ideal work style

不自由 毋寧死
I really hope that one day, I can realize my ideal...

In Kenichi Ohmae's book "Earning Power", there is a passage that mentions a new way of working, which some people think is the most beautiful way of working in the 21st century.

Since the rapid development of the Internet, information is ubiquitous, so a group of people's work patterns have changed to remote work or home work, nomadic office workers, etc., and spread in Japan.

Similarly, in the United States, a group of people moved to Colorado from high-paying New York. They only work in the morning and enjoy the leisurely lifestyle of BBQ while overlooking the Rocky Mountains in the afternoon. Employees working from home can solve the troubles of commuting and interpersonal relationships, while the company can save space and software costs and reduce tax pressure.

Before the epidemic, many people or companies could not accept or imagine a type of work like this, but after the three-level control of the epidemic last year, everyone has experienced working from home for several months, and meetings have changed from physical to online video. , For a time, working through the Internet has become an obvious learning, and is no longer out of reach.

I observe the development of the community, it is true that the young generation Z will become less and less able to be like the past, and only settle for the traditional work style of a company; Entrepreneurship” is the opportunity to practice a one-person company while being an employee.

During my leave of absence without pay, I held a special reading club in the Peking University community. I deliberately set the time to be in Louisa at 8:00 am on Monday. I think it is absolutely impossible for office workers to attend at this time. I just want to know what kind of people and what kind of jobs will appear at such times.

The results of this experiment really opened my eyes. It turned out that outside of "going to work", there are a group of people who are making money in different ways. Digression, if you want to meet different friends, it is a good way to start a book club or a fan club of a certain theme (such as photography, tarot, etc.).

One of them was a friend who used to work as an accountant in a company in Silicon Valley in the United States. Later, because his parents were old, he took the initiative to propose to his boss that he should come back to Taiwan and continue to work remotely. Unexpectedly, the American boss agreed.

He is busy only when he has to make accounts every month. He has a lot of spare time on weekdays. He invests time in research investment or self-study; because he likes diving, he will also take group diving with guests. Two income; in addition to prepare for the development of his personal career. This long-distance job was approved by the boss because his major was valuable to the company, and he also gained a certain degree of trust from the boss.

I am really envious of this friend's way of working, which is free and stable at the same time, which is the closest to my ideal work style. But think, do I have any expertise that would be valuable to the owner? If not, the ideal can only be an ideal.


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