【21-Day Writing Project-Day19】University is not as beautiful as imagined

Suddenly felt.
I remember when I was in high school, because of the pressure of schoolwork and the days of copying and pasting every day, I often thought in my heart, I really want to go to college soon, because at that time, college was a youth, freedom, A new phase full of hope.

After I finally got through and got admitted to university, I realized that the reality was fundamentally different from what I imagined.

  1. Crazy happy dormitory life only stops in movies. The real version of dormitory life is to live under the same roof for a year with strangers you don't know at all, and you have to endure many problems that plague yourself. For example, roommates are always talking on the phone at 4 am, roommates in the lower bunk will be woken up when they turn the bed, and during the epidemic, as long as one person in the dormitory catches a cold, people will be panicked...
  2. College life is not as interesting as imagined. In college, because the classes given to individuals are very different, basically everyone in the class doesn't know each other (of course, it may be that I am not born to make friends haha)
  3. The pressure of going out of society to become an "adult". In college, you begin to take full responsibility for your own life. You need to find a career that can fill your belly. At this time, you may find that you don't seem to know anything, and then start to doubt your life and become anxious. Of course, some people may choose to continue to study upwards, but it is also a hard road.

In conclusion, reality and imagination are sometimes very different.

But don't be too disappointed because it's different from your expectations, just find a way to find a reason to be happy in it!

Take a good look at the feeling of the moment, maybe at some point in the future, you will miss those days.


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