In the eyes of his wife, family and classmates--Zhang Pilin, the arsonist of Beihang Airlines

Written time December 12, 2002 14:11 This case was encountered on Zhihu today. I saw that there are many loopholes in the domestic mainstream media news evaluation. In contrast, the legend is more reliable. here. Seeking Disappearance Article Dunren Times by Yang Dali

Related Topics: A Northern Airlines passenger plane crashes in Dalian

●Bund Pictorial reporters and special reporters interviewed Zhang Pilin's family, colleagues and classmates three times before and after the arsonist of the "5.7" air crash in Dalian

● Zhang Pilin's relatives told the media about Zhang Pilin in their minds for the first time

On December 7, the official news agency issued a brief message: The State Council Leading Group for the Handling of the "May 7" Air Crash confirmed that, through investigation and thorough verification, it was determined that the "May 7" Air Crash was caused by arson damage by passenger Zhang Pilin. event. Regarding the air crash, which killed 112 people, the cause of which has been divided, and has attracted great attention at home and abroad, such a brief news has caused strong repercussions, and hundreds of articles of various types have been circulated on the Internet and other media. Everyone wants to know more the truth. To this end, the Bund Pictorial dispatched reporters and special reporters to investigate Zhang Pilin and his personal best, and made all the truth known to the public, and will further investigate the rest of the truth.

Zhang Pilin in the eyes of relatives

Found Zhang Pilin's home for the first time

The policeman of Chunhai police station said: "We definitely can't tell you anything, you can inquire through other channels. It's your ability to inquire; if you can't inquire, we can't do anything about it." Zhang's house is in a high-rise single-body building , luxurious interior decoration.

After the Beihang "5.7" air crash, the cause of the crash has always been the focus of public attention. As of May 17, two black boxes (flight recorder and cabin voice recorder) were found in the wrecked waters of Dalian and sent to Beijing to be studied and deciphered by experts, but nothing has been written since. By the end of May, there were rumors on the Internet that the "5.7" air crash was caused by man-made sabotage, and some people revealed "inside information": it was Dalian passenger Zhang Pilin who bought 7 insurances!

The "suspicious points" listed in the "inside information" are: he bought seven insurances and purchased them in two separate purchases; he sat in the last row, close to the fire; he failed the security check when boarding the plane at the Capital Airport, and was sent by a friend The plane, the last person to board the plane; "Heavy debt!" This person sent a short message on his mobile phone before boarding the plane, with the words "Please pay attention to everything that is happening around me"; the public security department has received many times before the incident. Intelligence said, "Recently, the '4.15' air crash will repeat itself in China"... This kind of rumors spread very fast, but there is no way to confirm it. On May 27, the reporter got in touch with his counterparts in Dalian, and they provided the information: this matter has already become a topic of discussion among Dalian citizens after dinner, and the gossip is flying all over the place.

On May 29, the reporter rushed to Dalian to investigate. Zhang Pilin's personal information that can be obtained through public channels is very limited. The list of victims provided by the "5.7" air crash handling team did not list his home address, but a message published by the Shenyang Evening News revealed that Zhang Pilin lived in the "Siergou area" and was the owner of a decoration company.

Siergou is located in the east of Zhongshan District, Dalian. There are two police stations in Chunhe and Chunhai. The population is unknown, but there are six neighborhood committees.

On the morning of May 30, the reporter came to the Chunhe Police Station and asked to inquire about Zhang Pilin's address, but the staff was absent and could not inquire. In the afternoon, at the Chunhai Police Station, after listening to the reporter's request, a middle-aged police officer looked nervous, repeatedly asked the reporter's intentions and said that he should ask his superiors for instructions on this matter. After the negotiation, he said: "We definitely can't tell you anything, you can inquire through other channels. It's your ability to inquire; if you can't inquire, there's nothing we can do."

On May 31, Chunhe Police Station said after inquiries that the person's household registration was not in Si'ergou, and probably not in Zhongshan District, so there was no comment. At this point, the reporter has visited four neighborhood committees successively, but found nothing.

In the afternoon, there was a turnaround. In the Dalian branch of China Life Insurance Company, a staff member disclosed the following situation: According to the normal psychological analysis of insurance consumption, it was incomprehensible that Zhang purchased aviation accident insurance in two separate batches, which was unconventional; Passengers with aviation accident insurance have already received compensation; Zhang Pilin purchased commercial insurance from Dalian Ping An Insurance Company during his lifetime, and Ping An has paid the compensation after the accident; in addition, Zhang's company name is Zebra Decoration Company.

On the morning of June 1, the reporter rushed to the Dalian Natural History Museum by the sea and saw a staff member who was a colleague of the Zhang family's relatives. After repeatedly explaining the intention, the insider refused to disclose any information.

In the sales department of Dalian Ping An Insurance Company, a person in charge did not answer the reporter's question, but sent the reporter out of the house politely and resolutely.

In the afternoon, after spending more than two hours, the reporter found Zhang Pilin's Zebra Decoration Company in Huale Garden, a newly developed residential area on the east side of Si'ergou. The company rents the first and second floors of a four-story building, which is located at the entrance of the community, close to the road. Regrettably, the building was already empty, and only the company's name remained on the outer wall. According to the security of the community, this is indeed Zhang Pilin's company, but because of the remoteness of the place, he has left after the Spring Festival and moved into the Pearl River International Building in the city center.

The Pearl River International Building is a relatively high-end office building in the local area. The floor plan of the lobby on the first floor does say "16F Dalian Zebra Decoration Company". But on June 2, when the reporter found here, the two offices of nearly 100 square meters rented by the company were also empty, and there was not a single piece of paper left. According to the property management of the building, the lease agreement was originally signed until August next year, but after the air crash, all the people left.

The only clue was broken again. The reporter remembered that there was a house rental phone at the gate of the Zebra Decoration Company in Huale District, and called. It was a girl who answered the phone. She said that it was her boss's house. Zhang Pilin still owed the boss several thousand dollars in rent, and the boss didn't plan to ask for it. When asked about Zhang's address, the girl hesitated for a long time and said, "It seems that she lives in the XX apartment. Don't say that I said it."

The XX apartment is located on the side of Lu Xun Road that crosses Siergou, and is quite close to Huale Garden. It is a high-rise single-body building. After a lot of trouble, a cleaner told the truth: Zhang's family lived in a certain unit, No. XX.

At this point, the reporter finally found the home address of Zhang Pilin, who was caught in the middle of various rumors, but in the end it was a waste of effort, because no matter how the reporter knocked on the door, the door was always closed and no one answered.

Later, when the reporter went to Dalian for the second time to see Zhang Pilin's family, he realized that they were being investigated and inquired by the relevant parties. The father-in-law and mother-in-law, who had been living in Zhang's house, were sometimes taken out to cooperate with the investigation.

Relatives tell Zhang Pilin for the first time

Wife: I really don't know why he went to Beijing on May 7th. He is the kind of man who cares more about his family and loves his son.

Brother: In April 2002, Zhang Pilin had three car accidents while driving, and each time he was "terrified."

Father-in-law: Between a daughter and a son-in-law, "harmony" prevails.

A month later, Zhang Pilin's family, who had not received Beihang's compensation and 1.4 million yuan of aviation accident insurance, contacted the reporter. On July 3rd, the reporter arrived in Dalian for the second time. In the afternoon, he met Zhang Pilin's wife Xu Jing (pseudonym) and Zhang Pilin's brother and brother. On the morning of the 4th, he met Zhang Pilin at ×× apartment × unit ×××. His father-in-law and mother-in-law learned about Zhang's personal and family circumstances.

Zhang Pilin was admitted to the Department of Physics of Nanjing University from Dalian in 1983, majoring in semiconductors. After graduating from the undergraduate degree in 1987, he was admitted to the optics major of the Department of Physics. Two years later than Zhang Pilin. After the two established their relationship at school, Xu Jing came to Dalian after graduation in 1989, and worked in Dalian Foreign Supply Corporation (renamed Dalian Friendship Group in 1993). work at. A year later, Zhang left the Public Security Bureau because he could not get a house and worked for a well-known computer company in Dalian. In 1993, Zhang Pilin and Xu Jing got married, and in 1995, their son was born. In 1994, Zhang Pilin found a new unit, Liaoning Foreign Trade Company. Here, according to Xu Jing, he had worked in administrative management and foreign trade business. start a company. Xu Jing said that in May last year, their family bought a house in the XX apartment (the head of the household is Xu Jing), and Zhang Pilin started the decoration by himself. As a result, he found that this business was very profitable, so he opened the Zebra decoration company. The company's registered capital is 300,000, the main business is home decoration, and there are more than ten employees.

On July 3, Zhang Pilin's brother said that there are now more than a dozen versions of the gossip outside. Some people lose millions in stock speculation, millions in trading, owe huge debts to others, have terminal illness, etc. We all I heard that it is very stressful.

He said that although the business of Zebra Decoration Company is not very large, the situation has been opened, and there are ten construction sites under construction during the May Day. My brother's family now has three arrears: one is the company's 33,000 yuan for decoration materials, which is a normal arrear; the other is the Southeast Fulica luxury business car bought last year, bought with a loan, and a monthly loan of 5,000 yuan, It will be repaid in one and a half years; the third is the house in the apartment of XX, which was also bought with a loan, with a total price of 500,000 yuan, part of which is supported by relatives, and the rest is not much. The income of both of them is not low. Fully able to pay in installments.

Xu Jing said that her first unit has been listed, and she still holds some original shares, which are very valuable. She later worked in Dalian Ping An Insurance Company. Now she works for a certain securities company. She is in the management level and belongs to the high-income class in the local area. The economic conditions of her family should be above average. Their luxurious decoration in the commercial housing of the XX apartment proves this.

According to Zhang's family, Zhang Pilin has a strong sense of insurance. Xu Jing said that because she had worked in an insurance company, her husband knew more about insurance. Since 1997, the family has bought some commercial insurances for medical treatment, disease and pension. The reporters saw a few: Zhang Xu and his wife's recreation insurance, Zhang's accident insurance and children's Ping An insurance.

Zhang's brother said that when Zhang Pilin bought a car in July last year, he bought all the types of insurance on the policy, and the total annual insurance premium was 7,851.22 yuan. Around April this year, Zhang Pilin had three car accidents while driving, and each time he was "scared enough".

According to Xu Jing, Zhang Pilin is the kind of man who takes care of his family and loves his son. The division of labor within the family is that she does the housework, and Zhang Pilin takes care of the children. "As long as there is time, he will take the children out to play every Sunday." The father who is nursing at her home told reporters that between the daughter and the son-in-law, the dominant one is "harmony".

Xu Jing said that they have been accustomed to each other's business trips for many years. If it takes a long time, they will say it in advance, and they will call back in two or three days to explain. On May 7, she did not know why her husband went to Beijing. That morning, when my husband went to work, there was no difference. He called at 5 o'clock in the afternoon and said that he was in Beijing. She asked why she was in Beijing. Zhang Pilin said that she would come back and talk about it. Before going to bed at night, she received another text message from her husband, telling her the flight number. She thought it was the flight of the next day, and fell asleep without calling back. The next morning when I arrived at the unit, I learned of the accident. My husband's plane had crashed into the sea.

Since May 17, Zhang Pilin's family and friends have been investigated by relevant parties for many times. Xu Jing has been questioned four times, but the results of the investigation are still unknown. They are anxious that on the one hand, the investigation has not yielded results, on the other hand, Beihang Airlines has not paid one cent of the compensation and insurance compensation for the seven insurance policies. At the same time, there are too many social rumors, and the elderly and children at home are under great mental pressure. The aftermath team has been cancelled, and they have nowhere to find someone to coordinate and deal with the matter.

Another detail is that Zhang Pilin's remains have not yet been cremated, and the public security department has not issued a death certificate. His brother said that they had promised relevant parties that they could extract any part of the body for testing, so that the Zhang family could handle his brother's funeral, but there was no reply.

The Zhang family’s current request is to separate accident investigation and insurance claims, and to settle claims while investigating. The relevant person in charge of the Dalian Municipal Government has also made inquiries, but to no avail.

On July 8, the Air Accident Insurance Co-insurance Management Department of the Beijing Insurance Industry Association, which is responsible for claiming the air accident accident insurance, sent a fax to Zhang Jia: According to the requirements of the "5.7" Air Accident Handling Leading Group of the State Council and the "Personal Accident Injury of Air Passengers" "Insurance Clauses" on "insurance liability" and "liability exemption", since the relevant departments have notified our association, the current investigation of the cause of the "air crash" accident and related persons has not been completed. handle.

On July 15, a gentleman surnamed Wang from the Co-insurance Management Department of Beijing Air Accident Insurance told reporters on the phone: For Zhang Pilin's insurance payment, they handled it according to the official document issued to them by the State Council Leading Group for Air Accident Handling.

The reporter contacted Zhang Pilin's relatives again

Miss Xu said that Zhang Pilin "is a relatively unique person, and it is difficult to describe in one sentence. In Northeastern dialect, he is 'very righteous'. Because he is not a person who obeys orders, the evaluation of him by outsiders is also not good or bad. One, it’s not the kind of person that everyone says is good or everyone says bad.” Miss Xu claimed to be "a very close relative of Xu Jing", and the reporter's investigation confirmed that she was actually Xu Jing. Xu Jing is Zhang Pilin's wife.

At 1510 pm on December 8th, before the plane to Dalian was about to take off, the reporter contacted Zhang Pilin's family for the first time according to the mobile phone number of Zhang Pilin's wife Xu Jing (pseudonym) obtained from a friend.

The phone rang for a long time before it was connected. The other party was a young woman with a slight northeastern accent. After learning of the reporter's intention, she told the reporter that she was not Xu Jing, but that Xu Jing's mobile phone was currently kept by her.

The reporter asked for an interview, and the other party said, "Xu Jing has been busy recently and has no time for interviews. Moreover, it is not convenient for Xu Jing to speak at this time."

With the reporter's lobbying, she promised to help and ask Xu Jing if she was willing to be interviewed. As for her own identity, she refused to reveal her own identity, but only claimed to be "a very close relative of Xu Jing" and told the reporter that her surname was Xu only after repeated questioning by the reporter. The reporter inferred that she was Xu Jing's older sister or younger sister, and she reluctantly admitted.

An hour and a half later, the plane flew over the calm Bohai Bay. Large and small fishing boats and oil tankers were scattered on the sapphire blue sea, and the chimneys of the oil factories on the northern shore were spewing thick smoke. Seven months ago, at this location, the tail of Beihang's McDonnell Douglas 82 caught fire and plunged into the sea with 112 lives.

At 18:30, just after the plane landed at Dalian Zhoushuizi Airport, the reporter called Miss Xu. Miss Xu said that Xu Jing has not been contacted yet, maybe Xu Jing is not at home. She asked the reporter to wait until she got in touch with Xu Jing before calling.

At 20:00, the reporter tried to contact Ms. Xu by phone, but her mobile phone remained unanswered.

At 22:11, the reporter finally received a call from Miss Xu. Ms. Xu said that Xu Jing was reluctant to be interviewed because "after all, this matter involves more than 100 lives, and this consequence cannot be borne by any individual". She hoped that the reporter would not interview Xu Jing, so as not to bring more trouble to Xu Jing.

The reporter repeatedly asked for an interview, and finally, Miss Xu agreed to answer the questions the reporter wanted to know on behalf of Xu Jing. However, she firmly refused the interview request made by the reporter: "It's enough to talk on the phone. Neither Xu Jing nor I will accept the interview."

During the phone call, Ms. Xu revealed to reporters that in this air crash, Xu Jing's family, like other family members of the victims, were informed of the plane crash by the Dalian Municipal Government at 20:00 on the evening of May 7.

Ms. Xu said that since there was no conclusion for half a year after the incident, various rumors in the society that Zhang Pilin was the arsonist made Xu Jing feel a lot of pressure. She also raised it up to the State Council and down to the Dalian Municipal Government. Requests for further findings have been unanswered. Regarding this, she said that Xu Jing also "no longer has too many illusions, and only let history clarify everything."

Regarding Zhang Pilin, Miss Xu said that he "is a relatively unique person, which is difficult to describe in one sentence. In Northeastern dialect, he is 'very loyal'. Because he is not a person who obeys orders, outsiders comment on him. It's also mixed, not the kind of person that everyone says is good or everyone says bad."

The reporter mentioned to Miss Xu that Zhang Pilin had been diagnosed with advanced liver cancer in Dalian First People's Hospital, but Miss Xu was very dismissive. She said: "This is a ridiculous statement. Some people say that he has lung cancer. And there is no First People's Hospital in Dalian."

Regarding the operation of Zhang Pilin's company, Ms. Xu said that Zhang Pilin opened the decoration company less than a year ago. The company is still in the development stage and has not made much profit, but there is no rumored debt of 400,000 or even 800,000. Ms. Xu said that at the time of Zhang Pilin's death, he owed the employees of the decoration company a month's wages, and a payment from a supplier of decoration materials was not paid. The two sums totaled more than 30,000 yuan.

After more than 30 minutes of telephone conversation and persuasion, Ms. Xu finally agreed to "ask Xu Jing if she would like to be interviewed by reporters in person", and promised to reply to reporters within half an hour.

However, the reporter did not receive a call from Miss Xu from 22:40 until 23:50. The phone that called her was cut off first, and then only heard the voice prompt of "the other party is talking", and called the voice prompt at 24:00. Say "The other party is turned off."

It wasn't until 8:00 am the next day that Miss Xu called, saying that Xu Jing didn't want to say anything, and asked the reporter not to ask any more questions. She said she herself would not answer any more questions from reporters.

On the evening of December 6, the "5.7" air crash handling leading group notified Xu Jing of the investigation results. On December 7, Xinhua News Agency broadcast the cause of the "5.7" air crash. On the same day, Zhang Pilin's body was buried and Xu Jing's family lived there. a hotel.

During the daytime on December 9, the reporter found Xu Jing's home near Si'ergou, Dalian.

The apartment where Xu Jing lived was the most conspicuous building in that residential area. Each house in the apartment was a mezzanine structure, that is to say, each house consisted of two floors upstairs and downstairs.

Everyone on the same floor as Xu Jing's house had already hung up the red character "Fu" in front of the door, and only Xu Jing's house was empty.

The reporter came to Xu Jing's house three times in one day, but every time the door was closed, no one responded no matter how much he knocked on the door. Neighbors next door said they hadn't seen anyone in or out of their home for several days.

On the evening of December 9, the reporter found a three-star hotel in the city center according to the landline that Miss Xu called the reporter's mobile phone. In the standard room where the call was made, the reporter saw two elderly people in their sixties and a seven or eight-year-old boy. These were Xu Jing's parents and son.

At this time, Xu Jing was not at the hotel. Xu Jing's father was already lying on the bed ready to sleep, and Xu Jing's mother was washing her little grandson.

Hearing the reporter's intention, Xu's mother was a little nervous, and told the reporter that Xu Jing might not be able to return for more than half an hour.

After obtaining the consent of the old man, the reporter entered the room and waited for Xu Jing. Father Xu immediately got up from the bed, shook hands and greeted the reporter very politely. Xu Jing's mother called Xu Jing, whispered a few words to Xu Jing, and then told reporters, "Xu Jing will not be back tonight, staying at a friend's house of hers."

The reporter wanted to talk to Xu Jing's father about some things that happened during this time. The old man immediately stopped the reporter with a wink, and whispered to the reporter: "Don't say it in front of the child, he still doesn't know anything."

The little guy crawled over from the bed, stretched out his thin head to listen to our conversation, and was immediately carried aside by his grandmother.

Xu's mother said that Xu Jing is in a bad mood now and does not want to meet with reporters. She repeatedly stressed that there was nothing to say at this time.

Under the persuasion of the reporter, Father Xu agreed to talk with the reporter downstairs, despite the repeated objections of Mother Xu. Soon after the conversation, Mother Xu came downstairs, urging Father Xu to return to the room to take medicine, and whispered, "Xu Jing is not allowed to say anything."

Xu Jing's parents came to Dalian in August 2001 to bring their children and take advantage of their tough bodies to enjoy the family's happiness. I didn't expect this to happen in less than a year.

Father Xu claimed that he didn't have much time with Zhang Pilin, and he was unwilling to make any comments on this person's character or how he behaved in the world, because he "couldn't relate these details of life to later events."

Father Xu said that Zhang Pilin usually has no special hobbies, that is, he likes to drink a little wine when he is tired after work. But I don't drink much, only one or two bottles of beer at most each time. Sometimes he also drinks with Zhang.

But Xu's father disagreed with Zhang's claim that he had advanced liver cancer. He said that Zhang did have hepatitis in 1987, when he was still a graduate student, but he recovered and never had it again.

According to Xu’s father, after Zhang started the company, no one in the family except himself was involved in the company’s business, and even Xu Jing didn’t know much about the company’s business.

After Xu’s father came to Dalian last year, he once proposed to Zhang to help him do something in the company, but Zhang “rejected” because Zhang did not want to turn the company into a traditional family-run business, but wanted to establish a modern business model. After that, Father Xu never raised the matter of work with Zhang again.

Father Xu believed that Zhang was a "very fine" person. There are many things he can learn very quickly just by looking at them once. For example, he is a science major, but his drawings of engineering are also decent.

On the evening of December 6, the 5.7 Air Crash Handling Leading Group notified Xu Jing's home of the investigation results. Xu's father said that the investigation results they obtained were no different from the content published by Xinhua News Agency. "The government has done meticulous ideological work when it notified the matter."

Xu Jing's mother said that it was like a nightmare to hear the result, but since the government made such a conclusion, it must have been carefully investigated and they believed the government. Although they "couldn't associate their son-in-law with something so dehumanizing".

On December 7, Zhang Pilin's body was buried. On the same day, Xu Jing's family of four checked into this three-star hotel. Xu Jing's mother said: "I was afraid that the family of the deceased would take revenge after the news was announced, and I didn't want to cause trouble to the surrounding neighbors. After all, it was a matter of more than 100 lives."

Xu Jing's 8-year-old son still doesn't know the truth. His family keeps telling him, "Dad went to a faraway place to do business." They also know that this kind of lie can't be told for a lifetime. noticed. Xu's father said, "Then wait until the child is a little older, and tell him the truth after the age of 10, and Xu will be better." As for how the child will face this fact and the resulting psychological pressure in the future, they still have these issues. There is no way to predict.

Mother Xu said that the current house will definitely not be able to live in, they are considering changing a house, or even thinking about leaving the city and moving to another place to continue living.

"The most important issue now is the work issue, and then the safety issue." Xu's father told reporters that the securities company where Xu Jing worked took great care of Xu Jing after the incident, but due to various reasons, Xu Jing has not gone to work recently.

The reporter also learned from Xu Jing's family that Xu Jing is the only child.

At noon on December 10, the reporter called "Miss Xu" again, and she finally admitted that she was Xu Jing.

Xu Jing's voice sounded tired and seemed to be depressed. She was reluctant to answer all questions from reporters. She said, "I don't want to and can't say anything right now." She also revealed that she might "leave Dalian and go to Jiangsu and Zhejiang to calm down for a while. Maybe I can talk when I come back, but I won't say anything now."

Zhang Pilin in the eyes of doctors

An "Inspection Report" on the Internet mentioned that "it was confirmed by the Dalian First People's Hospital that in early 2002, Zhang Pilin was suffering from liver cancer at a late stage."

In order to find out whether Zhang Pilin suffers from advanced liver cancer, the reporter rushed to Dalian Central Hospital. With the assistance of the relevant departments, we first checked the registration list of all patients in the inpatient department from January to April 2002, but did not find Zhang Pilin's name.

For the sake of rigor, we made requests to find the list of patients from January to April to the first department of general surgery, the second department of general surgery, the department of oncology and the department of gastroenterology. Soon, the results came back one after another: Zhang Pilin was not found.

A staff member of the hospital told reporters that if Zhang Pilin came to the hospital with his real name and was hospitalized, it would be impossible to find his records. As far as she knows, the hospital has not made a "confirmation that Zhang Pilin had advanced liver cancer", at least she didn't know it. According to her, "If the hospital really provided such a certificate, it is impossible for the staff of the hospital to have not heard of such a big thing."

The name "Dalian First People's Hospital" was still used in the 1970s, and it has long since been changed to "Dalian Central Hospital".

Zhang Pilin in the eyes of colleagues

Zhang Pilin's colleague told reporters that the only thing that impresses Zhang is that he is very smart and nothing else.

After graduating with a master's degree in 1990, Zhang Pilin returned to Dalian and worked in the household registration office of the Dalian Public Security Bureau, doing technical work.

The reporter contacted Liu Dezhao, the deputy director of the household registration office, hoping to know about Zhang's work in the household registration office. However, Liu Dezhao said that the staff of the household registration office is very mobile. Those who worked in the household registration office in 1990 are no longer available. He himself was only transferred to the household registration office two or three years ago, and many people come from him. It's still too late.

In 1994, after Zhang Pilin resigned from the household registration office of the Public Security Bureau, he came to Liaoning Textile Import and Export Company.

At first, Zhang Pilin was assigned to the general manager's office to be responsible for some daily administrative work. A female colleague who has worked with him for two years now recalls Zhang Pilin with no memory, "just an ordinary person, nothing special". Another female colleague added that the only thing that impresses me is that this person is very smart and nothing else.

Colleagues in the office said that their contact with Zhang Pilin was limited to work. He was very friendly, and he didn't find anything weird. Everyone was always joking and laughing. Outside of work, I didn't have much contact with him. A female colleague's house was not far from the XX apartment where Zhang Pilin lived, but he never walked around.

Zhang Pilin worked in the general manager's office for about two years. In the words of a colleague, he later "became a minor official, just in charge of a few things, but he had not been formally appointed." Zhang Pilin was soon transferred to Japan and South Korea and started sales. business. According to Zhang's colleagues, around 1999, due to poor business conditions, Japan and South Korea's first division was disbanded. Zhang Pilin felt that there was no development, so he left the textile import and export company.

Regarding his whereabouts after leaving the Textile Import and Export Company, there is a saying that Zhang Pilin worked for a period of time in a large-scale decoration company in Dalian.

The reporter called the decoration company to ask, and a staff member helped the reporter to ask several colleagues who had worked for a long time, and they all said that there was no impression.

In August 2001, Zhang Pilin and his wife Xu Jing jointly registered a decoration company. In the enterprise registration list of the Dalian Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce, the reporter found Zhang Pilin's name and his "Zebra Decoration Company" with a registered capital of 300,000, of which 200,000 was invested in the name of Zhang Pilin and 100,000 was invested in the name of Xu Jing. The business project is "interior decoration, design and construction".

According to the staff, so far, Zebra Decoration has not written off. The company also passed the annual corporate inspection in 2001, "which at least shows that its operations are relatively standardized on the surface." As for the company's detailed operating conditions, the department has no detailed records.

Zhang Pilin in the eyes of classmates

At that time, Zhang Pilin had a wife, a son, and later a house and a car. Everything should be very smooth. "I really can't figure it out, how could Zhang Pilin do such a thing? We classmates couldn't believe it when we heard the news."

The State Council's "5.7" air crash handling leading group confirmed through investigation that the cause of the air crash that killed 112 people was arson by passengers, and the arsonist was one of the victims—passenger Zhang Pilin who purchased 7 aviation accident insurance.

In the eyes of classmates, what kind of person is Zhang Pilin?

The Pride of the Year

According to the archives of Nanjing University: Zhang Pilin, male, Han nationality, was born in Ningjin Commune, Rongcheng County, Shandong Province in August 1965. From September 1983 to July 1987, he studied in the Department of Physics, Nanjing University, majoring in semiconductors, student number 834138, File number 18065.

A person from the Department of Physics of Nanjing University told reporters that after graduating with an undergraduate degree in 1987, Zhang Pilin was admitted to the optics major of the Department of Physics of Nanjing University. In 1990, Zhang Pilin graduated with a master's degree. His dissertation was "Research on Coherent Optical Feedback System", and his supervisor was Miao Yuan.

The person also said that in the 1980s, due to the small number of graduate students and the fact that the Department of Physics of Nanjing University was a national key department, it was very difficult for Zhang Pilin to be admitted to the graduate school. And then smart students.

On December 10, the reporter went to the Archives of Nanjing University to further check Zhang Pilin's student registration files. The staff had no special feeling about the name "Zhang Pilin", but told the reporter that all previous students can only check the grade data, and those involving student privacy. Content is not available. After the reporter paid the inspection fee of 40 yuan, the staff immediately went to the reporter to read Zhang Pilin's academic record files during his undergraduate and postgraduate periods. However, another staff member soon found the reporter and said that the relevant parties had already greeted him, and Zhang Pilin's files could not be checked.

In desperation, the reporter had to turn to interview Zhang Pilin's college classmates, hoping to get some information about Zhang Pilin from them.

The reporter first contacted Mr. Gu, who is currently in the Department of Physics at Nanjing University. When Mr. Gu learned of the reporter's intention, he immediately said that he could not be interviewed and was unwilling to talk to the reporter about Zhang Pilin's situation.

The reporter then found another college classmate of Zhang Pilin, Mr. Liu, who is now working in a software company in Shanghai.

When he was in college, Mr. Liu and Zhang Pilin did not live in the same dormitory, and since graduating from his undergraduate degree, he had no contact with Zhang Pilin. However, Mr. Liu still had a deep impression on Zhang Pilin.

Mr. Liu provided reporters with a newspaper from Nanjing that day. There was an article interviewing Zhang Pilin University classmates. This article has now been widely circulated on the Internet.

Mr. Liu does not agree with some of the statements in this article. He said: After I saw the newspaper, I called many classmates, and they all said that they had not been interviewed by reporters.

Since Zhang Pilin has now become a very sensitive figure, Mr. Liu is not too afraid to talk to reporters about Zhang Pilin. He briefly introduced some of Zhang Pilin's situation to reporters. He said: "Zhang Pilin's family is in Dalian. When we were in college, we knew that his family was good and his father was an official, but we didn't know how good the family was and how much his father was an official."

In Mr. Liu's impression, Zhang Pilin is a cheerful and humorous person. He said: "We called him 'pig Zhang' at that time."

There are reports that Zhang Pilin "can take pictures, and will use it to make money." Mr. Liu denied this. He said: "In our time, who would dare to make money like that in school, it would be strange not to regard it as speculation. It is impossible for him to make money with photography."

Female classmates call him "Dalian Zhang Lang"

In my impression, when Zhang Pilin came to our dormitory for a date with his girlfriend, he always shook his arms and smiled brightly.

After graduating from Nanjing University with a master's degree, Zhang Pilin came to Dalian Public Security Bureau to work in technology, and two years later moved to Liaoning Textile Import and Export Company. This company is in Dalian, and Zhang Pilin once served as office director or general manager in the company. officers such as assistants. Zhang Pilin's above experience was confirmed by Mr. Liu.

It is said that by this time, Zhang Pilin has arrived in a very good unit and has a certain position, and his career development is enviable. Mr. Liu confirmed to reporters that at that time, Zhang Pilin had a wife, a son, and later a house and a car. Everything should be very smooth. "I really can't figure it out, how could Zhang Pilin do such a thing? We classmates couldn't believe it when we heard the news."

In's chinaren classmates list, Ms. Liu, a classmate and roommate of Zhang's wife, admitted that she wrote an article recently circulated on the Internet "Wife is a virtuous son, a prosperous career - Zhang Pilin I know". This article describes Zhang Pilin as follows:

"Speaking of which, Zhang Pilin should have been our classmate back then, but it's just different departments and different classes. Zhang Pilin and my roommate were both born in coastal cities, one in Dalian and the other in Lianyungang. This young man and woman got together. Maybe it's a coincidence, the boyfriends of several girls in our dormitory are all named Zhang, and we collectively call them 'Zhang Lang'. Zhang Pilin is 'Dalian Zhang Lang', and we also have 'Wuxi Zhang Lang' ', 'Zhenjiang Zhang Lang', etc. In my impression, when Zhang Pilin came to our dormitory to date his girlfriend, he always held his arms and swayed all the way, and smiled brightly. Zhang Pilin and his girlfriend graduated from Nanjing in 1987 and 1989. The Department of Physics and the Department of Philosophy of the university, and later worked in foreign-related companies in Dalian. The two have a good and stable income. Zhang Pilin later started his own company. At present, he has a house and a car, and the operation of the company has also entered a good state. Every time a classmate comes to Dalian to visit , Zhang Pilin will always drive his car diligently to take everyone for a ride."

Can't understand why he set fire to it

"Zhang Pilin had the idea of doing big things when he was in school. At the same time, he also had an adventurous spirit. Although he was tall and thin, he looked ruthless and scared of people."

Today, Zhang Pilin's motive for arson is still unknown.

A reporter interviewed Zhang Pilin's classmate Mr. Zhou (pseudonym) who works in Nanjing. Mr. Zhou said that he had met Zhang Pilin in Kunming, Beijing, Dalian and other places successively, and he could see how hard Zhang Pilin was doing business. "If he lost a lot of business, he might take risks."

Shanghai Mr. Li (pseudonym), who is an undergraduate and graduate student with Zhang Pilin, revealed, "Zhang Pilin had the idea of doing big things when he was in school, and he also had an adventurous spirit. Although he was tall and thin, he looked ruthless and scared of people. of."

In addition, there is news on the Internet that Zhang Pilin has reached the advanced stage of liver cancer.

In order to verify the above statement, the reporter interviewed several of Zhang Pilin's college classmates. For some reasons, they were reluctant to disclose their names, and they were unwilling to mention too much about Zhang Pilin. Feeling "incomprehensible". For various reasons, they were also reluctant to judge Zhang Pilin's motives. At times like this, they prefer to be silent.

Whether it is Zhang Pilin's classmates or Zhang Pilin's wife's classmates, now they are more concerned about the living people, as one of them said: Zhang Pilin's wife, our beautiful and kind classmate, is the youngest in our age group. Some have only daughters. She has no siblings. If you can't help, at least, you don't hurt her.

Their love is touching

He's a very talkative, playful, and smart guy. When he had hepatitis B, only Xu Jing dared to contact him.

On the morning of December 11, the reporter interviewed another classmate of Zhang Pilin surnamed Zhang. He told the reporter: "Zhang Pilin and I are undergraduate and graduate students. I know him very well. A smart person. He does not need to study at all. His family background is very good, and he is one of the few students in our class who does not rely on scholarships. He is tall and thin, at least 1.78 meters tall, with a white face and small eyes The small one has the face of a typical Dalian native. Maybe it is because of his extensive knowledge. He looks oily, so we gave him the nickname 'pig Zhang'. His biggest specialty at that time was taking pictures. I also I did a business with him. The two of them took reversal film scenery on campus and sold them to students as postcards, but they hardly made any money." In response to the cause of the air crash announced by the Air Crash Handling Leading Group, this classmate of Zhang Pilin said: "We really can't believe it, and we can't figure out why he did this. He wouldn't even give up his life for the sake of a million. Of course, the government has spent so much time investigating, and we believe this conclusion. It was rumored on Skynet that he had liver cancer, and it was still in the advanced stage, which was equivalent to a death sentence. This reminded me of the hepatitis B he contracted when he was a graduate student. Quarantine, at that time only her girlfriend (Xu Jing) could contact him, eat together, and take care of him very carefully. It can be said that we left a deep impression on Xu Jing at that time, and their love was very touching. "

Editor: Chen Xudong Source: Bund Pictorial Author: Li Yuxiao, Dai Dunfeng and Ju Jing


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