Xiaolu's forbidden game...

It's really scary...the memory will be confused...

Continuing yesterday’s topic, even if no one asks what kind of game Xiaolu is, I will tell you!
(It’s so unreasonable!)

It's not the dish fairy that @Red guessed , that... is basically difficult... I live outside without dishes, only bowls... I wonder if there is a bowl fairy? Quickly stop the restless little hands who want to study my restlessness... and let us return to today's topic~

Xiaolu once read a novel and forgot the name... I didn't read it for too long, but I just remembered that there was an interesting setting in it, which is roughly like this:
First of all, Confucianism should be transformed into Confucianism. Scholars who read Confucianism will become believers and fight with believers of other religions to see which religion is the most powerful. How can scholars fight? Use a pen! It's not like martial arts novels where you use a judge's pen to attack acupuncture points, but you use a pen to write words, and the words will concretely attack according to the meaning of the words.

The example is probably like..., Xiaolu wrote: If the wind is violent and the rain is violent, there will be violent storms like this~

Then one day I suddenly remembered the setting of this novel... and thought..., what should I do if I want to combine verses to attack...?

Please think about what you will do first, and first enjoy the beautiful tea garden scenery:

It was also taken by a friend

I don't know what everyone would do, but... I started piecing together taboo words in my head...

When I want to prevent the opponent from attacking easily, I immediately write:
There is a bird path in Taibai, Xidang, which can cross the top of Emei!
Now that we have physical defense, we need to add mental intimidation. Let’s quickly write down:
The snow and the sea surged with beatings and drums from all sides, and the three armies shouted that the Yinshan Mountains were in turmoil.
Then prepare to persuade the other party to surrender the invisible pressure and write:
The poor bones by the Wuding River are like those in a spring boudoir's dream.

But we can’t just defend, we also have to attack. At this point, things start to go wrong. What I wrote is:
Goose and goose, white feathers floating on the green water, five flowers and money swirling into ice!
(Gooses, your feathers will turn into snowflake-like darts, blowing to the enemy in all directions with the strong wind!)

There can't be an attacking team... If we want to have a powerful killer..., I will write:
The thread in the hand of a loving mother can kill one person in ten steps!
(The gentle mother, with a kind smile, uses the needle and thread in her hand to take lives one by one!)

If you want to use a honey trap... instead of sending your pretty sister to your enemies, it's better to scare them to death!
The flowery face on the temples is swaying with golden steps, and I can see it dimly, with a gleam of ghost lights, revealing the peach blossom face.
(Beautiful young lady~what a ghost!)

To have endless warriors, write:
Generals die in hundreds of battles, but the spring breeze blows and they are born again !
(A large group of ghost warriors shouting Yinhetian appeared!)

When I want to hunt down an enemy, I write:
If a friend comes from afar, he will be killed even though he is far away !
(No matter how far you go, I will chase you to the end)

But be careful when picking up verses..., like... But the flying generals of Dragon City are here (General Li Guang is coming out!),
The slender waist Zhengwu Jun is intoxicated
~ (The general went to drink wine...)
Or a combination that may cause the other party to not comply....
The power is overwhelming and the world is unparalleled (Xiang Yu comes out)
Anger for beauty (....You are too good to be true, I refuse to fight)
…remember it for me….

In short..., this is really scary QQ... Such random words will cause a huge confusion when reciting poems...

This kind of game cannot be played often...

The above is the forbidden game of Xiaolu..., it's so scary...

Finally, let’s take a look at the Nantou Dimu Temple that Xiaolu photographed ten years ago to end today’s chat.

The weather is so nice and there are so many stairs...


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