[Animals] There are dogs on the highway


Just on the highway, when he was about to get off the interchange, he saw a panicked white dog running around. He was at a loss to avoid the traffic formation. This is really a very dangerous thing.

Immediately after getting off the channel, call 0800 000 123 to notify the police, and the police will report to the Gao Gong Bureau for assistance.

Then, I also posted a message on Facebook, hoping that passersby would be careful.

I really have to say that after paying attention to the issue of stray dogs for more than ten years, I deeply feel that this is a social problem, and it should be reduced from the source, requiring sterilization, implantation of microchips, severe punishment of abandonment, and management of breeding farms. this problem.

This is not a simple case of loving cats and dogs, but this is a serious social issue. Stray dogs appear on the highway, who is dangerous? It is dangerous to use passers-by! The dog is not on a leash, chasing cars and barking people, who is dangerous ?It is dangerous to use passersby!

There are so many social costs behind this, can't our government take it seriously and deal with it?

By the way, culling is useless. If culling is useful, it will not be killed for 30 years. The focus is on source management and owner responsibility, okay?

No matter whether you like cats and dogs or hate cats and dogs, there should be an ultimate goal, that is, there should be no stray cats and dogs on the road, and our government is dereliction of duty, and the people should supervise and speak out!

I hope that one day there will be no stray dogs in Taiwan, the awareness of life education will be raised, the laws will be strict, and those who do not abide by the animal protection laws will be severely punished.


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