"Outside Dining" - Han Court


Since the beginning of the epidemic, we have rarely gone out to eat. I cook three meals a day at home. Even if I don’t want to cook when I’m lazy, I just buy takeout and eat it home.

On Friday, Brother Pig will go to Tsuen Wan for an eye examination (Brother Pig has myopia👓), Daddy Pig wants to buy a new game for Switch, and then he wants to buy groceries. Brother Pig said he was hungry before 12 o'clock and wanted to eat lunch.

Brother Pig recently watched YouTube and kept seeing other people eating fried chicken, so he wanted to eat it too.

Daddy Pig and I didn't want to eat KFC, so we found a yellow restaurant, which has Korean food with fried chicken.

During lunch time under the epidemic, the restaurant was almost full, and everyone would leave after eating.

We ordered 3 sets + half fried chicken.

Beef Bibimbap

The beef bibimbap tastes pretty good, and you can eat it all together. It feels quite suitable to eat in summer, this meal will not be too hot. And the ingredients are quite simple, you can try to make your own at home🥰

Fried Chicken with Sweet Chili Sauce

There are 6 pieces of fried chicken in half, in fact, it can be used as lunch for 2 people (if the appetite is not large). Is the fried chicken not crispy because of the sauce, or is traditional Korean fried chicken just not crispy? 🤔️I'm not sure about this, but it's not to our taste, we like crispy fried chicken 🍗🤪

The sauce was a little sweet, a little spicy, and tasted ok.

Kimchi Pork Belly with Rice

Kimchi pork brisket goes well with rice, kimchi is delicious and savory😋 I don’t like pork, so I didn’t eat pork brisket, but Pig Dad said it tasted good too👌🏻

Fried Chicken Ball Stone Pot Rice

Brother Pig's fried chicken ball stone pot rice is very suitable for eating in winter, it is hot and warm. The fried chicken balls would taste a little better if they were served separately. The fried chicken balls were wet with the hot rice and not crispy enough.

Overall, this store is good for the taste and price. If you work nearby, you can have one more choice!

Restaurant: Han Pavilion

Address: Shop G4-6, G/F, Fuyu Building, 275 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong


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「Why Not?」


《自家煮》童年回憶 - 韭菜餡餅