Culture makes us reconnect!


President Xi and Carrie Lam's governing styles have similarities. For example, on the one hand, wrong policies have led to social disintegration, but at the same time, they have reconnected the wider masses. The following example is the proof, go to the film:

#牛包#Xi Jinping #Tang Bohu points Qiuxiang

[Shame Pack] Xi Baozi also wants to challenge the king of kings? (Part 1)

[Shame Pack] Xi Baozi also wants to challenge the king of kings? (Part 1)

#牛包#Xi Jinping #Tang Bohu points Qiuxiang

[Shame Pack] Xi Baozi also wants to challenge the king of kings? (Part 2)

[Shame Pack] Xi Baozi also wants to challenge the king of kings? (Part 2)

Of course, there is also "Kiss Everywhere" (original singer: Miriam Yeung, lyrics: Lin Xi), which was spoofed in the mainland this year. One of the versions is as follows (this version is only outside the wall):


[Shame Pack] Kiss Everywhere (Qingming Gift) "Human VOCALOID"

The laughing points in the film (called "Geng" in mainland China, "get" in Hong Kong, "叏" in Taiwan) are like Xiao Li Fei Dao, and every sentence is meaty, which makes the readers who can interpret it seem very enjoyable and relieve their hatred. Most of the most popular stalks are the original words of President Xi, and even the pronunciation is his deity, which brings out the true character of the primary school doctor, for example: "Tongshang unclothing" (the correct solution is "Tongshang Kuannong", the simplified characters "Nong", "" Yi” has a similar shape), “Crazy Universe” ( suddenly windy and rainy, and the pronunciation is the same in Mandarin), Unmoving (the pinyin of the word “Kui” marked on the prompt screen during a speech), “Do not force yourself to rest”, "King Sagar" (should be "King Gesar"), "Yizhiqizhi" (should be "Yizhiqi"). One speaks such Chinese, crazily endorses book lists when traveling around, pretending to have read a lot of books. Watching everyone arranging the stalks of his reading list into the insulting video again and again, you can see how convinced everyone is in him. It is estimated that it is not a problem of his literary courage. Even if Tang Bohu is invited to do his literary courage, he can only be helpless.

"Be careful to pull the list in the future", "Take a ten-mile mountain road, don't change your shoulders for 200 miles", "sprayed feces on your face" and other words repeatedly appeared in the breast milk video. Also popular are his amendment to the constitution and proclaiming himself emperor and the National People's Congress. All hands up for adoption. Netizens responded firmly to this: "Dashabi" (the same as "Dasha b" in Mandarin) and "Cui" (please disassemble the font by yourself).

Mrs. Hua, who was in "Tang Bohu Dianqiuxiang", recently starred in Disney's live-action movie #huamulan . This drama has also recently reconneted a lot of Chinese people; it seems that most of them are boycotting the movie, no matter what the reason (political, artistic...). When it comes to this new Disney live-action film drawn this year (2020), there are many slots and strong reactions from all parties. It really deserves to be a Disney blockbuster, very good.

Zheng Peipei, "Mulan" and "Tang Bohu's Autumn Fragrance" are compared. Pictures from the Internet

Mrs. Hua's appearance in the new "Mulan" is certainly making people complain, but this is not the bane that caused this movie to be boycotted. The clues can be seen from the movie poster:

Movie posters, pictures from the Internet

I don't know why there are three words "loyal and brave" on the sword, which reminds me of "loyal and brave" played by Wang Xi in "Shocking News":

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If you want to flatter the CCP, the word "true" is wrong, because the CCP is most afraid of people telling the truth. It seems that the way of the Disney flattery team has not yet reached home.

Not to mention whether the lettering on the sword is intentional or unintentional, Liu Yifei's position of supporting the police is unmistakable. The Chinese-American actor Liu Yifei, who plays the heroine Hua Mulan in the film, reposted the People's Daily post on Weibo with the topic "#I also support the Hong Kong Police#", with heart-shaped and cheering emojis attached. Including a picture, the words in the picture are what Fu Guohao, a reporter from Global Network, said when he was trapped at the airport: "I support the Hong Kong police, you can beat me", and wrote "What a shame for Hong Kong" in English. .

Twitter post, picture source BBC Chinese website

Her wish came true! Sure enough! The strong propaganda ability displayed by the Hong Kong demonstrators since the anti-amendment movement last year has been used again in the second creation of this boycott of Hua Mulan. Here are a few:

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The coincidences in this film are so inexplicable. Apart from the engraving on the sword mentioned above, even Mulan's father's face is remarkably similar to the leader's. This actor can be a special actor for leaders in the future. Welcome to come and make money.

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This Liu version of Hua Mulan looked at the scene of the strict father who looked like Xi Jinping, and it was even more unbearable to support the boycott...

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Americans, Hong Kongers, Taiwanese, Singaporeans... all put aside their prejudices, regardless of their background, and jointly interpret the traditional story of the Chinese nation's defense against foreign invasion in this film. It is truly breathtaking and awe-inspiring.

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Such a grand occasion, the last time I saw it was in the theme film "Founding of the People's Republic of China".

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It doesn't matter anymore. After the "National Security Law", Hong Kong returned to China for the second time. The name "Made in Hong Kong" has to be changed to "Made in China", and Hong Kong people are even more Chinese. On the contrary, Wu Mao, represented by Sima Nan, has long lived out the attitude of "anti-American is work, and staying in the United States is life".

Since last year, Hong Kong people have set an example to give us a clear inspiration: to save Hong Kong by ourselves, we must build our own "yellow economic circle". Money is not everything, but in an era when there are no votes, we at least still have banknotes to vote, so that capital predators like Disney know that although the CCP keeps saying that it represents the 1.4 billion people in the CCP, what is the truth? See you on Douban. Disney has the right to make the Disney version of "Founding of the People's Republic of China", but I have the right not to watch the live-action version of "Mulan". Thinking of how much I liked watching Disney cartoons when I was a child, I couldn't help but feel sorry for myself for two seconds.

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After watching so many positive energy videos, I felt a little bored, so I quickly looked at the advertisement and was shocked:

#牛包#Xi Jinping # runaway event

[Insulting Bag Advertisement] Xibao, an intelligent voice that is arrogant

100.516 plays, published on March 30, 2020

Take a look at these videos, look at the comments below, don't you look like the wall country people you know? Is it really different to climb over the wall? If Wumao and the little pinks don't bend their waists for 5 cents, they are not deep in the world. Give them some time. As people inside the wall who can climb over the Great Firewall, in the process of review and training, they gradually understand what the country is trying to hide from the people. They are all sparks. Maybe, they have just completed the "Youth Study", and the other end is "Chongta" at Station B, Netease Music and Zhihu, and it is unknown. Breaking away from the repression of "the road and the eye" inside the wall, the real public opinion fermented in the air of freedom (laughs).

In addition to laughing at the numerous secondary creations, we did see #周星奇星lord films and countless cultural products as our connection points, which made us feel that the same text is of the same species, and blood is thicker than water. It is believed that after the fall of the Nazi regime, the Chinese world is expected to achieve peaceful reunification.

Of course, the wall must still be pushed by the crowd. The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard!


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牆外途中那些細節 沒有太多的記載。 讓我們做一隻小小的螢火蟲,在黑暗中照亮彼此。 #你我要化做螢火蟲 #為眾人抱薪者不可使其凍斃於風雪 #他們想埋葬我們卻不知道我們是種子 #但願我們有足夠的勇氣和智慧繼續做一點事
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