Back acid unknown? Post with pictures.

Post a post, do you know how sour it is? Send a message to know that I exist~

Just post with a series of photos!

"Love Mom" is a title. Feed stray dogs and cats on the street every day to keep them full and reduce problems such as chasing or physical health caused by starvation.

Their contribution is free and comes from the heart. Today's feeding is no longer the kind of pollution that pollutes the environment by throwing uneatable kitchen waste under the telephone poles. The current feeding is in moderation, waiting for the stray cats and dogs to finish eating and clean up before leaving.


In "Fei Moth" , I thought she was a moth , but it wasn't . The netizen's correction was that she belonged to the Butterfly family. The wings were spread out 32-36mm. The surface of the wings was dark brown. The larvae are hosted by Palmaceae plants, such as Taiwan date palm, Prince Robbie date palm, and yellow coconut.

It turns out that most of what we see are appearances and attachments. If we let go of our attachments, we may have the truth.

The test can be posted again ^_^


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