
趙天琳 ZHAO Tian-lin
[艺术家讲座] 超然:从自我惯性中解放你的内在知识// 超然 Sangha on 2021 Virtual Burn
火人祭秘会节目单Virtual Burn Sangha Programs
讲座用投影片封面Artist's Talk Slideshow Cover


Artist/Speaker: 赵天琳Zhao, Tian-lin



Hi this is Tian-lin, welcome to our Sangha in 2021 Virtual Burn.


'Sangha' is my experimental art curating project since 2017. The original sankirt meaning of 'Sangha' is refer to the place for intellectuals discussing about philosophy and universal truth. In each 'Sangha', we'd like to combine audiovisual live or performance art with creativity meditation workshop as a catalyst to enlighten the participants.


This is also our first time making 'Sangha' to an online event, and now we're in the VR world created by my dearest friend, digital media artist UGLYKIKI on AltspaceVR platform. Let's thanks KiKi for her efforts during the past month to let us have the opportunity to enjoy this special experience now.


Each 'Sangha' has different topic to explore, and the topic today is 'I-Transcendence'.


What's 'I-Transcendence' ? This topic is refer to my new experimental technology art project and my spirituality ascension journey. Next, I'll briefly share about what is spiritual mediumship (aka channeling) and my 'Transcendence Plan', and then we'll have a meditation guidance to bring you guys to experience an astro embodiment journey at the end.

▶ 延伸参考资料:秘会SANGHA

  • 2021/9「火人祭秘会:超渡自性」实验音像展演暨冥想工作坊,2021 Virtual Burn,网路/AltspaceVR
  • 2019/2「无藏秘会:全息心境」实验音像展演暨冥想工作坊,酸屋Acid House,台北
  • 2018/12「无藏秘会:回忆未来」实验音像展演暨冥想工作坊,酸屋Acid House,台北
  • 2018/6「无藏秘会:阴阳相成」实验音像展演暨跨性别交流座谈会,初门RAWDOOR Bar,台北

• Part I: Mediumship Is Not What You Consider As (通灵和你想得不一样)]


First of all, I want to talk about 'mediumship'(aka channeling). What's your impact of mediumship ?

让我们来看一段纪录片,这是世界级通灵人Darryl Anka、也就是广受许多人喜爱的巴夏的传讯者,分享他自身成为通灵管道的成长经历和对通灵的中肯定义。

Let's watch a part of Darryl Anka's documentary. Darryl Anka is a household name who has been the beloved Bashar's channeler. He shared his own spirituality growth path of becoming a channeler and the accurate definition of mediumship in this video.


▶ 延伸参考资料: 短片中文导览


OK, it's very clear about what is mediumship truly is. If you are interested in this video, you can search it on YouTube or watch the full version on Gaia.


In short, everyone can channel, it's the common divine gift for all the living existences in whole Universe. But it's also like other professional skills, you have to practice to master it.

• Part II: 'Transcendence Plan' Experimental Art Project (《超渡计画》创研缘起及执行手法分享)


Why do I talk about Mediumship first ? Because it's related to my latest technology art research and development project 'Transcendence Plan'.


'Transcendence Plan' is conprised of three main parts. The first part is participatory performance art sampling, I'm now open to everyone who is interested in spirituality to come to my temporary artist studio to co-create with me. The participants will experience a series of designed ritual as a simulation of mind uploading.


The second part is 4D digital painting and NFT virtual collection. The third part is brainwave sensoring & re-generating Interactive Installation. These two parts are the concrete artwork transformed from the consequences of the first part's sampling.


Participatory performance art sampling will use hypnosis method to guide participants experience a hyperdimension self-reflecting journey to simulate a kind of process of personal mind uploading sampling.


If you're interested in my Transcendence Plan and want to be the co-creator in this project, welcome to RSVP.

• Part III: Mindfulness Guidance Before Astro Embodiment Journey (aka Genesis Meditation) (星光出体旅程/创世冥想前的静心调频导引)


Now, please make yourself fixed position in a comfortable way. We're going to have an astro embodiment journey through my Genesis Meditation guidance. We'll have a short mindfulness breath practice before start to play Genesis Meditation.

[Spotify Playlist] Genesis Meditation: I-Transcendence


Please close your eyes. Follow the sound flow and expand your breathe.



OK, good job. Now please keep follow our guidance and the music, let's start the astro embodiment journey. In the process of meditation, just relax and let your inner vision enfold. Whatever you see in the journey, just let it be, remember you're quite safe in the presence.

💫 设计冥想路径:死亡预演⇝ 渡幽冥海⇝ 穿越龛门⇝ 回光报告⇝ 焚烧内鬼⇝ 施放心灯⇝ 重返人世

即时英语口译:Davis Chang


CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 授权
