Happy Birthday to me 🐸 | iPhone 12 Mini here I come

Should you use LikeCoin or sell your Apple stock as a birthday present?

I remember that the first iPhone (Xiaobai) was bought in Australia in 2011. In 2015, my sister gave me iphone6 (Xiaojin). It was found that the lifespan of a mobile phone is about 5 years. The old mobile phone can still be used, but the heat level of the mobile phone is too high and too hot, which should also be related to the amount of chips and files in the mobile phone, so I decided to buy the iphone12 Mini (Xiaohong) for my birthday in 2021.

At first, I actually liked the color of the chick (little yellow) of the iPhone 11. The youthful and cute atmosphere it exudes attracted me. But I personally prefer small phones, and the recent smartphone size specifications are getting bigger every year and the body is too heavy. Last year, Apple launched the iPhone mini 5G model, which is literally designed for people who like to keep their phones in their pants pockets at all times. Small and lightweight, with capacities of 64GB, 128GB, and 256GB. This red is not pure red if you look closely. Slightly pinkish in red.


In particular, if you buy a red Apple phone, there will be a Product Red logo on the back of the phone.

What is (PRODUCT) RED™ ?

Wikipedia says: Started by U2 frontman Bono and Bobby Shriver of Debt AIDS Trade in Africa (DATA) to raise money for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

Since the launch of the iPhone 7, Apple has had a Prodcut Red program, and any purchase of any Apple product in red will help The Global Fund to fight HV AIDS/virus in Africa and the world's COVID-19 Response project.

The picture below is an announcement from Apple’s official website: Apple has partnered with (RED) to donate 100% of the designated revenue from (PRODUCT)RED sales to the COVID‑19 Response project under The Global Fund. It is equivalent to buying a mobile phone, and Apple helps you do public welfare.

Not only Apple, but many companies around the world have participated in Prodcut Red's public welfare activities. Click here to view all Prodcut Red products .


Two ways to give yourself a gift:

1. How many LikeCoins do I have, can I afford the iphone 12Mini?

1 iphone 12mini is about $700.

The price of today's LIKE Coin compared to US dollars is $0.021, which is equal to: $750

I don't know if it counts, right? There is also no experience exchanging LikeCoins for cash. Anyway, thank you Matters for giving me the pocket money😊.

2. Sell Apple stock

Apple has always been a company I admire very much, so of course I want to be a shareholder of Apple! U.S. stock symbol: AAPL. Apple last paid a dividend on August 12.

My portfolio is spread across different industry sectors, so Apple doesn't actually hold a lot of shares. From August last year to the present, I own 28 shares of AAPL. 2021/8/16 The stock price is about $149USD, and the current return on investment has increased by 20%. This year, the pocket money Apple sent me was $882.25. Thank you for being an Apple shareholder, thank you for Apple's stock price growth, and for sponsoring me an iPhone. 😍

In conclusion, I need to study how to convert Likecoin into cash, sell a few Apple shares for the insufficient price, and my dream of buying a mobile phone as a gift will come true.

thank you word

Thank God for creating me.

Thank you mom and dad for raising me.

Thank you for the people, things, and things I have experienced in my life.

Thank you for meeting you during the trip.

Thanks to my family and friends for laughing with me.

Thank you for helping me when I was helpless.

Thank God for introducing me to the Matters platform.

Thank you Matters for all your support and taking the time to read my articles 💛.

Thank you for always being optimistic about your life.

Thank you for always working hard and living happily.

Thanks for 2021.

happy Birthday to me.


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