The Space series of popular science activities "Storm and Rain Flash Destruction Plan"

Why is climate change relevant to you?

As a community with a shared future for mankind, climate is one of the factors that we rely on for our survival, but unfortunately, global warming is becoming more and more serious, and various natural disasters (heat waves, droughts, rainstorms, etc.) are frequent. Thousands of people have become "climate refugees". If we don't realize that we need to make some changes, it is very likely to cause irreversible disasters, which will affect the basic survival of human beings. Now there are countless signals from nature warning us.

🔗 Reference video: The earth will not go back➡️

Therefore, the theme of The Space's first popular science activity has chosen "climate change", hoping that through a series of activities of "science sharing + round table discussion + canvas interaction", everyone will have a deeper understanding of the impact of climate. Thank you to the community members meankid76/heatwave #0610 Great help with Oliz#8494 ~~~

🌟Event time : The popular science activity will 2022.8.12 8:30PM . The rain interaction on the canvas will be opened on the same day. Please pay attention to the "Rainstorm Warning" released in the community in time!

🌟 Venue : 「🎵」Online Campaign &

🌟Event form :

1. Popular science sharing: Heatwave will mainly share for everyone, in a more intuitive form such as "picture + video", in addition, there will be a question-and-answer session with prizes~

2. Round table discussion: After the sharing, Oliz will lead everyone to discuss together, either in text or voice

3. Canvas interaction: Dark clouds will randomly appear on the canvas before and after the event. We will broadcast a "rainstorm warning" in the community, and everyone can come to the canvas to rain (just buy a few pixels and choose blue to form a raindrop), If you want to protect your work from rainstorm erosion, you can draw a small umbrella on the work, and finally we will make the whole process of raining into a video NFT and distribute it to all the small partners participating in the event

Come to The Space community to make an appointment to participate in the event~~


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