Anonymous tree

Liker.Social 短文博客
In order to allow users to express themselves more safely and freely, we have developed an anonymous tree hole system that allows you to submit your voice to us through email, and we will select some interesting or valuable content to post to Liker .Social. Your identity will be completely confidential and your content will be seen and responded to by more people. You can also gain inspiration or comfort by reading other people's anonymous posts.

Have you ever had a time when you wanted to share your heart but didn’t want to be recognized? Have you ever wanted to hear someone else's story, but didn't want to break each other's privacy? If you have such needs, then you will love our anonymous tree hole system.

We are Liker.Social , a decentralized social platform based on Mastodon that allows you to freely express your thoughts and interact with users from different communities. We support users to publish their posts to the LikeCoin chain, allowing you to own your own content and mint it into NFT. We also support users to reward creators through Likes and directly distribute LikeCoin delegation rewards to creators.

In order to allow users to express themselves more safely and freely, we have developed an anonymous tree hole system that allows you to submit your voice to us through email, and we will select some interesting or valuable content to post to Liker .Social . Your identity will be completely confidential and your content will be seen and responded to by more people. You can also gain inspiration or comfort by reading other people's anonymous posts.

If you would like to participate in our anonymous tree hole system, please send your content to and write your desired title in the subject of the email. Your content can be anything you want to share, whether it's your stories, feelings, thoughts, questions, advice, poems, jokes, drawings, etc. Your content can be in Chinese or English, but please try to keep it under 500 words. After we receive your email, we will review and screen it and publish it on Liker.Social when appropriate. We reserve the right to make final selections and do not guarantee that every email will be published.

In addition, we will regularly cast some of the most popular anonymous tree holes into NFTs and publish them on Matters for more people to appreciate and collect. Matters is a blockchain-based content creation platform that allows creators to earn income and influence by publishing high-quality content. Your anonymous tree hole has the potential to become a unique NFT and bring you more rewards and recognition.

We hope that through this anonymous tree hole system, users can express themselves more openly and establish deeper connections with other users. We believe that everyone’s voice is unique and deserves to be heard and respected. We look forward to your contributions and to joining our social platforms to create a more diverse and free online space with us. 🌍


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