"Hey! Listen to you as a writer on Ghost Island? 》67 Subscription and reward, the future trend?

I think this model is very good, although it is never easy to make others pay for it. QQ

It is found that some platforms, in addition to the previous opening fees, have begun to have new options-subscription and rewards. These two new options feel more human (?

Although it is said that the general charging system on the Internet is basically nothing more than several modes.

One is that most of the chapters are set to be free, and the last few chapters or extra chapters will be charged only after attracting people into the pit. Otherwise, the first three chapters are open for free, and the latter will be charged. It seems that the fee is open from the beginning, but this is more suitable for people with a certain fan base, otherwise no one will watch and no one will buy it, so empty QQ

I opened the fee for it myself. It seems to be the book "My Roommate is A Piao" that was selected for the POPO Rewards Program. Because of the stipulation in the contract, it seems that the fee must be opened, so I used the cheapest one. It seems that a chapter is 0.1 yuan.

And before the opening, I was still calling on everyone on the fan club to hurry up and watch the money-free one.

Uh, I suddenly feel like I'm not fit to be a businessman XDDDDD

Apart from that, I don't have my own open charging model. Everything else is contracted with publishers, and then they are converted into fees, or the sale of paper books. Thinking about it, I don't seem to have made some books myself. Surroundings and the like to make money... ahem, I said selling .

After that, I also want to come and see my own prints, and watch friends set up stalls, it's fun>//w//<

Later, there also appeared some subscription or reward novel platforms. This model should come from other fields, nothing more than games, audio-visual or drawing, etc. In any case, I think this model is very good, although it is necessary to let It is never easy for others to pay

The ones I have been waiting for, and the ones with sponsorship functions are probably Original Planet , Mirror Literature , Bahamut who recently opened the sponsorship function, and Penana who recently joined.

The one that has been sponsored so far is still "Hey! I heard that you are a writer in the ghost island series" , to be honest

It was very interesting to be sponsored for the first time.

In addition, it is non-mandatory, sponsorships are provided voluntarily by sponsors, and even the amount is optional, so it feels more fulfilling than buying creations to encourage them!

The subscription system is like providing a variety of different packages for members to refer to, which is also very interesting. Generally, there are monthly, half-yearly, annual, etc., or there are different prices according to the content provided, free The degree is very high, and I didn't expect that even the package has become so creative.

In addition to the articles that Ghost Island would have originally published, I will consider converting more in-depth articles into a paid system, but they should be placed elsewhere. Later, paid articles may also be made into physical books and printed, even if there is no subscription. , you can also see yo >//w//<

In terms of content, it will be more practical, and the type of emotional expression will be less.

Later, if there is some progress or reservation, relevant news will be released~

Creators, are you planning to enter a new field?


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

鬱兔鬱兔,已出版35冊實體商業小說,以及多部電子版權作品,手機遊戲《啵嗲多森林》已於2020/5上架 IG:instagram.com/novelist_utsu12 粉絲團:facebook.com/utsudo Twitch:twitch.tv/utsu12 YT精華:youtube.com/channel/UClMx7MU0HLnRuybeYlNxisg 信箱:utsu12@gmail.com
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