The power cosplay behind the "office style" outfit

The stench aesthetic, which comes from

Recently, the "office style" of young boys on the Internet has made me extremely nauseated.

First of all, this kind of outfit itself has nothing to say about aesthetics, and it also eliminates all the pleasing masculine characteristics, that is, a 20-year-old lean and docile boy put on a 50-year-old veteran cadre grass-roots inspection jacket. Standard appearance. This aesthetic is a morbid self-domestication that seeks security in self-comfort.

Secondly, the only thing that the "official style" can reflect is a kind of special dress code that is self-evident from the government to reflect that one is a part of power, or even a high-level power. The subtext is that I have the body of 20 and the power of 50 at the same time.

In the end, this is a deception based on poor information - wearing this skin does not mean having power. In other words, the so-called "official style" is just bullying your common people who don't know the rules of the officialdom, thinking that a cadre is a cadre who is dressed as a cadre. In reality, there is a 99% probability that he is just an ordinary clerk with no power and no hope of promotion.

In addition to the previous point, I'm going to talk about why it's a deception to dress like this.

"Having the body of a 20-year-old and the power of a 50-year-old at the same time" is impossible. There is a very strict age threshold for civil servants to be promoted in China. It is already a minority who can reach the sub-department level before the age of 30, and it takes at least 2-3 years for the sub-department to be promoted to the main department. If you want to reach the director level, except for some talented people who can be at the age of 40 After successful promotion, most people will be stuck at this threshold for a lifetime. After all, among the seven million civil servants, only 5,000 people can be promoted to the division-level cadres every year; as for the bureau level, it is in the civil servant ratio. "Choose one in a million". If the proportion of higher level is too low, it will not be considered.

In other words, the so-called "official style" young people you can meet every day are just some "power cosplay" lovers. They may encounter leaders and work for them in their daily lives, but they are far from real power. They like to imitate leaders, but they can only deceive outsiders, not insiders.


At the same time, this kind of cosplay also has some shortcomings of "excessive performance".

For example, when a leader wears an old cadre's jacket and micro clothes for a private visit, if you also wear the same style, then obviously you have used the wrong dress code, and will be criticized by Mr. Zhao either explicitly or implicitly. And if you dress like this on more formal occasions such as meetings and blind dates, it is easy for people familiar with the power circle to see your low B essence at a glance - deliberately dressing differently from the people around you and reflecting your special identity. It is a high-profile show, and high-profile is precisely the critical illness notice of the short-lived officialdom. If you don't understand this, you basically can't even get promoted to the sub-division.

In short, the pursuit of "official style" in the blind date market reflects the whole society's yearning for "power" itself, as well as the misunderstanding of power due to being too far away from power. These information asymmetries provide some grassroots small shrimps with bragging rights. The so-called "insurance in the bureau" is actually just a large-scale cosplay of the grassroots employees to the leaders of the organization. In a turbulent market, civil servants have stable jobs and opportunities to gain access to power. They can provide families with a variety of social resources and are good tool people; but this kind of desperate cos cannot hide their humble and power-chasing positions in the organization. The powerlessness in the middle can only satisfy his power fantasies and social scams through a cadre jacket.


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