Music Diary① ~ Zhou Shen-Dear Traveler

New music diary sharing, a must-listen song in Zhou Shen's playlist, the ending song of Hayao Miyazaki's anime "Spirited Away"

Kugairyo diary sharing

2021 first edition Zhou Shen

New Diary, Music Diary opened this year

Volume 1 Music Diary

A must-listen song for all to enjoy

It's a song that heals the soul

I'm really depressed or I'm crying before sleep

Listen, listen, cry, cry, no melancholy

Wakako Lyricist Yuki Kimura Composed Deductively Itsumo Nando Demo

Chinese version rule reason special 艾 sentences filled words, Zhou deep deduction

Original song released on July 28, 2001

One-tailed music from Hayao Miyazaki's cartoon "Chihiro Chihiro"

Yūjō Kimura's Own One Piece Tone Harmony Translated Work Donated by Hayao Miyazaki

Hayao Miyazaki display organic story

However, Wakako Yumi Kimura completes Eternal Coexistence and announces the motion picture work

However, Hayao Miyazaki's simultaneous recognition "Eternal coexistence" Crawling song match "Chiyo Chihiro" Crawling video work style

Average recommendation: Toshio Suzuki, power animation producer

Parallel "Eternal Coexistence" Completed "Chiyo Chihiro"

Continuing success attraction

Original lyrics: Wakako Kaku

Original music: Yumi Kimura

Original voice: Yumi Kimura

Original work: Itsumosumo Nando Demo / Always with me / Eternal coexistence

Somewhere deep inside my heart that's calling

I want to see a dream that always makes my heart dance

I can't count the sorrows, but

I'm sure I'll meet you on the other side

Each time a person repeats a mistake

I just know the blueness of the blue sky

I can see the road continuing endlessly

These hands can hold the light

A quiet heart when we say goodbye

It will be zero, but listen carefully

A living wonder, a dying wonder

The flowers, the wind, the town, they're all the same

La la run run la run

Run run la run

Run run la la run

ho ho ho

Lu Lu Lu

le le le le

Somewhere deep inside my heart that's calling

Let's always draw a dream again and again

Rather than exhausting the number of sorrows

Let's sing softly with the same chibiru

Always in the closing memories

I hear a whisper that I don't want to forget

Even on the mirror shattered into pieces

new scenery is projected

The quiet window of the beginning of the morning

It's a body that's going to be zero.

I won't search beyond the sea anymore

Shining things are always here

Because it was found inside me

La la run run la run

Run run la run

Run run la la run

ho ho ho

Lu Lu Lu

le le le le

Chinese version of filler: WO 特艾文兒

Chinese version arrangement: Guo Yifan

Chinese translation: Zhou Shen

Please note that the water train arrives at the station

On the streets of the past and the future

Re-watch the voice

The other side of the ocean in Na

The warmest and most flexible dream

In a vast space-time, among 10,000,000 people

Unstoppable loss of life

Looking back through the multitude of scenery, like the first clarity

A beloved traveler, no wind, no wind

Meeting with loneliness Meeting with grief Meeting with endless hope

My beloved traveler

And the end of everything, the most complete scenery

Lalalalalalalala...... Lulululululu

I'm here to tell you

Every lover's child

Listen again, beautiful dreams dissipate

Your pillow of love

It's already a match

Even when we're apart, I need a constant smile

Life is infinitely small

Do you want to tell someone that you are exhausted for life?

Dear traveler, you are a model in your memory

A group of people passing through, a human being running past, a distant place

You must have this one region in the depths of your soul

Drifting on the sea forever

aerial flight in half

Eternal heat

refusal to decline

Lalalalalalalala...... Lulululululu

~ 11.03.2020

~ Day360 stay in Singapore

~ Today's song Today's Song

~ Kugai 2021 Part 1 Supplied Zhou Deep

~ Beloved Singer Yunoichi Yunoichi

~ I will continue to work hard for a long time.

picture self-network


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yuyinhui芸蕙A Shelter to keep my every moments for a record Released depressed & anxiety A long way to go, yet near yet far yet long #yinnstory 那三月綻放了誓言 在四月遺落了謊言 而五月我依然眷戀 陌上花開 可緩緩歸已 憂鬱和焦慮的滿溢 地心引力都反抗無力
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