The little sparrow likes to think about things while taking a bath


He took out the key from his bag, opened the door, turned on the light, and the bag on his shoulders relaxed and lay on the ground by the door.

"I'm exhausted, I'm exhausted." He closed the door and threw the key to the small table by the entrance.

Why is the first sentence when I got home recently, I always complained, it didn't mean that I was very busy with work, it was just a sense of relief that I finally got home and finally no longer tense, I really wanted to lie down on the bed like this. , relax yourself comfortably.

But the body is very dirty. After all, after spending a day outside, it is full of germs, so let's take a shower and go straight to the bed.

Turning on the faucet, cold water poured straight down from the shower head, and I felt the change in water temperature with my fingertips, then slowly soaked from foot to head. When I closed my eyes, my body gradually warmed up. At this moment, there was always a sense of unreality that was detached from reality. Only my mind was left, floating in the gradually foggy bathroom.

I really like this little moment, you can let go or think about things, organize your thoughts for the day, and let your overused eyes have a good rest.

Today, I don't plan to be empty, I'm going to plan the night time and so on, have dinner, watch dramas, do laundry, and finally eat a little yogurt that I bought yesterday, and draw a perfect ending, it's really great A fulfilling night.

The corners of the mouth where the water droplets slid up unconsciously.

The little sparrow likes to think about things while taking a bath.


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小麻雀 我就像是一隻城市裡平凡的小麻雀 明白自己的喜歡與不喜歡 因為喜歡的東西有好多,所以活著才會如此快樂 因為不喜歡的東西有好多,所以才會珍惜喜歡的東西
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