"Strangers Met in Namco" (2) Namco (IV)

"Are we going to go to Namu wrong?" he asked her in confusion. "No, we've come back from there. You go to sleep." He soon fell into a deep sleep again.
Early in the morning in Namtso, the car that is ready to transport the freighter

The return journey should have been faster than the outgoing journey, because the return journey will not stop at attractions along the way. However, when it was almost time to return to Lhasa, the travel agency arranged a series of "shopping attractions" for tourists along the way. He smoked outside the store every time he got out of the car, and she had nothing to do but went inside.

In one of the stores, the tour guide asked her politely.

"Hey, where's your boyfriend?"

It took her a while to realize that the tour guide was talking about him. She thought that she would never see the tour guide again after the journey, so why take it seriously?

So she said.

"He was smoking outside the door."

When he was done, he blushed a little.

She immediately reflected. Why blush? It's just a little lie that doesn't want to be explained because of trouble. She then continued to wander around the store.

After a while, he finished smoking and walked into the store to find her.

"Hey, I thought you weren't coming in."

"It's a bit boring to be outside after smoking, so I came in to find you and see what you're doing."

"This place is so big, thank you for finding me."

"As soon as I came in, the tour guide said that my girlfriend was here, so I came to find you."

he said with a smile.

She panicked.

"I didn't tell her we were a couple, she just guessed."

"I guess so. It doesn't matter, let's walk together, 'girlfriend'."

He said jokingly and put his hand on her shoulder.

She told herself that they were just strangers met on the journey. After all, they won't see each other again in three weeks.

Finally back to the hostel.

Check in again this time, they live in the same big room. His bed was next to hers.

It was very late when they returned to the hostel. After washing their clothes and eating something together at the small restaurant opposite the hostel, they went back to their room early to rest.

She was in bed earlier than him due to her poor sleep the previous night.

He was reading in his bed.

He looked at her.

"Are you tired? The others don't seem to have come back. It's just me and you in the room. Would you like to turn off the lights in the room for you?"

"No need. I can sleep like this."

"Then go to sleep."

"You keep reading, don't look at me, it's embarrassing."

"What's the embarrassment about?"

He laughed again.

"I'm not used to people watching me sleep."

"You're already asleep, do you still care if anyone is watching you?"

"Anyway, don't look at it."

She was really tired, her voice gradually fell, and she fell asleep.

He looked at her sleeping, as if he saw a little smile on the corner of her mouth.

After a few hours of sleep, she woke up in the middle of the night.

Although the light in the room was not turned on, she still saw him at first sight when the light poured into the room from the window.

He still maintained the position she saw before going to bed, sitting on the bed, but the book in his hand had fallen. His head was turned to her side, and she vaguely saw him sleeping, which was very interesting.

Then she thought again, if he sleeps like this, will his back be uncomfortable the next day? So she walked over, sat on the edge of his bed, tapped his shoulder a few times, and told him to lie down.

"Are we going to go to Namu wrong?" he asked her in confusion.

"No, we've come back from there. Go to sleep."

He soon fell asleep again.

She decided to take another nap.

She lay down and turned her head toward him. Seeing him breathing evenly and snoring slightly, the corners of her mouth smiled again.

(To be continued)


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