American factories: both people's livelihood and politics


"American Factory" is the first work of the production company formed by former US President Barack Obama and his wife. It is undeniable that this documentary is full of political flavor, discussing the conflict and running-in between the rise of China and U.S. imperialism under today's globalization. life profile below, and how the supervisors from China adapt to the working environment of leaving their hometowns and other wells. Combining the two, "American Factory" has become a monitor of the current Sino-US economic confrontation.

When I was born in Hong Kong and grew up in Hong Kong, I have seen Hong Kong people cross the Shenzhen River and use factories and operations to change the face of the Pearl River Delta. Therefore, I should not grit my teeth as much as the American audience; Cultural aspects, "American Factory" still brings a very shocking dramatic effect, especially when the audience understands the deep-rooted cultural differences between the two places, and step by step to experience the educational differences between the two places. "American Factory" also provided me with another face of American life - Ohio, before Google, I didn't even know where this state was on the map, but under the camera, this eastern state was naked. To show the difference, especially before the withdrawal of the manufacturing industry, and after the arrival of the Chinese factories, to be honest, I looked a little sad, like a wry smile, but my heart was in tears, because I learned that the Chinese factories are stylish The power of the intangible and intangible, in addition to the jobs of workers, spent money, and a few points of GDP, more importantly, is the change and destruction of the local community culture. As seen in the film, the Chinese boss The trade union is really ruthless, and swears against it. I also remember watching the BBC documentary "Are Our Kids Tough Enough? Chinese School" a few years ago. From school to factory, from the UK to the US, when the wind of Chinese culture spreads to the world, the confrontation scene after scene will continue to expand and be staged one after another. . Just like, Hong Kong people did not attend a cultural shock education class from this summer, they were forced to bury themselves, and there was no way to avoid it, but the bell of the class had not yet sounded...

After all, I am also a yellow-skinned person. I almost burst into tears when I saw the Chinese people leave their hometowns and work hard in other places.

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