Reading Pengen|Remote Meeting (5)• Hanlon’s razor, shave off your small theater


This month (February), a member of the online oral expression reading club shared the principle of Hanlon's razor . The name is really cool ( Zoron Two-Sword Style ), and it turns out that you and I are familiar with it.

■ Hanlon's razor

I can't find out who this knife came from. I just know that it was inspired by Okan's razor , and it was included in a dictionary. It is a mental model, or a rule of thumb:

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
If it can be interpreted as stupidity, don't interpret it as malice.


╱Explanation of nouns: stupidity and malice╱

The "stupidity" here has nothing to do with IQ. It is more like an unintentional act (not paying attention, not paying attention), or an ignorant act (not knowing) , which contrasts with the "malicious" intentional act.

Recalling the passage in " Save the Mobile Brain ", based on the evolutionary direction of "highest survival rate", human emotions will put "negative" emotions first, and also like "negative" rumors (in the days of the savanna, they are closely related to threats) ), in our genes, the default interpretation mode tends to be closer to conspiracy theories (malice).

At this point in the article, many examples of "conspiracy theories" can be listed. I think the most common one is the hundred conjectures of "LINE has been read and cannot be read back"! The most heroic method I have ever seen is to never click on the little green dots after work. Instead, I will stock up and process them in batches at work the next morning. He said that these green dots can be used as memo marks . This is his "LINE has "Can't read it back" is a strange reason but (he thinks) it works.

Everyone has different "functions" in their minds. Throwing the same "arguments" in will result in different "return values". I know it's difficult, so I remind myself to step back and look far away, and change my perspective (don't take myself as my own). center) to evaluate possibilities that were not originally seen.


╱The probability of "malicious" appearing╱

But it doesn’t mean that you always “think positively” when you encounter problems. It means that you have an extra set of thinking tools at hand, like a scale. On the left are unintentional (knowing) actions, and on the right are intentional actions. They are all weighed in your hand. One scale, thinking about the probability that the other party is "malicious"?

At this time, the Hanlong Razor plays the role of a coolant. It is always better to brake at the right time and call a stop. It is always better to create a psychological distance first and then think more.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
If it can be interpreted as stupidity, don't interpret it as malice.
Cartography by Yuna

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