Listen To Earn Web3 項目- Fountain

Web3 applications in the podcast world

The new ListenToEarn business launched by the start-up company Fountain is a Web3 application in the podcast world. Creators and listeners in the ecosystem can make money by listening to podcasts. I tested it today. After registration, the platform will directly give you a lighting wallet. Sat into your wallet, Sat is the smallest unit that Bitcoin can be divided into (one Bitcoin = 100 million sats)

Played it for a while and listened to the #pomp recommended on the homepage of an episode. After five minutes of listening to the content, I got 50Sats, and 50sat coins are equivalent to 0.3 Taiwan dollars? Immediately take out the spare mobile phone in stock and open a few accounts to play, the bear market will use the web3 project as a faucet.

Join us to play:

photo credit: Elena screenshot from coinmarketcap
photo credit: Elena
photo credit: Elena


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Elena早上是在傳統金融業當支付產品經理,喜歡各種有趣的科技新鮮事,橫跨Web3&Web2領域。 晚上是城市薩滿,遊走這個中部世界,皈依大自然,堅信此生就是來地球好好玩耍一趟,最喜歡薰衣草與秘魯聖木與雪松。 崇尚大道至簡,在人生與投資哲學方面亦如是。
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