Organizing Crowds and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) - The Law of Making Money for Nonprofits

The bridging of DAOs and autonomous organizations may still be a long process, and perhaps looking back suddenly in the future, it was a ridiculous and simple situation. But all growth takes time, and it's always worth the wait.

After watching the related video about Fund the commons by @bean mud, I saw this very interesting conversation with Sara Horowitz , in the middle she talked about some of her work in organizing a freelance professional union Thoughts and some thoughts on DAO. Sara Horowitz's grandfather is the vice chairman of the garment workers union, his father is a labor rights lawyer, his husband is a labor lawyer, and his son has done in-depth labor research. Three generations are a family deeply connected to the labor movement.

After the emergence of digital currency, the financial transmission that has been operated in the past few hundred years has been accelerated, and some people have mentioned that these DAOs are to accelerate the organizational governance methods of the past thousand years and improve the efficiency of the organization. Now many DAOs organize people through DISCORD, use various methods to activate the community on DISCORD, and then use this to find sponsors, telling us that we have a large number of communities, so I am worth investing at these prices. But this type of organization is nothing new, nor is it the first time it has appeared in people's eyes.

Regarding the similarity between DAO and some existing organizations, Sara Horowitz mentioned Mutualism and made three points. One is the community, a group of people with common interests gathered together, they may be trade unions (workers are different from public workers, workers are organized for workers), food cooperatives, etc. The second is that they are a self-sponsored self-organization, not donated by anyone in the community. Third, this money has a long-term goal. This money may be recycled within the organization for commercial use, insurance business, etc. This money is very large, and such an economy is not a small amount. If it is not said that this is an organizational type that existed in 1920, probably many people in the currency circle will think that this is the ultimate DAO. But before the advent of DAOs, many self-organizations existed.

Sara laughed at herself at first. People of her age would probably think that she would be the most unlikely person in the world to be related to DAO. She proposed that DAO should actually be bigger, in fact, it should connect with these existing organizations. These organizations already exist, and the economic scale is also worthy of introducing the latest technology to manage or assist. She mentioned aribnb, a company that is built on the existing housing rental market, not that such a large demand for short-term rentals appeared in an instant after the emergence of airbnb, and what DAO has to do is to follow these Organizations that have been in operation for a long time work together to bring all kinds of interests together.

Decentralized processing is also the most suitable for the needs of all kinds of people. If the government wants to implement things from the top down, there is often no way to get in touch with the local government at the first time. When the immigrant community encounters a problem, the first thing they look for is the church in their own community, and they go there to raise money through a bidding meeting or related methods. Instead of looking for relevant government units for assistance, even the relevant units will not have corresponding plans that meet the needs and needs of these people.

The most important thing in an organization is trust, and such trust can make more things easier to accomplish than external intervention, and such a close-to-the-ground organization knows the needs of the overall community better and can find solutions that meet the community’s needs. Collaboration is required and through established community forces. The anonymity of the currency circle and DAO governance tools, this trustless trust mechanism to a certain extent also allows a group of people to cooperate with each other through the Internet. Through these mechanisms, they can jointly express their needs. In practice, they may be partially connected. . Such a way of connecting people to each other is one that can meet and be close to their respective needs.

When people talk about DAOs now, they all talk about profit, and of course they can’t talk about money, but they can’t just talk about money in the first place. What people want to do at the beginning is to contact, cultivate and interact with everyone, not for the growth of the seed round, the A round, and the B round as the motivation for growth. By doing a good job in the interaction between the organization and the region, the follow-up economic benefits may also follow, and there may also be some interesting ways to mint and distribute some certificates through digital currency. Sara also mentioned that when people encounter disasters, technology is an effective and progressive force. Technology provides people with more collaborative ways to help the disaster victims in the first time, so that more people can benefit.

Leaders are elected by people, and so are organizational styles. Maybe starting with the people and things around you is an easier way to organize people. When workers at Starbucks or Amazon organize into unions, perhaps they will also find an organization that resembles a DAO in existence. Maybe you can make a lot of money from the interaction of these workers, but you don't want to make money at the beginning, because they can't afford your services at the beginning, but when such a form is commercialized or can be After it is fixed, it may find a way to realize it. She also suggested that friends who are interested in reciprocity in the future can go to Ownership matters to find more related things.

In the end, the host jokingly said that perhaps these things can introduce economic mechanisms to issue these certificates to participants, and those who are interested can buy these certificates to create liquidity, and these participants can also have income and income.

Seeing the whole speech, for a person who had half joined the labor movement, he felt a lot, and many interactions with people in the labor movement came to mind. But interacting with people always requires patience and perseverance to do friction and trials, and such a decentralized group that emphasizes rapid governance, few groups can operate slowly and wait, and even start to blame the participants for not doing so. Do your best, instead of reflecting on the rhythm of the organization. After all, the unity of people is emotional and dependent, not any easy-to-use DAO page and mechanism.

A while ago, Gao Zhuangjian talked to Lao Zhen about the dialogue between the cooperative and the DAO. The theme of this time has made people imagine the future of DAO many times. The bridging of DAO and related autonomous organizations may still be a long process, and perhaps looking back suddenly in the future, it was a ridiculous and simple situation. But all growth takes time, and it's always worth the wait.


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