The Sutra Building of Ksitigarbha Temple--Exploring the Kunming Museum (2)

The Sutra Building of Ksitigarbha Temple was built in the Dali period, and was named after it was located in Ksitigarbha Temple at that time.

I went to the Kunming Museum a few days ago. There is no separate exhibition hall on the right side of the entrance of the museum, but a tall and large stone pillar stands. Later I learned that this is the chuáng of the Tibetan Temple.

The scripture building is one of the Buddhist stone carvings. In the mid-Tang Dynasty, when Buddhism was introduced to China, monks first wrote Buddhist scriptures or Buddha statues on silk banners. , so it is called by the building.

The museum has a detailed introduction to the origin of this scripture building. This building was built by Yuan Douguang, the Dali State Buxie (chief official) in the Song Dynasty, for Gao Mingsheng, the son of Gao Guanyin (the highest military and political chief) who superceded Kunming.

The scripture building originally stood in a Ksitigarbha Temple in Kunming. Later, the temple was destroyed, and the scripture building was buried in the rubble and grass of the temple. It was not seen again until it was discovered in modern times, and then it was moved to many places before it was transferred to the museum. .

The entire scripture building has seven floors and a height of 6.6 meters. Although it has been through thousands of years, standing under it, you can still feel the height of the scripture building and the heavy sense of history. Especially the top layers are so weathered that only the outlines of some carvings can be seen vaguely.

The first layer is carved with dragons, the carvings are exquisite, and the demeanor is not inferior to contemporary works. Several dragons face each other, showing their teeth and claws, and they are lifelike.

The second layer is carved with the Four Heavenly Kings, wearing armor, holding magical instruments, stepping on ghost slaves, eyes wide open, and particularly majestic, I feel that no demon can escape in front of them.

Arhats and Bodhisattvas are carved on the upper floors. Due to the height limitation, the eyesight is limited, and the vision is not very clear, so I have to give up.

Then I accidentally got to the second floor of the museum, where I could look down from a high place and have a panoramic view of the entire scripture building. The layers are stacked and the layers are distinct. It is worthy of a masterpiece of natural craftsmanship and a fine art. I have to admire the high level of carving by ancient craftsmen.

After visiting the scripture building of the Tibetan Temple, it is not too early, and I am ready to go back. After stepping out of the gate of the museum, I felt very fulfilled in my heart. This trip to Kunming Museum is full of rewards.


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