women have no country

The Basic Witches
Women are not the subject of any nation-state. We are targets of war, no matter which side our country is on.

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“As a woman I have no country. As a woman I want no country. As a woman, my country is the whole world.”

―Virginia Woolf

The root of human tragedy is that there is a dick in the brain and a gun in the hand.

Patriarchy is based on the succession of the family line. And the way to legitimize that social structure is nationalism. The competition for interests and resource allocation based on blood is politics. The ultimate means of politics is war.

Without war, there would be no dominance of men over women. As long as patriarchy exists, war will never die. The way patriarchy treats mountains, rivers, lakes and seas is exactly the same as it treats women, using, exploiting, exchanging, and trampling. The humanitarian crisis in Fengxian County and the Ukrainian crisis seem to have nothing to do with each other, but they actually have the same origin.

Photo credit: @StratcomCentre/Twitter

"30 million bachelors" has never been the reason for women being trafficked, but the result of women being objectified, traded, and treated as "losing money". This world makes it impossible for women to survive. Which father dares to give birth to a girl? Parents who have the condition and courage to give birth to girls will be slapped in the face by the cruel social reality, warning and admonishing other parents who are about to become parents.

Not to mention 30 million bachelors, even in countries with a small number of men, women have never had enough. As we all know, there are few men in Russia, who are spoiled by women, and their leisure entertainment is drinking and beating their wives. And Ukraine is the womb of all of Europe (or even the world). After the Russia-Ukraine war broke out, Chinese men who sympathized with Russian imperialism were like taking aphrodisiacs, and Chinese men stood up! Come on Ukrainian beauties! Come on Chinese men's football team!

However, not all men can enjoy the glory of the national fortune. Men will massacre high-quality sexual and reproductive resources by slaughtering and oppressing other men. The masculinity of the lower-level men is bruised in the competition of the same kind, and the entitlement of being men makes them unable to calm down, and they must swing their knives at the weaker ones. The country owes me a slave, I don't steal or rob, I bought one with money, what's wrong? !

Needless to say, women will be exposed, women will never stand up.

Because women are not the subject of any nation-state. We are targets of war, no matter which side our country is on.

There are three tragedies for women. First, they sell their lives in order to monopolize a dick; second, they think that men's guns are aimed at "outsiders";

Why is it a tragedy not to have a gun? Because freedom, peace, and equality, so far a beautiful vision, have never been realized on a large scale. NATO seems to have realized it, but their first pot of gold was bloody, and global capitalism allowed them to continue to colonize the third world in disguise by exporting their own garbage.

Photo credit: @StratcomCentre/Twitter

The recorded history is uninterrupted plunder, exploitation, poverty, crisis, war, fortune, bankruptcy, truce, peace talks, carve-up, sanctions, plunder, poverty, exploitation... Yoshimitsu Kataha's peace and prosperity are all due to father's mercy , Father's gift.

All has happened before. And all will happen again.

The wheel of history does not see the weak nor judge good and evil. Is mankind a community of destiny? Are people's sorrows and joys connected? Is seeking virtue in troubled times a fantasy? Is there a god three feet above the head? Does this God care about the affairs of the world?

I have no answers to these questions. However, there are many people who, just like me, still have good and evil in their hearts, and their first reaction is regret and sadness in the face of war. Why doesn't evolution filter us out? I don't know either.

I think, as a person with subjectivity, we have the ability and the responsibility to choose to be responsible for the good and evil in our hearts, to cherish the brilliance of human nature, and to go for the unrealized ideal. After all, it is impossible to earn 100 million yuan.

If you have to choose a mirage, why not choose the one that is true, good and beautiful?

We can't stop the war, we can't save the Iron Chain Girl, but at least we can stop making sarcastic remarks, make dead jokes, and eat human blood.

I am a weak woman who has no view of the big picture, and I am only qualified to be full of sorrow and righteous indignation. The sky is open, nine stars are in the sky, I have not been aborted, have no brothers, and have not been admitted to a first-class university in China. I have gone abroad, and I have left the NATO country, rooted in the left side of the lighthouse country. This is the tire that the chain girl didn't hit.

So I want to speak for her, live for her, stand with women who are as lucky as me, and fight for thousands of unfortunate women. So that the lives of those who have sacrificed themselves for us meant something. So that when we perish, our lives and struggles will mean something for those to come.


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The Basic WitchesHello大家好,我们是Basic Witches低端媛助🔮。 这里是一个女性表达空间,支持女性自我赋能与成长。无论你在女性觉醒或女性主义的任何阶段,请加入我们一起前行。 Inclusive feminism. Of women for women.
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