Reading pen farming | Speculative layout JunoNetwork airdrop

Look at the OSMO token from the centralized exchange, and the JUNO token from the decentralized exchange, ahead of deployment.

To shorten the wording:

 ◍ Centralized Exchange (Centralized Exchange) hereinafter referred to as CEX
◍ Decentralized Exchange (Decentralized Exchange) hereinafter referred to as DEX

Recently, the Chihuahua token (Huahua) has been moving frequently. It first launched a liquidity pool (Juno/HUAHUA) on JunoSwap DEX , and then listed it on HOTBIT CEX (HUAHUA/USDT).

Chihuahua on the shelf promotion banner

■ View OSMO Token from CEX

According to Bai Xiaosheng's weapon spectrum , oh no, I mean the CEX ranking compiled by CoinMarketCap. It is not worth mentioning that HOTBIT CEX is ranked 144th, but it is found that OSMO tokens can also be bought here (2021/10/22) ), which means that the platform currency of DEX is listed on CEX.

OSMO/USDT trading pair on HOTBIT exchange

So I'm also curious if OSMO is listed on other CEXs? After inquiry, MEXC (commonly known as matcha) CEX, which ranked 19th on the list, was also surprised to see the presence of OSMO. From the transaction chart, it was not long ago (2022/1/13), and it was still hot.

OSMO/USDT trading pair on MEXC exchange

Combining the two indicative dates – especially 2021/10/22 – with the volume of OSMO (on the Osmosis DEX), the surge in volume since the end of October last year seems to have a reasonable explanation.

OSMO trading volume

■ View JUNO Token from DEX

And JunoSwap DEX is where I am more interested. If you are already familiar with the operation of Osmosis DEX, you can get started without any pain. The first way to start is to connect the Keplr wallet. There are three menus on the left:

  • #Swap
    Equivalent to Trade in Osmosis DEX, a currency exchange machine. Quite intimate, there is a small button that provides a half.

  • ↑Transfer
    Equivalent to Assets in Osmosis DEX, where funds are deposited/withdrawn.

  • ◎Liquidity
    Equivalent to the Pools in Osmosis DEX, currently it can only provide liquidity to earn swap fees, and has not yet opened the incentive reward (incentive reward) for taking the liquidity certificate (Liquidity Providers, LP) to pledge .
The staking LP function has not been opened yet

As you can see, the current platform interface is still very young (Beta version), out of curiosity, I visited JunoNetwork 's Twitter crawling information, and one of the netizens' blunt comments found it very interesting. User airdrops that provide liquidity (since the beta test period has been close to each other, please give back!), and the official ( Old Gao ) reply is that " could " will be introduced in the revision (version 2) ( do a I will explain it to you in a video ), the words are ambiguous and intriguing.

I didn't say anything

So the first question is "when to change the version" which cannot be controlled, but we can control the second variable - I call it "interaction with Juno" to achieve advance deployment , specific matters include:

  • provide liquidity
  • Pledge (currently the interest rate is around 120%)
  • Voting (from the perspective of community governance proposals)

The above inferences are open to the brain and are for reference only. The omniflix docking entrance of JunoNetwork is also attached here, and the speculative layout has been started.

⚠️ 〖Warning〗 Because it is a new platform, you can make small bets, but don’t bet heavily.

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