comfortable, it makes people forget all the mundane things. In a trance, I was probably sent to another parallel universe and exchanged identities with another, right? !

Looking back on our life, we will always encounter many unfortunate things, bad and despicable people, these people and things make us exhausted and even have nightmares. At this time and place, I have come to realize the wisdom of leaving everything behind and thinking about it without asking or asking. There is really no need to let these stains remain and contaminate our joyful life!

The sky is pure blue, expansive, unpretentious, and mesmerizing.

The ground is pure green, continuous and unobstructed, like a fairyland.

The similarity between the ancient Rome and the natural museum lies in isolation. The former is unintentional, the latter is intentional. Living here, one day in the middle of the mountains, the world has been in the world for thousands of years, not to mention the world outside is moving so violently, it is a kind of cultivation to be able to restrain loneliness.

The tea room was managed by a young man who was trapped in the crowd. He was already impatient, and was so bored that he picked up a bread knife to drive away the flies that were lurking on the railings.

The owner of the hotel is another example. He is in his 40s. He lives alone in the hotel. He does not understand English. When communicating with me, he often relies on the help of other tourists to translate. Like the lonely giant in fairy tales, he looks forward to children coming to play in his garden every day. It is estimated that the ancient Rome is frozen in winter, and the days will be even more difficult without tourists.

One night, the temperature dropped sharply, and I was huddling to finish washing up, but he suddenly pulled me, and I was grabbed outside the kitchen like a chicken. Hearing him murmur a lot, I shook my head to show that I didn’t understand. He was in a hurry and brought a German couple to help translate. Seeing that I was afraid of the cold, he wanted to invite me to drink to ward off the cold.

The wine is transparent, like water, and you can feel the aroma of lime when you drink it.

He even brought a bunch of purple grapes from the kitchen, and explained that the wine was extracted from this variety of grapes, and asked me to take it back to the room to eat. The taste of purple grapes is sour, but his heart is sweet.

The hotel has a thick commemorative book, and invites staying guests to leave a message. I am the second Asian to visit. After thinking about it for a while, I wrote: "Guromi is the most beautiful place in Turkey. I hope that the next time I have the opportunity to visit again, Gulomi can still retain that simplicity.

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