How should we spend Christmas this year when the world is still spreading the plague?

Maybe you don’t want to think so much anymore, you just want to be happy when you are happy, forget the disappointments in your life for the time being, forget the weirdness when the epidemic spreads, forget the injustice that is becoming more and more pervasive, and forget those hypocritical faces and irresponsibility lies...

Whether or not Jesus' birthday should be celebrated in the whole world can of course have different opinions. In the past, we used to talk about how many young girls lost their bodies voluntarily or involuntarily on Christmas Eve, which was somewhat deviated from the starting point of celebrating the birth of Jesus. It can be seen that Humans are really good animals, and even sacred figures use them as excuses for consumption and joy. But under the shadow of the second year of the epidemic raging around the world, Christmas in 2021 seems to be different. I believe that people in the world will have more introspection and hope. I believe that the warmth and respect between people can make each other's lives better Inject power.

I sometimes wonder how Jesus would feel when he watched us celebrate Christmas? A person's birth becomes a universal value, a public holiday, and a reason to throw parties and give gifts to relatives and friends. He must have Greater power and better messages are passed on to future generations for the benefit of others. However, human beings seem to be less and less able to survive, get along with others, or even face themselves. People are greedy, lazy, and ignorant year by year, and then consciously or unconsciously create more misery. torment. So in what way should we commemorate the folly of mankind over the years, as well as all kinds of man-made disasters and panics? There are places where people absolutely hate that they have been brought into a world full of misery. They have a hard time even surviving, so why are they in the mood to celebrate Christmas?

In the past two years, the epidemic has claimed a large number of lives and made many families incomplete since then. However, the world does not seem to be more united because of the ruthless epidemic. On the contrary, the open and secret struggle between countries has intensified. , Every day is nothing, if this continues, will everyone's future really get better? Will the progress of economic recovery be delayed by contention? Maybe you don’t want to think so much anymore, you just want to be happy when you are happy, forget the disappointments in your life for the time being, forget the weirdness when the epidemic spreads, forget the injustice that is becoming more and more pervasive, and forget those hypocritical faces and irresponsibility The lie, so that we can better match the joyous atmosphere left to us by tradition, and spend a happy Christmas. Or tell everyone to stop asking for answers, let some embarrassing things go unresolved, let the well-known mistakes continue, stop necessary and unnecessary questions, and then expand the celebration indefinitely. After another formulaic celebration, one enters into a phase of ecstasy of celebration for celebration, remembrance for remembrance, with only joy and no more trouble.

In the city where I live, there is a feeling of being intertwined in the big seasons. The Christmas season is close to the winter solstice, and it is also close to the New Year's Day. At this time, the mood of vacation is greater than the momentum of work, and complex emotions are easy to accompany the past year. Loss and the joy of the year ahead make people happy and sad. Gradually, we can no longer find the pureness of December that many years ago. It is not easy to spend the winter solstice, Christmas, and New Years. The heart of the account penetrated into the mood of celebration, and let us suddenly wake up in the joy that seems to be taken for granted: the world is like this, what kind of mood should we use to cope with the celebration?

(By the way, regarding the Christmas song, I would like to introduce this song written by my friend Li Junyi for Eason Chan. I think it is one of his masterpieces. It was very popular back then. I hope more people will like it in the future. This is a masterpiece from Macau.)


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