What color personality are you? Interpersonal relationships that can help you (30 quiz questions included)

Talking about character color during live broadcast~
Just share it with everyone to understand yourself and others from the color ----------------------

Please choose based on instinct, don't hesitate

When answering questions please note:

Tick the box in front of each question that best matches your choice, and choose only one answer per group. After completing all the questions, follow the last instructions to add the numbers of each letter.
Complete the tasks that are easier for you first, then choose the ones that are more difficult, without stopping.
There is no right or wrong answer to any question, please don't hesitate.

Focus on your own inner world rather than your work state. Your habits, education, class and age are often misleading. If it is difficult for you to confirm, please choose the "most instinctive and true" response instead of thinking "the best and most suitable" or "the most appropriate" ". In short, you answered "Who am I", not "Who I should be", nor "Who I hope to be", all!

Tick the sentence that best matches you. Choose only one answer for each group. After completing all 30 questions, follow the prompts to calculate.

1. My outlook on life is:
□A The more experience in life, the better, so there are many ideas, and if possible, you should try more.
□B Depth is more important than width. Be careful with your goals, and stick to the end once you've determined it.
□C Life must be successful.
□D There is no need to work too hard, just live well.

2. If I travel in the wild, on the route back down the mountain, I care more about:
□A Be fun and interesting, don't want to repeat, so prefer to take a new route.
□B wants to be safe and secure, and is worried about danger, so he would rather go the original route.
□C wants to challenge himself and likes to take risks, so he would rather take a new route.
□D wants to be convenient and worry-free, and is afraid of trouble, so I would rather go the original route.

3. In expressing one thing, others think me:
□A always makes a strong impression.
□B is always extremely accurate.
□C can always focus on the ultimate goal.
□D always makes everyone feel comfortable.

4. For most of my life, I actually prefer:
□A stimulus.
□B safe.
□C Challenge.
□D is stable.

5. I consider my basic emotional characteristics to be:
□A The mood is changeable and the mood fluctuates greatly.
□B has strong restraint on the outside, but great ups and downs on the inside, once the contusion is difficult to heal.
□C Feelings are not sloppy and direct.
□D is stable in nature.

6. I think that apart from work, in terms of my desire to control my life, I:
□A The desire to control cannot be said to be, but there is a strong desire to infect others, but the self-control ability is not strong.
□B Use rules to maintain my self-control and demands of others.
□C I have a desire to control my heart and hope that others will obey me.
□D I never want to take care of others, nor do I want others to take care of me.

7. When dealing with a lover, I tend to:
□A When we are together, we should be happy to the fullest, and love is often beyond words.
□B is considerate and meticulous, and is extremely sensitive to the needs and changes of the other party.
□C Helping each other grow is my greatest responsibility.
□D A submissive companion and an excellent listener.

8. In interpersonal relationships, I:
□A Open-minded, can quickly establish interpersonal relationships.
□B is very cautious and slow to deepen, once considered a friend, it will last for a long time.
□C wants to be dominant in relationships.
□D go with the flow, tepid, relatively passive.

9. I consider myself as a person:
□A cute and lively.
□B Deep and restrained.
□C Decisive and confident.
□D Calm and peaceful.

10. The way I accomplish the task is:
□A is often completed just before the deadline.
□B Do it yourself accurately without bothering others.
□C Finish it as quickly as possible, and then find the next task.
□D Do what you want and get help from others when you need it.

11. If someone deeply annoys me, I:
□A was hurt in the heart and thought it was impossible to forgive at the time, but in the end he often forgave the other party.
□B's anger so deep can't be forgotten, while avoiding that guy in the future.
□C Everyone has to pay a corresponding price for his mistakes, and his heart expects to have the opportunity to respond harshly.
□D try not to showdown, because it's not there yet.

12. In relationships, I care most about:

□A welcome.
□B understand.
□C Respect.
□D Accepted.

13. At work, I show more of:
□A Enthusiastic, many ideas and very spiritual.
□B is perfectly accurate and promises reliability.
□C is strong and motivated.
□D Patient and adaptable.

14. My past teachers are most likely to say about me:
□A Good at expressing and expressing emotions.
□B Strictly protect their privacy, and sometimes appear lonely or unsocial.
□C is quick and independent, and likes to do things by himself.
□D The reactivity is low and mild.

15. My friends are most likely to say:
□A likes to talk about things to friends, it is a pistachio.
□B can ask many questions and requires many elaborate explanations.
□C A master of problem solving.
□D Always listen more and talk less.

16. When it comes to helping others, I tend to:
□A I don't take the initiative, but if he comes to me, then I will definitely help.
□B Help those who deserve it.
□C No need to help anyone who has nothing to do, but if I promise, I will complete it.
□D Although there is no heroic courage, he often volunteers his courage.

17. In the face of other people's compliments, my instinctive reaction is:
□A It doesn't matter if there is no praise, and it doesn't matter if you get it.
□B I don't need those useless compliments, I'd rather they appreciate my abilities.
□C is somewhat suspicious of whether the other party is serious or immediately avoids the attention of many people.
□D can be praised, it is always a pleasant thing.

18. Faced with the status quo of life, I am more inclined to:
□A It's nothing to do with me outside, I think I'm fine.
□B In this world, if I don't make progress, others will make progress, so I need to keep moving forward.
□C Before all problems occur, you should try to think about all the possibilities.
□D In everyday life, only happiness is the most important thing.

19. Regarding the rules, my inner attitude is:
□A is reluctant to break the rules, but may not be able to meet the rules because of looseness.
□B Breaks the rules and wants to make the rules by themselves instead of following them.
□C Strictly abide by the rules and make every effort to do the best within the rules.
□D doesn't like to be bound by the rules, playing cards not according to the rules will find it new and interesting.

20. I consider myself to be:
□A Slowly, step by step, able to coordinate with the surrounding.
□B has a clear goal, concentrates on working hard to achieve the goal, and is good at grasping the core.
□C Be cautious and work hard for prevention and aftercare.
□D Rich and dynamic, flexible response.

21. In the face of pressure, I tend to choose:
□A Out of sight is pure.
□B The greater the pressure, the greater the resistance.
□C Slowly chew and digest stress in your own heart.
□D Instinctively avoid stress, and use various methods to vent it out.

22. When ending an unforgettable relationship, I will:
□A Days will pass, and time will dilute everything.
□B is injured, but once he makes up his mind, he will try his best to get rid of the shadow of the past.
□C is deeply saddened, unable to extricate herself for a long time, and unwilling to accept new people.
□D The pain is unbearable, and I need to find a friend to talk to and find a way to resolve it.

23. In the face of others' distress, I recall that most of the time I instinctively tend to:
□A Listen quietly and agree with the other person's feelings.
□B makes a judgment, the pain is useless, and it is necessary to help the other party to solve the problem.
□C give analysis, help him analyze, and soothe his emotions.
□D expresses his own comments and shares the ups and downs of the other party's emotions.

24. In which of the following groups do I feel more satisfied?
□A can be calm, as long as everyone agrees.
□B can engage in full debate with each other in a brief and productive manner.
□C Able to discuss a matter in detail with rules, order, steps and rules.
□D can talk freely and happily without restraint.

25. I think work:
□A It is best to have no pressure, let me do the work that I am familiar with.
□B is the most important way to achieve life goals and achievements.
□C or do not do it, do it best.
□D It's great if you can incorporate fun into your work, but it's really boring if it's a job you don't like.

26. If I am a leader, I would prefer that in the minds of my subordinates, I am:
□A Can be approachable and considerate of them.
□B has strong ability and leadership.
□C Fair and trustworthy.
□D are liked by them and feel inspiring.

27. The way I want to be recognized is:
□A Approval or not does not affect me.
□ The identity of the B elite is the most important.
□C The person I agree with or the person I care about agrees.
□D I hope everyone can agree with me.

28. When I was a kid, I:
□A is not very active in trying new things, usually prefers the old and the familiar.
□B is the king of children, and everyone often listens to my decisions.
□C Shy to meet strangers and avoid them consciously.
□D is mischievous and cute, and is hyperactive and enthusiastic in most situations.

29. If I were a parent, I might be:
□A is unwilling to interfere with children or be easily persuaded.
□B Strict or direct giving directions.
□C Use actions instead of words to express love or high demands.
□D is willing to play with the child, the child's friends like and welcome.

30. There are four groups of mottos below. Which group matches my feeling the most?
□A The deepest truths are the simplest and most mundane. To be successful in this world one must be wise and foolish. A good temper is the best dress a person can wear in social situations. Contentment is the greatest happiness in life.
□B Go your own way and let others talk about it. Although the world is full of suffering, suffering can always be overcome. Being successful is the only real joy in life. For me, solving a problem is as good as enjoying a vacation.
□C A person who does not pay attention to small things will never achieve great things. Reason is the noblest factor in the soul. Don't be exaggerated, it's better to say less than to say too much. Caution is far more powerful than boldness.
□D It is better to live a rich and colorful life than to hold a lot of money when you die.
It's more important than anything to be true to yourself at all times.
Make life a fantasy, and turn fantasy into reality. Doing what you love with the people you love is a great joy.

Total number of first 1-15 questions:
A's total()
total of B()
total of C()
total of D()
Subtotal 15

Total number of last 16-30 questions:
A's total()
total of B()
total of C()
total of D()
Subtotal 15

The total number of "FPA Character Colors"
Red: Front A + Back D ()
Blue: Front B + Rear C ()
Yellow: front C + rear B ()
Green: front D + rear A ()
total 30

*If the answer to this test is true and accurate, it will test "character" rather than "personality", and test "nature" rather than "nurture". If you are fortunate enough to have a consistently clear self-perception, your test will be very easy and straightforward.

*Your personality may be one or a combination of the two, namely:
red + yellow, red + green
blue + yellow, blue + green
yellow + red, yellow + blue
Green + Red, Green + Blue

Among all the eight combinations, the four combinations of "red and blue" (red + blue, blue + red) and "yellow and green" (yellow + green, green + yellow) are not listed, because red and blue , yellow and green are two completely contradictory characters. In the system of "FPA character color", when we say how a person's character is, we usually refer to his innate "character" rather than his acquired "personality".

Characteristic Color Analysis 1. Basic characteristics of four-color character (1) Red character People with red character are natural leaders and like to challenge. When interacting with people, they are usually very direct, positive and frank, and speak freely; they are blunt and even sarcastic, but they are not necessarily brooding. The red personality takes it for granted that others think highly of him. Likes to have an audience, to be noticed. Annoyed if he wasn't the focus of the scene. May hurt others without realizing it. Because it is more self-centered, it may like to hear touts. Usually careless and self-satisfying.

Talent potential: Possess a highly optimistic positive attitude, regard life as an experience worth enjoying, and be easily liked and welcomed by people. Quick-witted and articulate, he is a master of speeches and stage performances. Can stimulate the enthusiasm and enterprising spirit of the team at work, and attach importance to the feeling of teamwork.

Limitations of nature: Emotional fluctuations are ups and downs, and it is easier for emotions to control people than people to control emotions. Open-mouthed, difficult to keep secrets, bragging without drafting, and neglecting to deliver on promises. The frequency of job-hopping is high, the mountain is high, the plan is lacking, the randomness is strong, and the plan is not as fast as the change.

People with red characters express it like this:
1. Without challenges, I will feel bored;
2. When talking, I like to be concise and to the point, and I don't like to be eloquent;
3. Sometimes, I behave a little indifferent and unsympathetic;
4. I don't like other people pointing fingers at me, I know what to do;
5. I don't like to consider details when I do things.

(2) Yellow personality People with yellow personality are outgoing, persuasive, like and good at sociability, have broad hobbies and interests, and advocate romance. Without them at a party, it must be boring. They don't like being alone, they are comfortable in a party. In a team, it's usually easy for others to guess what they're thinking (they're the most moody colors).

Talent Potential: Treats life as a competition, confident, non-emotional and very dynamic, willing to take on challenges and eager to succeed. Speak concisely and don't like to beat around the bush, and directly grasp the essence of the problem. Able to bear long-term high-intensity pressure, good at making quick decisions and dealing with all problems encountered.

Limitations by nature: When in a bad mood or under pressure, it is often unreasonable and arbitrary. There is no sensitivity, it is difficult to penetrate the hearts of others and understand what others think, the attitude is sharp and severe, and the judgment is strong. Too much focus on competitive outcomes.

People with a yellow personality express it like this:
1. I like to chat, including strangers (yellow people have no concept of strangers);
2. I like being with others, I don't like being alone;
3. I advocate romance, and I am good at putting forward ideas that are often creative. (3) Blue Personality People with blue personalities like thinking and thinking the most. He is usually peaceful, affectionate and deep, adapting to his environment to avoid hostile situations. Because of the sensitive personality and the pursuit of perfection, it is easy to get hurt. Basically, the character is humble, loyal and unassuming, so no matter what he does, he will do his best. Because it is basically prudent, conservative and prudent, decision-making is slow until all information has been verified. Such behavior may hit those who move faster.

Innate potential: profound thinking, independent thinking without blind obedience, adherence to principles, strong sense of responsibility. Can remember the feelings and thoughts that resonate in conversation, enjoy sensitive and in-depth communication, and silently give to others to show concern and love. Plan first before doing things, and implement them strictly according to the plan, emphasizing systems, procedures, norms, details and processes.

Natural limitations: too concerned about other people's opinions and evaluations, easy to be slandered by negative evaluations. Not proactively communicating with people. Overly sensitive, often placing high and unrealistic expectations of themselves and others.

People with blue personality express it like this:
1. I attach great importance to authority and rules;
2. I sometimes find it hard to be happy;
3. I am very organized;
4. I like to focus on getting things done;
5. In the face of pressure, I often avoid confrontation;
6. I use my head to analyze things thoroughly;

(4) Green personality People with green personality are usually amiable, easy to communicate and easy-going. Implicit and self-control. It is not easy to get angry, it is not easy to be provoked, it may hide grievances, or it may be brooding. Willingness to develop close relationships with relatively small groups of close people. Appears content and easygoing. Usually shown to be very patient and cautious. A good neighbor, always willing to help those who are considered friends. Competent teamwork and ability to work in harmony with others. It is the least moody color, and the expression is often zero (above "zero" is happy, below is anger. ie: they are often expressionless).

Innate Potential: Gentle and kind, with a gentle and peaceful attraction and a peaceful and pleasant temperament. Good at accepting the opinions of others, is the best listener, very patient. Can accept all people with different personalities, consider others everywhere, and don't hesitate to give. Treat work people-oriented and respect the independence of employees and colleagues.

Limitations of nature: Do things according to inertia, refuse to change, turn a deaf ear to external changes, care too much about other people's reactions, and dare not express their own positions and principles. Expect things to resolve themselves, be completely passive, and pass on the pressure and burden to others.

People with green personality express it like this:
1. I am a very easy-going person;
2. I am good at making short-term plans;
3. Sometimes, my heart is too soft;
4. I would love to be part of the team;
5. Everyone thinks I have patience 6. I am a reliable employee and I take my work seriously;
7. I like to build strong and long-lasting friendships with people;
8. I am a good listener, I can calm down people who are upset;
9. I am happy to help others when I find them in need.

2. Personality and Communication (1) The speaking characteristics of people with four-color personalities People with red personalities: When you have something to say, speak it straight, and spit it out quickly, even if you offend someone.
People with yellow characters: When you talk about something, you will come when you open your mouth, without thinking.
People with Blue Personality: Think before speaking, even meditate.
People with green personality: do not like to say, believe that silence is golden.

(2) Body language of people with four-color personality People with red personality: Eyes and movements are firm and powerful.
People with a yellow personality: They are full of excitement and have a large range of movements.
People with Blue Personality: Not much action, small range of action, think twice before acting.
People with Green Personalities: Little to no movement, often zero expressions.

(3) The things that people with four-color personalities like most (to communicate with people, you must first know what the other person pays most attention to, and when you understand each other, you can better communicate with them)
People with red characters: they are most interested in the direction and realize themselves in conquest.
(Red people like to conquer, even conquer themselves. Therefore, among the four colors, they are the ones who can correct their mistakes the most. But it should be noted that when you see that he knows his mistakes, he will stop talking, otherwise he will Then there is a reverse psychology.)
People with yellow characters: see the process and realize themselves in happiness.
(For example, people with yellow personality go shopping, even if they don’t buy anything, they will be very happy. They enjoy the process of shopping. Another example is when people with yellow personality go to graduate school, even if they don’t pass the test, they will think that they have grown in the process.)
People with blue personality: the most attention to detail, self-realization in dedication.
(He is the most dedicated, living for others, living for responsibility)
People with green personality: the most valued harmony, self-realization in peace.

(4) General communication skills He is slower than me (but the total speed is not his own speed, but the speed of approaching him.)
He said that I listened to him, I was quiet, he was rough, he was meticulous, he was sad, and I was happy (divided into extroverted people who are sad and internal tempered people sad. Extroverted people are sad, you need to be an audience, and ask him to speak out, because Just say it. Introverted people want you to say it so as to guide him to say it.)

(5) Specific communication methods 1. Red character and communication When communicating with red people, it is necessary to know that red people need to control, or even control all people. So understand the red people and appreciate the red people.
Suggestions for red people: learn to explain, learn to listen to explanations, learn to role orientation (such as getting along with leaders, you must understand that leaders are decision makers)
2. Yellow personality and communication To communicate with people with yellow personality, it is necessary to know that the pillar of life of people with yellow personality is to show themselves. Requires recognition and praise from others.
Advice for yellow people: learn to analyze and learn to be responsible (in fact, he is not irresponsible, but too dependent.)
3. Blue personality and communication To communicate with a person with a blue personality, it is necessary to understand that he pursues perfection, and the need to understand is affirmation. (The biggest advantage of blue people is that they are delicate and profound)
Advice for blue people: learn to be generous, learn to praise.
4. Green personality and communication When communicating with people with green personality, it is necessary to understand that green people pursue peace and think that ordinary life is life. Understand that he needs to be pushed.
(The biggest advantage of green people is patience.)

3. Personality and Children's Education (1) Children with Blue Personality 1. You should have thicker lines yourself. (because he himself is too thin)
2. Blue people eat praise, and praise should be praised to the details.
The blue man is a person with a delicate mind and attention to details, so he also hopes that people will pay attention to his details.
If you say to him, "Your painting is very good" or "How are you recently", he will think that you are perfunctory to him, and will say to him, "You are very good at painting windows" and so on.
(Actually, people of all four colors are praised, but they are praised in different ways. For example, praise for people with yellow personality should be praised in front of everyone, because people with yellow personality like to express themselves.)
3. Don't push him to make a decision.
Can't rush, but can ask. People in blue have to figure it out for themselves.
4. Don't speak to him in loud, angry, confrontational language. (this point is the most important)
He is very sensitive, and if this happens, he will close the door of his heart. If in puberty he will shut up immediately and will not discuss similar issues with you in the future. The blue character is very "screw", he will not be as stubborn as the red person, his "screw" will be expressed as you say yours, while he is his own.
Educating introverted children (blue and green children), pay attention to establishing a "warm time". In "warm time", let the children speak and be the listeners themselves. In this way, they exercise their expressive skills. And no matter what they say, they can't criticize, take responsibility, but guide.

(2) Children with green personality 1. When giving instructions to him, the speed should not be too fast, and several instructions should not be given, preferably only one at a time.
Green people are inherently slower. He would "break down" if he gave him several orders like a machine gun
2. For the first time, teach him to do things by hand.
Green people like to "see" the most and don't like to do it. So the hands-on ability is also relatively poor. So it's best to hand them over. But they are actually just as smart at heart as any other child.
(Actually, Tsinghua University and Peking University have all four colors. People with four colors are equally smart, but they do things differently. For example, blue people like to think, while green people like to watch)
3, often encourage him to express his ideas.
4. Help him make his own decisions.
5. Never say he is dawdling.
6. Respect his low profile.

4. Personality and Occupation People with red personalities are suitable for occupations: soldiers, travelers, journalists, lawyers, policemen and so on.
(People with red characters like challenges and are suitable for careers with higher challenges)
Occupations suitable for people with yellow personalities: actor, writer, tour guide, public relations. (Yellow people are sociable and have no concept of strangers)
Suitable occupations for people with blue personalities: chief of staff, vice-president, secretary, writer, theologian, psychologist, philosopher.
Occupations suitable for people with green personalities: confidential work, custody, doctor, typist, editor, proofreader, photography.

5. Personality and Emotions (1) The way people with four-color personality express their emotions People with red personality: explosive and violent.
People with a yellow personality: consistent inside and out, not hiding.
People with blue personality: When there are sad things, they are good at controlling them. When they encounter sad things, they are not easy to extricate themselves.
People with green personality: such as a thermos - cold outside and hot inside (2) Character diseases that people with four-color characters are prone to suffer from 1. Character diseases that people with red characters are prone to suffer from "death from overwork" and heart disease.
Narcissism, arrogance - I feel too jealous - I am used to being excellent, I can't see others' excellent Anxiety card - The pace is too fast, I am most afraid of traffic jams Yellow people are the most simple, they are afraid of being complicated, and they are afraid of “ADHD” in the face of complex things—yellow people have poor self-control and are susceptible to psychological cues—for example: the first person and the yellow person say: “Today your face not good…". The yellow character has a knot in his heart, but he may not care much, but if a second person says that, he will pretend that he is really sick.
3. Character diseases that blue people are prone to suffer from low self-esteem - blue people are cautious in doing things, and they will be angry with themselves if they do something wrong. It is easy to blame yourself, so it is easy to deny yourself.
Careless, rambunctious, insomnia, depression - blue people are the most attentive and conservative, so they are also suspicious.
Autism - Blue people enjoy loneliness the most, but they like loneliness too much and are prone to autism.
4. The character disease that people with green personality are prone to Autism - fear of interacting with people Depression is the most unwilling to keep pace with the times and the color that is least willing to change 6. Personality and marriage (1) Lovers with different personalities Red Lover - you'll feel pretty solid. He is dependable, but has a bad temper. So be prepared to tolerate his bad temper.
Yellow lover - you will feel very happy. But his sense of responsibility will be weaker and will depend on you.
Blue lover - he will take care of you in every possible way, even sacrificing himself to accommodate you. But beware that he is easy to be careful. To help him unravel.
Green lover - he would like to devote himself to his home. But he is slower. So have enough ability to communicate with it.
On-the-go type - red and blue people - learn to relax and play Leisure type - yellow and green people - will enjoy life, but pay attention to showing your work status in the workplace.
Among spouses, the ideal combination is red with green, yellow with blue. And red and blue, yellow and green are two pairs of completely opposite personalities. It is easy for extroverted people and introverted people to get together very quickly, but also to break up quickly.
(Because they have similar personalities, it is easy to understand each other; but what they want is not in each other...)

(2) The relationship between four-color lovers There will definitely be conflicts when people get along with each other. It is said that marriage is the grave of love, but it is not. When people enter marriage, if they want to make the marriage last longer, it depends on people's ability to deal with problems and resolve conflicts. Take care of the other person's personality.

1. Red lover, don't let him idle. (The person in red is the least suitable for being a housewife. You can let her find a second career and a second interest)
It's normal to tell people in red that it's normal to fail.
Don't fight him when he's angry.
Help him slow down.
Make it clear to him that he has his own boundaries (for example, what matters at home is up to him, and what matters is up to him.)

2. The green lover don't say that he is dawdling.
Don't yell at him.
Be sure to communicate with each other often.
Don't force him to be at the same rhythm as you are.
Try to let him be the master of family affairs. Please be gentle when you let him hurry up.

3. The yellow lover has to coax first.
Check in on his progress softly (in fact, he'll welcome you to remind him).
Don't demand too much of him on the issue of uniformity.
Dream with him (Blue people pay attention, try to "cater" to him if it is not a matter of principle.)

4. The blue lover should tell him not to be too perfect.
Don't quarrel with him angrily (he doesn't like to talk, and he can't quarrel with you, so he has to shut up, and over time he will close his heart).
Remember your commitments (blue people are careful, detail-oriented, will remember what you say, and remember the details of what you said)
Be sure to watch your words (people in blue are not good at expressing themselves)
Always ask him what he is thinking.

Welcome to share with LING after the test~~

Ling sauce
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