Which college should I choose for the college entrance examination? 6-minute video guide series|Shenzhen University School of Economics 2021 Admissions Series Promotional Video

A glimpse of future possibilities from the present

University is the initial stage of independent exploration and rapid growth for many young people.

During this period, young people learn not only knowledge, but also the ability to apply knowledge; they learn to be adults , understand themselves, understand society, and establish a sense of mission and belief in life and social development.

For young people facing the college entrance examination, filling in the application form is a key decision-making point.

What do you want to be yourself?

There are also a lot of information from different perspectives, which can provide you with more guidance when looking for directions.

This spring, the School of Economics of Shenzhen University cooperated with the nearby creative LandAround to produce 2021 admissions promotion videos for high school students who are about to enter the school.

Through the following videos, high school students can have a basic understanding and understanding of the teaching systems and resources of the various departments of SZU (details are subject to the official admissions brochure), have a more specific imagination for the future, and open a new chapter in their lives.

At the same time, I also hope that parents can feel the development and changes of the times, have a more diverse understanding of their children's future, and better support their children in choosing their ideal direction.

Let's get to know the departments of Shenzhen University School of Economics

How does economics affect your thinking? Listen to this dialogue between current students and graduate alumni across the ages~

Department of Economics

Believe in win-win cooperation, and see all aspects of international economics and trade from an international perspective

Department of International Economics and Trade

Logistics is express delivery? The innovative development of logistics management is beyond imagination

Department of Logistics Management

The heart of craftsmen, the power of stability, and the advancement of accounting with the times

Department of Accounting

The hall is full of gold and jade, and it is integrated in all directions, and finance provides a broad stage

Department of Finance

What is investment? What can I get by investing in learning? The Concept and Spiritual Inheritance of the International Integration Class of Investment Science

Investment Science International Integration Course (Special Course)

After watching the video, I believe that everyone has a basic understanding of the different departments of SZDU, felt the charm of different professions, and can glimpse the future possibilities from the current era.

No matter what the major is, if different people find a suitable professional path, it is possible to inspire more creative power.

The distribution channel of this video is the mobile terminal . Based on the demand, time and budget provided by SZSU, we have made effective arrangements in terms of expected goals, resource allocation and production methods (from the perspective of economic thinking). At the same time, the same team produced expressions of different characteristics and creative techniques according to different majors, including creative narrative, multi-scene field shooting, animation presentation, original soundtrack and other highlights. The completion of this challenge is inseparable from the support of the strong and innovative SZU, and the strong assistance of teachers, classmates, alumni and internship companies.

We look forward to continuing to use our expertise in the future to present more professional value audio-visually.

 Client: School of Economics, Shenzhen University Project: 2021 Admissions Promotion Video Content: Organizational planning, provision of creative image solutions, overall shooting and execution, post-production time: March to April 2021

Client Project Project: Shenzhen University School of Economics 2021 Admissions Promotional Video Producer Executive Producer: Shenzhen University School of Economics Production Company Production Company: Nearby Creation LandAround
Producer: Li Wanyu
Production Assistant Assistant Producers: (Shenzhen University student) Huang Chunying Wang Chaoxian Lin Wen Feng Jiawei Chen Wenkun Lai Yiling Yan Ziqi Zhong Ke Director Director: Mai Yushan Photographer Videographers: Su Xiaotian Yang Huafeng Mai Yushan Radio Sound recordists: Yang Huafeng Li Wanyu Mai Yushan Post-production Post- production: Mai Yushan Yang Huafeng Original Music Original Music: Zhang Tianyang Shooting Location Shooting Location: Shenzhen · Shenzhen University Yuehai Campus, Canghai Campus Special Thanks: All teachers, students, alumni and internship bases behind the scenes of this project Planning Yushan Wanyu
Written/Edited by Livia

🔗"Nearby Creation" official account 's original text " Which one should I choose for the College of Economics when applying for the college entrance examination? 6-minute video guide series"

Copyright Ⓒ 2021 LandAround Creative Lab.

All Rights Reserved


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