[Notes for Chasing Drama] After crying, you can say goodbye to youth - "Twenty-five, twenty-one"

Drama Name: "Twenty-Five, Twenty-One" (스물다섯스물하나) Language: Korean Episodes: 16 (Seasons) Broadcast Year: 2022 , Twenty-One" may be the Korean drama that made the author use the most toilet paper this year (how sensational is it?), especially for audiences in their 30s, this drama combines campus love, personal growth and a little history Background works are more suitable for saying goodbye to your youth.

Title: "Twenty-Five, Twenty-One" (스물다섯스물하나)
Language: Korean Episodes: 16 (total season)
Year on air: 2022

Let’s start with the conclusion. Although I don’t really want to admit it, “Twenty-Five, Twenty-One” may be the Korean drama that made the author use the most toilet paper this year (how sensational is it?), especially for those aged 30 or so. The audience, this work that combines campus love, personal growth and a little historical background is more suitable for saying goodbye to your youth.

"Twenty-Five, Twenty-One" starring actors Nam Joo-hyuk, Kim Tae-ri, etc., the story mainly revolves around a college student who dropped out of school because of the Asian financial turmoil, who ended up with nothing; he was called a genius when he was a child, but is now unknown. A fencer; a new fencing star who became famous in the first World War in the Olympics, but whose family has always been a concern; the first gifted student in the school who always feels that life is boring; "Little Cutie" - Waiting between five people.

In the process of growing up, each of them has their own issues that they must face. After decades later, the protagonist Rohito's daughter encountered a bottleneck due to ballet dancing and accidentally discovered her mother's diary. The story of the five is also unfolded in front of the audience.

Combining campus, love and a little history, remember toilet paper before watching

It shows the sensational tactics of Korean dramas. "Twenty-Five, Twenty-One" has many overly ideal and romanticized bridges, and the first episode is too "invincible" campus love style, which once made the imminent stand. The author almost gave up the drama directly, but as the plot unfolded, those touching scenes began to emerge, and the audience's tears would follow unsatisfactorily.

For the author, "Twenty-Five, Twenty-One" is like a coming-of-age ceremony. Each character has experienced the process of recklessness, injury, acceptance, growth and transformation in his own way, because he has also experienced, It also makes such a plot easier to resonate. It is worth mentioning that although some viewers are not satisfied with the ending, and the protagonist even apologized for it (in the end??), but for the author, it seems to be closer to reality, and it can make the aftertaste last for a long time, not to mention the screenwriter wise , without arranging redundant plots at the end, increasing the risk of disappointing the audience (?).

Image credit: tvN Image copyright: tvN

In the end, I have to say that it is really a correct decision to cancel the follow-up of all entertainment news fans. Even if I started to follow it from last Monday (probably until the 14th episode), I can still enjoy watching without being bombarded. The fun of the play, I sincerely recommend everyone to try it together.

"Twenty-Five, Twenty-One" short story: "Shin Chang-won", a fugitive who was popular in Korean society in the 1990s

For some viewers, the sudden appearance of the name "Shin Changwon" in the plot may be unfamiliar, but in the history of Korean crime, this man who can be said to be "Korean version of Liao Tianding" can be said to be a legend. In addition to "robbing the rich to help the poor" across the country, committing more than 100 burglaries and distributing more than 980 million yuan of wealth to the poor, he also lost 15 kilograms after being arrested and successfully escaped from prison until more than two was re-arrested for indictment.

For the police at that time, it took nearly one million manpower ( emphasis: "people", not money ) and even the army, but it took more than two years to capture Shen Changyuan, which can be said to be a disgrace to the police. To a certain extent, he may also be the best example of South Korea's failure of beating and scolding education. In prison, Shen Changyuan once completed his autobiography "Confessions of 907 Days", describing his childhood in poverty, his mother died early, and his father was an alcoholic. The sentence "It would be great if the teacher would touch my head" may also spark social discussion again with "Twenty-Five, Twenty-One".


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